var common = require('./common'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var PERMS = (function (base) { return { OTHER_EXEC : base.EXEC, OTHER_WRITE : base.WRITE, OTHER_READ : base.READ, GROUP_EXEC : base.EXEC << 3, GROUP_WRITE : base.WRITE << 3, GROUP_READ : base.READ << 3, OWNER_EXEC : base.EXEC << 6, OWNER_WRITE : base.WRITE << 6, OWNER_READ : base.READ << 6, // Literal octal numbers are apparently not allowed in "strict" javascript. Using parseInt is // the preferred way, else a jshint warning is thrown. STICKY : parseInt('01000', 8), SETGID : parseInt('02000', 8), SETUID : parseInt('04000', 8), TYPE_MASK : parseInt('0770000', 8) }; })({ EXEC : 1, WRITE : 2, READ : 4 }); //@ //@ ### chmod(octal_mode || octal_string, file) //@ ### chmod(symbolic_mode, file) //@ //@ Available options: //@ //@ + `-v`: output a diagnostic for every file processed//@ //@ + `-c`: like verbose but report only when a change is made//@ //@ + `-R`: change files and directories recursively//@ //@ //@ Examples: //@ //@ ```javascript //@ chmod(755, '/Users/brandon'); //@ chmod('755', '/Users/brandon'); // same as above //@ chmod('u+x', '/Users/brandon'); //@ ``` //@ //@ Alters the permissions of a file or directory by either specifying the //@ absolute permissions in octal form or expressing the changes in symbols. //@ This command tries to mimic the POSIX behavior as much as possible. //@ Notable exceptions: //@ //@ + In symbolic modes, 'a-r' and '-r' are identical. No consideration is //@ given to the umask. //@ + There is no "quiet" option since default behavior is to run silent. function _chmod(options, mode, filePattern) { if (!filePattern) { if (options.length > 0 && options.charAt(0) === '-') { // Special case where the specified file permissions started with - to subtract perms, which // get picked up by the option parser as command flags. // If we are down by one argument and options starts with -, shift everything over. filePattern = mode; mode = options; options = ''; } else { common.error('You must specify a file.'); } } options = common.parseOptions(options, { 'R': 'recursive', 'c': 'changes', 'v': 'verbose' }); if (typeof filePattern === 'string') { filePattern = [ filePattern ]; } var files; if (options.recursive) { files = []; common.expand(filePattern).forEach(function addFile(expandedFile) { var stat = fs.lstatSync(expandedFile); if (!stat.isSymbolicLink()) { files.push(expandedFile); if (stat.isDirectory()) { // intentionally does not follow symlinks. fs.readdirSync(expandedFile).forEach(function (child) { addFile(expandedFile + '/' + child); }); } } }); } else { files = common.expand(filePattern); } files.forEach(function innerChmod(file) { file = path.resolve(file); if (!fs.existsSync(file)) { common.error('File not found: ' + file); } // When recursing, don't follow symlinks. if (options.recursive && fs.lstatSync(file).isSymbolicLink()) { return; } var stat = fs.statSync(file); var isDir = stat.isDirectory(); var perms = stat.mode; var type = perms & PERMS.TYPE_MASK; var newPerms = perms; if (isNaN(parseInt(mode, 8))) { // parse options mode.split(',').forEach(function (symbolicMode) { /*jshint regexdash:true */ var pattern = /([ugoa]*)([=\+-])([rwxXst]*)/i; var matches = pattern.exec(symbolicMode); if (matches) { var applyTo = matches[1]; var operator = matches[2]; var change = matches[3]; var changeOwner = applyTo.indexOf('u') != -1 || applyTo === 'a' || applyTo === ''; var changeGroup = applyTo.indexOf('g') != -1 || applyTo === 'a' || applyTo === ''; var changeOther = applyTo.indexOf('o') != -1 || applyTo === 'a' || applyTo === ''; var changeRead = change.indexOf('r') != -1; var changeWrite = change.indexOf('w') != -1; var changeExec = change.indexOf('x') != -1; var changeExecDir = change.indexOf('X') != -1; var changeSticky = change.indexOf('t') != -1; var changeSetuid = change.indexOf('s') != -1; if (changeExecDir && isDir) changeExec = true; var mask = 0; if (changeOwner) { mask |= (changeRead ? PERMS.OWNER_READ : 0) + (changeWrite ? PERMS.OWNER_WRITE : 0) + (changeExec ? PERMS.OWNER_EXEC : 0) + (changeSetuid ? PERMS.SETUID : 0); } if (changeGroup) { mask |= (changeRead ? PERMS.GROUP_READ : 0) + (changeWrite ? PERMS.GROUP_WRITE : 0) + (changeExec ? PERMS.GROUP_EXEC : 0) + (changeSetuid ? PERMS.SETGID : 0); } if (changeOther) { mask |= (changeRead ? PERMS.OTHER_READ : 0) + (changeWrite ? PERMS.OTHER_WRITE : 0) + (changeExec ? PERMS.OTHER_EXEC : 0); } // Sticky bit is special - it's not tied to user, group or other. if (changeSticky) { mask |= PERMS.STICKY; } switch (operator) { case '+': newPerms |= mask; break; case '-': newPerms &= ~mask; break; case '=': newPerms = type + mask; // According to POSIX, when using = to explicitly set the permissions, setuid and setgid can never be cleared. if (fs.statSync(file).isDirectory()) { newPerms |= (PERMS.SETUID + PERMS.SETGID) & perms; } break; } if (options.verbose) { console.log(file + ' -> ' + newPerms.toString(8)); } if (perms != newPerms) { if (!options.verbose && options.changes) { console.log(file + ' -> ' + newPerms.toString(8)); } fs.chmodSync(file, newPerms); perms = newPerms; // for the next round of changes! } } else { common.error('Invalid symbolic mode change: ' + symbolicMode); } }); } else { // they gave us a full number newPerms = type + parseInt(mode, 8); // POSIX rules are that setuid and setgid can only be added using numeric form, but not cleared. if (fs.statSync(file).isDirectory()) { newPerms |= (PERMS.SETUID + PERMS.SETGID) & perms; } fs.chmodSync(file, newPerms); } }); } module.exports = _chmod;