module Genesis module ActiveRecordExtensions def self.included( base ) base.extend( ClassMethods ) class << ActiveRecord::Base; alias_method_chain :method_missing, :create_or_update; end end module ClassMethods # Use all attributes to try and find a record. If found returns the record. Otherwise creates # and returns the record. # def create_or_update_by_all( attrs={} ) conditions = attrs record = find( :first, :conditions => conditions ) || record.attributes = attrs! record end # Use some attributes (the ones passed in as the find_by hash) to try and find a record. If found # returns the record. Otherwise creates and returns the record with all of the attributes (including # the ones in the find_by hash.) # def create_or_update_by_some( attrs={} ) conditions = attrs.delete( :find_by ) raise 'You must provide a :find_by hash of attributes to search with, ie. :find_by => {:id => 1}' unless conditions attrs.merge!( conditions ) record = find( :first, :conditions => conditions ) || record.attributes = attrs! record end def create_or_update( attrs={} ) self.create_or_update_by( :id, attrs ) end def create_or_update_by( field, attrs={} ) find_value = attrs[field] conditions = {field => find_value} record = find( :first, :conditions => conditions) || record.attributes = attrs! record end # Catches method missing exceptions and tries to write a custom find or update by method that uses the he field name # at the end of the method name as the find conditions. Method must match pattern create_or_update_by_{attribute} # def method_missing_with_create_or_update( method_name, *args ) if match = method_name.to_s.match(/create_or_update_by_([a-z0-9_]+)/) field = match[1].to_sym create_or_update_by(field, *args) else method_missing_without_create_or_update(method_name, *args) end end #alias_method_chain :method_missing, :create_or_update end end end