# encoding: utf-8 module Warden module Strategies # A strategy is a place where you can put logic related to authentication. Any strategy inherits # from Warden::Strategies::Base. # # The Warden::Strategies.add method is a simple way to provide custom strategies. # You _must_ declare an @authenticate!@ method. # You _may_ provide a @valid?@ method. # The valid method should return true or false depending on if the strategy is a valid one for the request. # # The parameters for Warden::Strategies.add method is: # The label is the name given to a strategy. Use the label to refer to the strategy when authenticating # The optional stragtegy argument if set _must_ be a class that inherits from Warden::Strategies::Base and _must_ # implement an @authenticate!@ method # The block acts as a convinient way to declare your strategy. Inside is the class definition of a strategy. # # Examples: # # Block Declared Strategy: # Warden::Strategies.add(:foo) do # def authenticate! # # authentication logic # end # end # # Class Declared Strategy: # Warden::Strategies.add(:foo, MyStrategy) # class Base # :api: public attr_accessor :user, :message # :api: private attr_accessor :result, :custom_response # :api: public attr_reader :env, :scope, :status include ::Warden::Mixins::Common # :api: private def initialize(env, scope=nil) # :nodoc: @env, @scope = env, scope @status, @headers = nil, {} @halted, @performed = false, false end # The method that is called from above. This method calls the underlying authenticate! method # :api: private def _run! # :nodoc: @performed = true authenticate! self end # Returns if this strategy was already performed. # :api: private def performed? #:nodoc: @performed end # Marks this strategy as not performed. # :api: private def clear! @performed = false end # Acts as a guarding method for the strategy. # If #valid? responds false, the strategy will not be executed # Overwrite with your own logic # :api: overwritable def valid?; true; end # Provides access to the headers hash for setting custom headers # :api: public def headers(header = {}) @headers ||= {} @headers.merge! header @headers end # Access to the errors object. # :api: public def errors @env['warden.errors'] end # Cause the processing of the strategies to stop and cascade no further # :api: public def halt! @halted = true end # Checks to see if a strategy was halted # :api: public def halted? !!@halted end # A simple method to return from authenticate! if you want to ignore this strategy # :api: public def pass; end # Whenever you want to provide a user object as "authenticated" use the +success!+ method. # This will halt the strategy, and set the user in the approprieate scope. # It is the "login" method # # Parameters: # user - The user object to login. This object can be anything you have setup to serialize in and out of the session # # :api: public def success!(user, message = nil) halt! @user = user @message = message @result = :success end # This causes the strategy to fail. It does not throw an :warden symbol to drop the request out to the failure application # You must throw an :warden symbol somewhere in the application to enforce this # Halts the strategies so that this is the last strategy checked # :api: public def fail!(message = "Failed to Login") halt! @message = message @result = :failure end # Casuses the strategy to fail, but not halt. The strategies will cascade after this failure and warden will check the next strategy. The last strategy to fail will have it's message displayed. # :api: public def fail(message = "Failed to Login") @message = message @result = :failure end # Causes the authentication to redirect. An :warden symbol must be thrown to actually execute this redirect # # Parameters: # url - The string representing the URL to be redirected to # pararms - Any parameters to encode into the URL # opts - Any options to recirect with. # available options: permanent => (true || false) # # :api: public def redirect!(url, params = {}, opts = {}) halt! @status = opts[:permanent] ? 301 : 302 headers["Location"] = url headers["Location"] << "?" << Rack::Utils.build_query(params) unless params.empty? headers["Content-Type"] = opts[:content_type] || 'text/plain' @message = opts[:message] || "You are being redirected to #{headers["Location"]}" @result = :redirect headers["Location"] end # Return a custom rack array. You must throw an :warden symbol to activate this # :api: public def custom!(response) halt! @custom_response = response @result = :custom end end # Base end # Strategies end # Warden