require 'ostruct' class Baza::ModelHandler #This method helps build SQL from Objects-instances list-method. It should not be called directly but only through Objects.list. def sqlhelper(list_args, args_def) args = args_def if args[:db] db = args[:db] else db = @args[:db] end if args[:table] table_def = "`#{db.esc_table(args[:table])}`." else table_def = "" end sql_joins = "" sql_where = "" sql_order = "" sql_limit = "" sql_groupby = "" do_joins = {} limit_from = nil limit_to = nil if list_args.key?("orderby") orders = [] orderstr = list_args["orderby"] list_args["orderby"] = [list_args["orderby"]] if list_args["orderby"].is_a?(Hash) if list_args["orderby"].is_a?(String) found = false found = true if args[:cols].key?(orderstr) if found sql_order << " ORDER BY " ordermode = " ASC" if list_args.key?("ordermode") if list_args["ordermode"] == "desc" ordermode = " DESC" elsif list_args["ordermode"] == "asc" ordermode = " ASC" raise "Unknown ordermode: #{list_args["ordermode"]}" end list_args.delete("ordermode") end sql_order << "#{table_def}`#{db.esc_col(list_args["orderby"])}`#{ordermode}" list_args.delete("orderby") end elsif list_args["orderby"].is_a?(Array) sql_order << " ORDER BY " list_args["orderby"].each do |val| ordermode = nil orderstr = nil found = false if val.is_a?(Array) if val[1] == "asc" ordermode = " ASC" elsif val[1] == "desc" ordermode = " DESC" end if val[0].is_a?(Array) if args[:joined_tables] args[:joined_tables].each do |table_name, table_data| next if table_name.to_s != val[0][0].to_s do_joins[table_name] = true orders << "`#{db.esc_table(table_name)}`.`#{db.esc_col(val[0][1])}`#{ordermode}" found = true break end end raise "Could not find joined table for ordering: '#{val[0][0]}'." if !found else orderstr = val[0] end elsif val.is_a?(String) orderstr = val ordermode = " ASC" elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:type] == :sql orders << val[:sql] found = true elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:type] == :case caseorder = " CASE" val[:case].each do |key, caseval| col = key.first isval = key.last col_str = nil if col.is_a?(Array) raise "No joined tables for '#{args[:table]}'." if !args[:joined_tables] found = false args[:joined_tables].each do |table_name, table_data| if table_name == col.first do_joins[table_name] = true col_str = "`#{db.esc_table(table_name)}`.`#{db.esc_col(col.last)}`" found = true break end end raise "No such joined table on '#{args[:table]}': '#{col.first}' (#{}) with the following joined table:\n#{Php4r.print_r(args[:joined_tables], true)}" if !found elsif col.is_a?(String) or col.is_a?(Symbol) col_str = "#{table_def}`#{col}`" found = true else raise "Unknown type for case-ordering: '#{}'." end raise "'colstr' was not set." if !col_str caseorder << " WHEN #{col_str} = '#{db.esc(isval)}' THEN '#{db.esc(caseval)}'" end if val[:else] caseorder << " ELSE '#{db.esc(val[:else])}'" end caseorder << " END" orders << caseorder elsif val.is_a?(Hash) raise "No joined tables." if !args.key?(:joined_tables) if val[:mode] == "asc" ordermode = " ASC" elsif val[:mode] == "desc" ordermode = " DESC" end if args[:joined_tables] args[:joined_tables].each do |table_name, table_data| if table_data[:parent_table] table_name_real = table_name elsif table_data[:datarow] table_name_real = self.datarow_from_datarow_argument(table_data[:datarow]).classname else table_name_real = @args[:module].const_get(table_name).classname end if table_name.to_s == val[:table].to_s do_joins[table_name] = true if val[:sql] orders << val[:sql] elsif val[:col] orders << "`#{db.esc_table(table_name_real)}`.`#{db.esc_col(val[:col])}`#{ordermode}" else raise "Couldnt figure out how to order based on keys: '#{val.keys.sort}'." end found = true break end end end else raise "Unknown object: #{}" end found = true if args[:cols].key?(orderstr) if !found raise "Column not found for ordering: #{orderstr}." end orders << "#{table_def}`#{db.esc_col(orderstr)}`#{ordermode}" if orderstr end sql_order << orders.join(", ") list_args.delete("orderby") else raise "Unknown orderby object: #{list_args["orderby"]}." end end list_args.each do |realkey, val| found = false if realkey.is_a?(Array) if !args[:joins_skip] datarow_obj = self.datarow_obj_from_args(args_def, list_args, realkey[0]) args = datarow_obj.columns_sqlhelper_args raise "Couldnt get arguments from SQLHelper." if !args else datarow_obj = @args[:module].const_get(realkey[0]) args = args_def end table_sym = realkey[0].to_sym do_joins[table_sym] = true list_table_name_real = table_sym table = "`#{db.esc_table(list_table_name_real)}`." key = realkey[1] else table = table_def args = args_def key = realkey end if args.key?(:cols_bools) and args[:cols_bools].index(key) != nil val_s = val.to_s if val_s == "1" or val_s == "true" realval = "1" elsif val_s == "0" or val_s == "false" realval = "0" else raise "Could not make real value out of class: #{} => #{val}." end sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key)}` = '#{db.esc(realval)}'" found = true elsif args[:cols].key?(key.to_s) if val.is_a?(Array) if val.empty? and db.opts[:type].to_s == "mysql" sql_where << " AND false" else escape_sql = { |v| "'#{db.escape(v)}'" }.join(',') sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key)}` IN (#{escape_sql})" end elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:type].to_sym == :col raise "No table was given for join: '#{val}', key: '#{key}' on table #{table}." if !val.key?(:table) do_joins[val[:table].to_sym] = true sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key)}` = `#{db.esc_table(val[:table])}`.`#{db.esc_col(val[:name])}`" elsif val.is_a?(Hash) and val[:type] == :sqlval and val[:val] == :null sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key)}` IS NULL" elsif val.is_a?(Proc) call_args = => self, :db => db) sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key)}` = '#{db.esc(}'" else sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key)}` = '#{db.esc(val)}'" end found = true elsif key.to_s == "limit_from" limit_from = val.to_i found = true elsif key.to_s == "limit_to" limit_to = val.to_i found = true elsif key.to_s == "limit" limit_from = 0 limit_to = val.to_i found = true elsif args.key?(:cols_dbrows) and args[:cols_dbrows].index("#{key.to_s}_id") != nil if val == false sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key.to_s + "_id")}` = '0'" elsif val.is_a?(Array) if val.empty? sql_where << " AND false" else sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col("#{key}_id")}` IN (#{Knj::ArrayExt.join(:arr => val, :sep => ",", :surr => "'", :callback => proc{|obj|})})" end else sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(key.to_s + "_id")}` = '#{db.esc(}'" end found = true elsif match = key.match(/^([A-z_\d]+)_(search|has)$/) and args[:cols].key?(match[1]) != nil if match[2] == "search" Knj::Strings.searchstring(val).each do |str| sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` LIKE '%#{db.esc(str)}%'" end elsif match[2] == "has" if val sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` != ''" else sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` = ''" end end found = true elsif match = key.match(/^([A-z_\d]+)_(not|lower)$/) and args[:cols].key?(match[1]) if match[2] == "not" if val.is_a?(Array) if val.empty? #ignore. else escape_sql = Knj::ArrayExt.join( :arr => val, :callback => proc{|value| db.escape(value) }, :sep => ",", :surr => "'" ) sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` NOT IN (#{escape_sql})" end else sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` != '#{db.esc(val)}'" end elsif match[2] == "lower" sql_where << " AND LOWER(#{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}`) = LOWER('#{db.esc(val)}')" else raise "Unknown mode: '#{match[2]}'." end found = true elsif args.key?(:cols_date) and match = key.match(/^(.+)_(day|week|month|year|from|to|below|above)(|_(not))$/) and args[:cols_date].index(match[1]) != nil not_v = match[4] val = if val.is_a?(Time) if match[2] == "day" if val.is_a?(Array) sql_where << " AND (" first = true val.each do |realval| if first first = false else sql_where << " OR " end sql_where << "#{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%d %m %Y", "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}`")} #{self.not(not_v, "!")}= #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%d %m %Y", "'#{db.esc(realval.dbstr)}'")}" end sql_where << ")" else sql_where << " AND #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%d %m %Y", "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}`")} #{self.not(not_v, "!")}= #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%d %m %Y", "'#{db.esc(val.dbstr)}'")}" end elsif match[2] == "week" sql_where << " AND #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%W %Y", "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}`")} #{self.not(not_v, "!")}= #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%W %Y", "'#{db.esc(val.dbstr)}'")}" elsif match[2] == "month" sql_where << " AND #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%m %Y", "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}`")} #{self.not(not_v, "!")}= #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%m %Y", "'#{db.esc(val.dbstr)}'")}" elsif match[2] == "year" sql_where << " AND #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%Y", "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}`")} #{self.not(not_v, "!")}= #{db.sqlspecs.strftime("%Y", "'#{db.esc(val.dbstr)}'")}" elsif match[2] == "from" or match[2] == "above" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` >= '#{db.esc(val.dbstr)}'" elsif match[2] == "to" or match[2] == "below" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` <= '#{db.esc(val.dbstr)}'" else raise "Unknown date-key: #{match[2]}." end found = true elsif args.key?(:cols_num) and match = key.match(/^(.+)_(from|to|above|below|numeric)$/) and args[:cols_num].index(match[1]) != nil if match[2] == "from" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` >= '#{db.esc(val)}'" elsif match[2] == "to" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` <= '#{db.esc(val)}'" elsif match[2] == "above" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` > '#{db.esc(val)}'" elsif match[2] == "below" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col(match[1])}` < '#{db.esc(val)}'" else raise "Unknown method of treating cols-num-argument: #{match[2]}." end found = true elsif match = key.match(/^(.+)_lookup$/) and args[:cols].key?("#{match[1]}_id") and args[:cols].key?("#{match[1]}_class") sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col("#{match[1]}_class")}` = '#{db.esc(val.table)}'" sql_where << " AND #{table}`#{db.esc_col("#{match[1]}_id")}` = '#{db.esc(}'" found = true elsif realkey == "groupby" found = true if val.is_a?(Array) val.each do |col_name| raise "Column '#{val}' not found on table '#{table}'." if !args[:cols].key?(col_name) sql_groupby << ", " if sql_groupby.length > 0 sql_groupby << "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(col_name)}`" end elsif val.is_a?(String) sql_groupby << ", " if sql_groupby.length > 0 sql_groupby << "#{table}`#{db.esc_col(val)}`" else raise "Unknown class given for 'groupby': '#{}'." end end list_args.delete(realkey) if found end args = args_def if !args[:joins_skip] raise "No joins defined on '#{args[:table]}' for: '#{args[:table]}'." if !do_joins.empty? and !args[:joined_tables] do_joins.each do |table_name, temp_val| raise "No join defined on table '#{args[:table]}' for table '#{table_name}'." if !args[:joined_tables].key?(table_name) table_data = args[:joined_tables][table_name] if table_data.key?(:parent_table) join_table_name_real = table_name sql_joins << " LEFT JOIN `#{table_data[:parent_table]}` AS `#{table_name}` ON 1=1" else const = @args[:module].const_get(table_name) join_table_name_real = const.classname sql_joins << " LEFT JOIN `#{const.table}` AS `#{const.classname}` ON 1=1" end if table_data[:ob] ob = table_data[:ob] else ob = self end class_name = args[:table].to_sym if table_data[:datarow] datarow = self.datarow_from_datarow_argument(table_data[:datarow]) else self.requireclass(class_name) if @objects.key?(class_name) datarow = @args[:module].const_get(class_name) end if !datarow.columns_sqlhelper_args ob.requireclass(datarow.table.to_sym) raise "No SQL-helper-args on class '#{datarow.table}' ???" if !datarow.columns_sqlhelper_args end newargs = datarow.columns_sqlhelper_args.clone newargs[:table] = join_table_name_real newargs[:joins_skip] = true #Clone the where-arguments and run them against another sqlhelper to sub-join. join_args = table_data[:where].clone ret = self.sqlhelper(join_args, newargs) sql_joins << ret[:sql_where] #If any of the join-arguments are left, then we should throw an error. join_args.each do |key, val| raise "Invalid key '#{key}' when trying to join table '#{table_name}' on table '#{args_def[:table]}'." end end end #If limit arguments has been given then add them. if limit_from and limit_to sql_limit = " LIMIT #{limit_from}, #{limit_to}" end sql_groupby = nil if sql_groupby.empty? return { :sql_joins => sql_joins, :sql_where => sql_where, :sql_limit => sql_limit, :sql_order => sql_order, :sql_groupby => sql_groupby } end #Used by sqlhelper-method to look up datarow-classes and automatically load them if they arent loaded already. def datarow_obj_from_args(args, list_args, class_name) class_name = class_name.to_sym if !args.key?(:joined_tables) raise "No joined tables on '#{args[:table]}' to find datarow for: '#{class_name}'." end args[:joined_tables].each do |table_name, table_data| next if table_name.to_sym != class_name return self.datarow_from_datarow_argument(table_data[:datarow]) if table_data[:datarow] self.requireclass(class_name) if @objects.key?(class_name) return @args[:module].const_get(class_name) end raise "Could not figure out datarow for: '#{class_name}'." end def datarow_from_datarow_argument(datarow_argument) if datarow_argument.is_a?(String) const = Knj::Strings.const_get_full(datarow_argument) else const = datarow_argument end self.load_class(datarow_argument.to_s.split("::").last) if !const.initialized? #Make sure the class is initialized. return const end def not(not_v, val) if not_v == "not" or not_v == "not_" return val end return "" end end