# is the current deployment domain in the specified role? def role?(role) return false unless ENV['WD_ROLES'] and ENV['WD_ROLES'] != '' ENV['WD_ROLES'].split(':').include?(role.to_s) end # have files of interest changed on this deployment? def changed?(path) return true unless gc = git_changes cleaned = Regexp.escape(path.sub(%r{/+$}, '')) [ gc, rsync_changes ].flatten.compact.any? { |p| p =~ %r<^#{cleaned}(?:$|/)> } end # list of changed paths, according to git def git_changes changes = read_git_changes_file.split("\n").uniq rescue Exception nil end def rsync_changes changes = read_rsync_changes_file.split("\n") changes.map {|c| c.sub(/^[^ ]* [^ ]* [^ ]* /, '') }. grep(/^[^ ]{9,} /).map {|c| c.sub(/^[^ ]{9,} /, '') }. map {|s| s.sub(%r{/$}, '') } - ['.'] rescue Exception nil end def read_git_changes_file File.read(git_changes_path) end def read_rsync_changes_file File.read(rsync_changes_path) end def changes_file_root path = IO.popen("git rev-parse --show-toplevel").read path == '' ? Dir.pwd : path.chomp end def git_changes_path File.join(changes_file_root, '.whiskey_disk_git_changes') end def rsync_changes_path File.join(changes_file_root, '.whiskey_disk_rsync_changes') end