module KalturaBox ## # The ViewHelpers module provides extensions to Rails ActionView class that allow interactions with Kaltura on rails view layer. # # @author Patrick Robertson ## module ViewHelpers # default UI Conf ID of the kdp player DEFAULT_KPLAYER = '1339442' # default embedded KDP width PLAYER_WIDTH = '400' # default embedded KDP height PLAYER_HEIGHT = '330' ## # Convienence to include SWFObject and the required Kaltura upload embed javascripts. ## def include_kaltura_fu(*args) content = javascript_include_tag('kaltura_upload') content << javascript_include_tag('//') end ## # Returns the thumbnail of the provided Kaltura Entry. # @param [String] entry_id Kaltura entry_id # @param [Hash] options the options for the thumbnail parameters. # @option options [Array] :size ([]) an array of [width,height] # @option options [String] :second (nil) the second of the Kaltura entry that the thumbnail should be of. # # @return [String] Image tag of the thumbnail resource. ## def kaltura_thumbnail(entry_id,options={}) options[:size] ||= [] size_parameters = "" seconds_parameter = "" unless options[:size].empty? size_parameters = "/width/#{options[:size].first}/height/" + "#{options[:size].last}" else # if the thumbnail width and height are defined in the config, # use it, assuming it wasn't locally overriden if KalturaBox.config.thumb_width && KalturaBox.config.thumb_height size_parameters = "/width/#{KalturaBox.config.thumb_width}/height/" + "#{KalturaBox.config.thumb_height}" end end unless options[:second].nil? seconds_parameter = "/vid_sec/#{options[:second]}" else seconds_parameter = "/vid_sec/5" end image_tag("#{KalturaBox.config.service_url}/p/#{KalturaBox.config.partner_id}" + "/thumbnail/entry_id/#{entry_id}" + seconds_parameter + size_parameters) end ## # Returns the code needed to embed a KDPv3 player. # # @param [String] entry_id Kaltura entry_id # @param [Hash] options the embed code options. # @option options [String] :div_id ('kplayer') The div element that the flash object will be inserted into. # @option options [Array] :size ([]) The [width,wight] of the player. # @option options [Boolean] :use_url (false) flag to determine whether entry_id is an entry or a URL of a flash file. # @option options [String] :player_conf_id (KalturaBox.config(:player_conf_id)) A UI Conf ID to override the player with. # # @return [String] returns a string representation of the html/javascript necessary to play a Kaltura entry. ## def kaltura_player_embed(entry_id,options={}) player_conf_parameter = "/uiconf_id/" options[:div_id] ||= "kplayer" options[:size] ||= [] options[:use_url] ||= false width = PLAYER_WIDTH height = PLAYER_HEIGHT source_type = "entryId" unless options[:size].empty? width = options[:size].first height = options[:size].last end if options[:use_url] == true source_type = "url" end unless options[:player_conf_id].nil? player_conf_parameter += "#{options[:player_conf_id]}" else unless KalturaBox.config.player_conf_id.nil? player_conf_parameter += "#{KalturaBox.config.player_conf_id}" else player_conf_parameter += "#{DEFAULT_KPLAYER}" end end "
".html_safe end ## # Returns the html/javascript necessary for a KSU widget. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :div_id ('uploader') div that the flash object will be inserted into. ## def kaltura_upload_embed(options={}) client = KalturaBox::Client.update_session options[:div_id] ||="uploader" " ".html_safe end ## # Creates a link_to tag that seeks to a certain time on a KDPv3 player. # # @param [String] content The text in the link tag. # @param [Integer] seek_time The time in seconds to seek the player to. # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :div_id ('kplayer') The div of the KDP player. ## def kaltura_seek_link(content,seek_time,options={}) options[:div_id] ||= "kplayer" options[:onclick] = "$(#{options[:div_id]}).get(0).sendNotification('doSeek',#{seek_time});window.scrollTo(0,0);return false;" options.delete(:div_id) link_to(content,"#", options) end end end