en: woople_theme: profile_links: edit_profile: label: Edit Profile feature_request: label: Feature Request help: label: Help logout: label: Log out company: name: "Woople" url: http://woople.com content_item_header: time_left: Time Left popularity: Popularity points: Points outline: name: Name duration: Duration assessment: Assessment assessment_questions: one: 1 question other: '%{count} questions' assessment_requirement: "%{percent}% required" videos: now_playing: Now Playing profile: search: Search... video_player: favorite: Favorite like: Like dislike: Dislike assessment: start: Start Assessment history: History duration: one: 1 minute other: '%{count} minutes' required_relearning: Required Relearning name: Assessment assessment_history: Assessment History score_title: Score result_title: Result pass: Pass fail: Fail passed: passed failed: failed pass_alert: heading: Congratulations, you passed. link_text: View your results. fail_alert: heading: Sorry, please try again. link_text: View your results. message: Rewatch the lessons below to retake the assessment. result: Assessment Result result_status: one: On %{completed_at} you %{status} this assessment by answering %{correct_questions}/%{total_questions} question correctly for a %{score} score. other: On %{completed_at} you %{status} this assessment by answering %{correct_questions}/%{total_questions} questions correctly for a %{score} score. correct: Correct incorrect: Incorrect assessment_form: unanswered_questions: one: 1 unanswered question other: '%{count} unanswered questions' submit_assessment: Submit Assessment search_results_more: See All > logged_in_as: Logged in as impersonating: impersonating cancel: Cancel return_to_course: Return to Course date_title: Date breadcrumb: organization: Organization member: Member dashboards: titles: reason: Reason name: Name time: Time member: exceptions: title: Exceptions reason: 'Reason: %{reason}' points: one: '%{points} point' other: '%{points} points' essentials_section: title: Essentials remaining_tab_name: Remaining completed_tab_name: Completed course_reason: Course/Reason electives_section: title: Electives history_tab_name: History points_tab_name: Points reason_points: Reason/Points in_progress: In-Progress points_earned: one: '%{points_earned} of %{count} elective point earned' other: '%{points_earned} of %{count} elective points earned' organization: reminder: sent: Sent! remind: Remind error: "Oops! Something went wrong.\nPlease try again or contact support." reports: chart: titles: daily: Daily (Past 7 Days) weekly: Weekly (Past 5 Weeks) monthly: Monthly (Past 12 Months) download: html: " Download" legend: viewed: "%{range} Viewed" activity: label: Activity Report description: See how you are doing over time status: views: one: "Today: %{count} View" other: "Today: %{count} Views" settings: profile: title: Your Profile error_html: Uh Oh! There were problems updating your profile. error_field_html: '%{message}' success_html: Yay! You've successfully updated your profile. cancel: Cancel change: Change remove: Remove save_changes: Save Changes choose_image: Choose Image name: Name email: Email image: Avatar date: formats: default: ! '%b %d %Y'