# Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Andy Maleh # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. require 'glimmer-dsl-swt' require 'complex' require 'concurrent-ruby' # Mandelbrot multi-threaded implementation leveraging all processor cores. class Mandelbrot DEFAULT_STEP = 0.0030 Y_START = -1.0 Y_END = 1.0 X_START = -2.0 X_END = 0.5 PROGRESS_MAX = 40 class << self attr_accessor :progress, :work_in_progress attr_writer :processor_count def for(max_iterations:, zoom:, background: false) key = [max_iterations, zoom] creation_mutex.synchronize do unless flyweight_mandelbrots.keys.include?(key) flyweight_mandelbrots[key] = new(max_iterations: max_iterations, zoom: zoom, background: background) end end flyweight_mandelbrots[key].background = background flyweight_mandelbrots[key] end def flyweight_mandelbrots @flyweight_mandelbrots ||= {} end def creation_mutex @creation_mutex ||= Mutex.new end def processor_count @processor_count ||= Concurrent.processor_count end end attr_accessor :max_iterations, :background attr_reader :zoom, :points_calculated alias points_calculated? points_calculated # max_iterations is the maximum number of Mandelbrot calculation iterations # zoom is how much zoom there is on the Mandelbrot points from the default view of zoom 1 # background indicates whether to do calculation in the background for caching purposes, # thus utilizing less CPU cores to avoid disrupting user experience def initialize(max_iterations:, zoom: 1.0, background: false) @max_iterations = max_iterations @zoom = zoom end def step DEFAULT_STEP / zoom end def y_array @y_array ||= Y_START.step(Y_END, step).to_a end def x_array @x_array ||= X_START.step(X_END, step).to_a end def height y_array.size end def width x_array.size end def points @points ||= calculate_points end def calculate_points puts "Background calculation activated at zoom #{zoom}" if @background if @points_calculated puts "Points calculated already. Returning previously calculated points..." return @points end @thread_pool = Concurrent::FixedThreadPool.new(Mandelbrot.processor_count, fallback_policy: :discard) @points = Concurrent::Array.new(height) Mandelbrot.work_in_progress = "Calculating Mandelbrot Points for Zoom #{zoom}x" Mandelbrot.progress = 0 point_index = 0 point_count = width*height height.times do |y| @points[y] ||= Concurrent::Array.new(width) width.times do |x| @thread_pool.post do @points[y][x] = calculate(x_array[x], y_array[y]).last point_index += 1 Mandelbrot.progress += 1 if (point_index.to_f / point_count.to_f)*PROGRESS_MAX >= Mandelbrot.progress end end end @thread_pool.shutdown @thread_pool.wait_for_termination Mandelbrot.progress = PROGRESS_MAX @points_calculated = true @points end # Calculates a Mandelbrot point, borrowing some open-source code from: # https://github.com/gotbadger/ruby-mandelbrot def calculate(x,y) base_case = [Complex(x,y), 0] Array.new(max_iterations, base_case).inject(base_case) do |prev ,base| z, itr = prev c, _ = base val = z*z + c itr += 1 unless val.abs < 2 [val, itr] end end end class MandelbrotFractal include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell COMMAND = OS.mac? ? :command : :ctrl attr_accessor :mandelbrot_shell_title option :zoom, default: 1.0 before_body { Display.app_name = 'Mandelbrot Fractal' # pre-calculate mandelbrot image @mandelbrot_image = build_mandelbrot_image } after_body { observe(Mandelbrot, :work_in_progress) { update_mandelbrot_shell_title! } observe(Mandelbrot, :zoom) { update_mandelbrot_shell_title! } # pre-calculate zoomed mandelbrot images even before the user zooms in puts 'Starting background calculation thread...' @thread = Thread.new { future_zoom = 1.5 loop { puts "Creating mandelbrot for background calculation at zoom: #{future_zoom}" the_mandelbrot = Mandelbrot.for(max_iterations: color_palette.size - 1, zoom: future_zoom, background: true) pixels = the_mandelbrot.calculate_points build_mandelbrot_image(mandelbrot_zoom: future_zoom) @canvas.cursor = :cross unless @canvas.disposed? future_zoom += 0.5 } } } body { shell(:no_resize) { grid_layout text <= [self, :mandelbrot_shell_title] minimum_size mandelbrot.width + 29, mandelbrot.height + 77 image @mandelbrot_image on_shell_closed { @thread.kill # should not be dangerous in this case puts "Mandelbrot background calculation stopped!" } progress_bar { layout_data :fill, :center, true, false minimum 0 maximum Mandelbrot::PROGRESS_MAX selection <= [Mandelbrot, :progress] } @scrolled_composite = scrolled_composite { layout_data :fill, :fill, true, true @canvas = canvas { image @mandelbrot_image cursor :no on_mouse_down { @drag_detected = false @canvas.cursor = :hand } on_drag_detected { |drag_detect_event| @drag_detected = true @drag_start_x = drag_detect_event.x @drag_start_y = drag_detect_event.y } on_mouse_move { |mouse_event| if @drag_detected origin = @scrolled_composite.origin new_x = origin.x - (mouse_event.x - @drag_start_x) new_y = origin.y - (mouse_event.y - @drag_start_y) @scrolled_composite.set_origin(new_x, new_y) end } on_mouse_up { |mouse_event| if !@drag_detected origin = @scrolled_composite.origin @location_x = mouse_event.x @location_y = mouse_event.y if mouse_event.button == 1 zoom_in elsif mouse_event.button > 2 zoom_out end end @canvas.cursor = can_zoom_in? ? :cross : :no @drag_detected = false } } } menu_bar { menu { text '&View' menu_item { text 'Zoom &In' accelerator COMMAND, '+' on_widget_selected { zoom_in } } menu_item { text 'Zoom &Out' accelerator COMMAND, '-' on_widget_selected { zoom_out } } menu_item { text '&Reset Zoom' accelerator COMMAND, '0' on_widget_selected { perform_zoom(mandelbrot_zoom: 1.0) } } } menu { text '&Cores' Concurrent.physical_processor_count.times {|n| processor_number = n + 1 menu_item(:radio) { text "&#{processor_number}" case processor_number when 0..9 accelerator COMMAND, processor_number.to_s when 10..19 accelerator COMMAND, :shift, (processor_number - 10).to_s when 20..29 accelerator COMMAND, :alt, (processor_number - 20).to_s end selection true if processor_number == Concurrent.physical_processor_count on_widget_selected { Mandelbrot.processor_count = processor_number } } } } menu { text '&Help' menu_item { text '&Instructions' accelerator COMMAND, :shift, :i on_widget_selected { display_help_instructions } } } } } } def update_mandelbrot_shell_title! new_title = "Mandelbrot Fractal - Zoom #{zoom}x (Calculated Max: #{flyweight_mandelbrot_images.keys.max}x)" new_title += " - #{Mandelbrot.work_in_progress}" if Mandelbrot.work_in_progress self.mandelbrot_shell_title = new_title end def build_mandelbrot_image(mandelbrot_zoom: nil) mandelbrot_zoom ||= zoom unless flyweight_mandelbrot_images.keys.include?(mandelbrot_zoom) the_mandelbrot = mandelbrot(mandelbrot_zoom: mandelbrot_zoom) width = the_mandelbrot.width height = the_mandelbrot.height pixels = the_mandelbrot.points Mandelbrot.work_in_progress = "Consuming Points To Build Image for Zoom #{mandelbrot_zoom}x" Mandelbrot.progress = Mandelbrot::PROGRESS_MAX + 1 point_index = 0 point_count = width*height # invoke as a top-level parentless keyword to avoid nesting under any widget new_mandelbrot_image = image(width, height, top_level: true) { |x, y| point_index += 1 Mandelbrot.progress -= 1 if (Mandelbrot::PROGRESS_MAX - (point_index.to_f / point_count.to_f)*Mandelbrot::PROGRESS_MAX) < Mandelbrot.progress pixel_color_index = pixels[y][x] color_palette[pixel_color_index] } Mandelbrot.progress = 0 flyweight_mandelbrot_images[mandelbrot_zoom] = new_mandelbrot_image update_mandelbrot_shell_title! end flyweight_mandelbrot_images[mandelbrot_zoom] end def flyweight_mandelbrot_images @flyweight_mandelbrot_images ||= {} end def mandelbrot(mandelbrot_zoom: nil) mandelbrot_zoom ||= zoom Mandelbrot.for(max_iterations: color_palette.size - 1, zoom: mandelbrot_zoom) end def color_palette if @color_palette.nil? @color_palette = [[0, 0, 0]] + 40.times.map { |i| [255 - i*5, 255 - i*5, 55 + i*5] } @color_palette = @color_palette.map {|color_data| rgb(*color_data).swt_color} end @color_palette end def zoom_in if can_zoom_in? perform_zoom(zoom_delta: 0.5) @canvas.cursor = can_zoom_in? ? :cross : :no end end def can_zoom_in? flyweight_mandelbrot_images.keys.include?(zoom + 0.5) end def zoom_out perform_zoom(zoom_delta: -0.5) end def perform_zoom(zoom_delta: 0, mandelbrot_zoom: nil) mandelbrot_zoom ||= self.zoom + zoom_delta @canvas.cursor = :wait last_zoom = self.zoom self.zoom = [mandelbrot_zoom, 1.0].max @canvas.clear_shapes(dispose_images: false) @mandelbrot_image = build_mandelbrot_image body_root.content { image @mandelbrot_image } @canvas.content { image @mandelbrot_image } @canvas.set_size @mandelbrot_image.bounds.width, @mandelbrot_image.bounds.height @scrolled_composite.set_min_size(Point.new(@mandelbrot_image.bounds.width, @mandelbrot_image.bounds.height)) if @location_x && @location_y # center on mouse click location factor = (zoom / last_zoom) @scrolled_composite.set_origin(factor*@location_x - @scrolled_composite.client_area.width/2.0, factor*@location_y - @scrolled_composite.client_area.height/2.0) @location_x = @location_y = nil end update_mandelbrot_shell_title! @canvas.cursor = :cross end def display_help_instructions message_box(body_root) { text 'Mandelbrot Fractal - Help' message <<~MULTI_LINE_STRING The Mandelbrot Fractal precalculates zoomed renderings in the background. Wait if you hit a zoom level that is not calculated yet. Left-click to zoom in. Right-click to zoom out. Scroll or drag to pan. Adjust cores to get a more responsive interaction. Enjoy! MULTI_LINE_STRING }.open end end MandelbrotFractal.launch