require File.expand_path("../../../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe Instagram::Client do Instagram::Configuration::VALID_FORMATS.each do |format| context ".new(:format => '#{format}')" do before do @client = format, client_id: "CID", client_secret: "CS", access_token: "AT") end describe ".user" do context "with user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/4.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("mikeyk.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user(4) expect(a_get("users/4.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return extended information of a given user" do user = @client.user(4) expect(user.full_name).to eq("Mike Krieger") end end context "without user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/self.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("shayne.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user expect(a_get("users/self.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end end end describe ".user_search" do before do stub_get("users/search.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .with(query: { q: "Shayne Sweeney" }) .to_return(body: fixture("user_search.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_search("Shayne Sweeney") expect(a_get("users/search.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .with(query: { q: "Shayne Sweeney" })) .to have_been_made end it "should return an array of user search results" do users = @client.user_search("Shayne Sweeney") expect(users).to be_a Array expect(users.first.username).to eq("shayne") end end describe ".user_follows" do context "with user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/4/follows.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("follows.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_follows(4) expect(a_get("users/4/follows.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a list of users whom a given user follows" do follows = @client.user_follows(4) expect(follows).to be_a Array expect(follows.first.username).to eq("heartsf") end end context "without user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/self/follows.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("follows.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_follows expect(a_get("users/self/follows.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end end end describe ".user_followed_by" do context "with user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/4/followed-by.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("followed_by.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_followed_by(4) expect(a_get("users/4/followed-by.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a list of users whom a given user is followed by" do followed_by = @client.user_followed_by(4) expect(followed_by).to be_a Array expect(followed_by.first.username).to eq("bojieyang") end end context "without user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/self/followed-by.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("followed_by.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_followed_by expect(a_get("users/self/followed-by.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end end end describe ".user_media_feed" do before do stub_get("users/self/feed.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("user_media_feed.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_media_feed expect(a_get("users/self/feed.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end context Instagram::Response do let(:user_media_feed_response) { @client.user_media_feed } subject { user_media_feed_response } it { be_a_kind_of(Instagram::Response) } it { respond_to(:pagination) } it { respond_to(:meta) } context ".pagination" do subject { user_media_feed_response.pagination } it { be_an_instance_of(Hashie::Mash) } describe "#next_max_id" do subject { super().next_max_id } it { eq("22063131") } end end context ".meta" do subject { user_media_feed_response.meta } it { be_an_instance_of(Hashie::Mash) } describe "#code" do subject { super().code } it { eq(200) } end end end end describe ".user_liked_media" do before do stub_get("users/self/media/liked.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("liked_media.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_liked_media expect(a_get("users/self/media/liked.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end end describe ".user_recent_media" do context "with user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/4/media/recent.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("recent_media.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_recent_media(4) expect(a_get("users/4/media/recent.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a list of recent media items for the given user" do recent_media = @client.user_recent_media(4) expect(recent_media).to be_a Array expect(recent_media.first.user.username).to eq("shayne") end end context "without user ID passed" do before do stub_get("users/self/media/recent.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("recent_media.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_recent_media expect(a_get("users/self/media/recent.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end end end describe ".user_requested_by" do before do stub_get("users/self/requested-by.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("requested_by.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_requested_by expect(a_get("users/self/requested-by.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a list of users awaiting approval" do users = @client.user_requested_by expect(users).to be_a Array expect(users.first.username).to eq("shayne") end end describe ".user_relationship" do before do stub_get("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("relationship.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.user_relationship(4) expect(a_get("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(query: { access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.user_relationship(4) expect(status.incoming_status).to eq("requested_by") end end describe ".follow_user" do before do stub_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "follow", access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("follow_user.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.follow_user(4) expect(a_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "follow", access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.follow_user(4) expect(status.outgoing_status).to eq("requested") end end describe ".unfollow_user" do before do stub_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "unfollow", access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("unfollow_user.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.unfollow_user(4) expect(a_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "unfollow", access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.unfollow_user(4) expect(status.outgoing_status).to eq("none") end end describe ".block_user" do before do stub_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "block", access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("block_user.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.block_user(4) expect(a_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "block", access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.block_user(4) expect(status.outgoing_status).to eq("none") end end describe ".unblock_user" do before do stub_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "unblock", access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("unblock_user.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.unblock_user(4) expect(a_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "unblock", access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.unblock_user(4) expect(status.outgoing_status).to eq("none") end end describe ".approve_user" do before do stub_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "approve", access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("approve_user.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.approve_user(4) expect(a_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "approve", access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.approve_user(4) expect(status.outgoing_status).to eq("follows") end end describe ".deny_user" do before do stub_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "deny", access_token: @client.access_token }) .to_return(body: fixture("deny_user.#{format}"), headers: { content_type: "application/#{format}; charset=utf-8" }) end it "should get the correct resource" do @client.deny_user(4) expect(a_post("users/4/relationship.#{format}") .with(body: { action: "deny", access_token: @client.access_token })) .to have_been_made end it "should return a relationship status response" do status = @client.deny_user(4) expect(status.outgoing_status).to eq("none") end end end end end