command :'create host' do |c| c.summary = 'Create a droplet/host in your DO account' c.syntax = 'ops create host [DNS_name]' c.description = "Creates the host described in the file #{Ops::HOSTS_DIR}/[DNS_name].yml" c.example "Create the host in your DigitalOcean console. This is described in '#{Ops::HOSTS_DIR}/' like:\n # size: 512mb\n # region: ams1\n # image: coreos-stable\n # ssh_keys:\n # - e7:51:47:bc:7f:dc:2f:3c:56:65:28:e1:10:9c:88:57 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", 'ops create host' c.action do |args, options| droplet = DigitalOcean::build_droplet args[0] cli = DigitalOcean::client resp = cli.droplets.create droplet if resp == droplet ip = cli.find_droplet_by_name(args[0]).networks["v4"].first.ip_address say "Droplet #{args[0]} (IP: #{ip}) succesfully created!" else raise resp end end end