require 'rest_client' require 'json' require 'socialcast' module Socialcast module Gitx module Github private # request github authorization token # store the token in ~/.socialcast/credentials.yml for future reuse # @see def authorization_token credentials = Socialcast.credentials return credentials[:scgitx_token] if credentials[:scgitx_token] username = `git config -z --global --get github.user`.strip raise "Github user not configured. Run: `git config --global github.user ''`" if username.empty? password = ask("Github password for #{username}: ") { |q| q.echo = false } payload = {:scopes => ['repo'], :note => 'Socialcast Git eXtension', :note_url => ''}.to_json response = => "", :method => "POST", :user => username, :password => password, :payload => payload, :headers => {:accept => :json, :content_type => :json}).execute data = JSON.parse response.body token = data['token'] Socialcast.credentials = credentials.merge(:scgitx_token => token) token rescue RestClient::Exception => e process_error e throw e end # @see def create_pull_request(token, branch, repo, body) payload = {:title => branch, :base => Socialcast::Gitx::BASE_BRANCH, :head => branch, :body => body}.to_json say "Creating pull request for " say "#{branch} ", :green say "against " say "#{Socialcast::Gitx::BASE_BRANCH} ", :green say "in " say repo, :green response = => "{repo}/pulls", :method => "POST", :payload => payload, :headers => {:accept => :json, :content_type => :json, 'Authorization' => "token #{token}"}).execute data = JSON.parse response.body url = data['html_url'] rescue RestClient::Exception => e process_error e throw e end def process_error(e) data = JSON.parse e.http_body say "Failed to create pull request: #{data['message']}", :red end end end end