require 'sshkit/dsl' class Router < CloudstackNagios::Base desc "memory HOST", "check memory on host" def memory begin host = systemvm_host free_output = "" on host do |h| free_output = capture(:free) end values = free_output.scan(/\d+/) total = values[0].to_i free = values[2].to_i free_b = values[7].to_i data = check_data(total, total - free_b, options[:warning], options[:critical]) puts "MEMORY #{RETURN_CODES[data[0]]} - usage = #{data[1]}% (#{((total - free_b)/1024.0).round(0)}/#{(total/1024.0).round(0)}MB) | \ usage=#{data[1]}% total=#{total}M free=#{free}M free_wo_buffers=#{free_b}M".gsub(/\s+/, " ") exit data[0] rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end end desc "cpu", "check memory on host" def cpu begin host = systemvm_host mpstat_output = "" on host do |h| mpstat_output = capture(:mpstat) end values = mpstat_output.scan(/\d+\.\d+/) usage = 100 - values[-1].to_f data = check_data(100, usage, options[:warning], options[:critical]) puts "CPU #{RETURN_CODES[data[0]]} - usage = #{data[1]}% | usage=#{data[1]}%" exit data[0] rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end end desc "rootfs_rw", "check if the rootfs is read/writeable on host" def rootfs_rw begin host = systemvm_host test_file = '/rootdiskcheck.txt' rootfs_rw = false on host do |h| rootfs_rw = execute(:touch, test_file) execute(:rm, '-f', test_file) end rescue SSHKit::Command::Failed rootfs_rw = false rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end status = rootfs_rw ? 0 : 2 puts "ROOTFS_RW #{rootfs_rw ? 'OK - rootfs writeable' : 'CRITICAL - rootfs NOT writeable'}" exit status end desc "disk_usage", "check the disk space usage of the root volume" option :partition, desc: "The partition to check", default: '/', aliases: '-P' def disk_usage begin host = systemvm_host partition = options[:partition] proc_out = "" on host do |h| proc_out = capture(:df, '-l', partition) end match = proc_out.match(/.*\s(\d+)%\s.*/) if match usage = match[1] data = check_data(100, usage, options[:warning], options[:critical]) puts "DISK_USAGE #{RETURN_CODES[data[0]]} (Partition #{options[:partition]}) - usage = #{data[1]}% | usage=#{data[1]}%" exit data[0] else puts "DISK_USAGE UNKNOWN" end rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end end desc "network", "check network usage on host" option :interface, desc: 'network interface to probe', default: 'eth0', aliases: '-i' option :if_speed, desc: 'network interface speed in bits per second', type: :numeric, default: 1000000, aliases: '-s' def network begin host = systemvm_host stats_path = "/sys/class/net/#{options[:interface]}/statistics" rx_bytes, tx_bytes = "" on host do |h| rx_bytes = capture("cat #{stats_path}/rx_bytes;sleep 1;cat #{stats_path}/rx_bytes").lines.to_a tx_bytes = capture("cat #{stats_path}/tx_bytes;sleep 1;cat #{stats_path}/tx_bytes").lines.to_a end rbps = (rx_bytes[1].to_i - rx_bytes[0].to_i) * 8 tbps = (tx_bytes[1].to_i - tx_bytes[0].to_i) * 8 data = check_data(options[:if_speed], rbps, options[:warning], options[:critical]) puts "NETWORK #{RETURN_CODES[data[0]]} - usage = #{data[1]}% | usage=#{data[1]}% rxbps=#{rbps.round(0)} txbps=#{tbps.round(0)}" exit data[0] rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end end desc "conntrack_connections", "check the number of conntrack connections" def conntrack_connections begin host = systemvm_host default_max = 1000000 netfilter_path = "/proc/sys/net/netfilter/" current, max = 0 on host do |h| max = capture("cat #{netfilter_path}nf_conntrack_max").to_i current = capture("cat #{netfilter_path}nf_conntrack_count").to_i end if max < default_max on host do |h| execute :echo, "#{default_max} > #{netfilter_path}nf_conntrack_max" end end data = check_data(max, current, options[:warning], options[:critical]) puts "CONNTRACK_CONNECTIONS #{RETURN_CODES[data[0]]} - usage = #{data[1]}% (#{current.round(0)}/#{max.round(0)}) | usage=#{data[1]}% current=#{current.round(0)} max=#{max.round(0)}" exit data[0] rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end end desc "active_ftp", "make sure conntrack_ftp and nf_nat_ftp modules are loaded" def active_ftp begin host = systemvm_host active_ftp_enabled = false modules = %w(nf_conntrack_ftp, nf_nat_ftp) on host do |h| lsmod = capture(:lsmod) active_ftp_enabled = lsmod.include?('nf_conntrack_ftp') && lsmod.include?('nf_nat_ftp') unless active_ftp_enabled # load the modules in the kernel execute(:modprobe, 'nf_conntrack_ftp') execute(:modprobe, 'nf_nat_ftp') # load the modules at next server boot execute(:echo, '"nf_conntrack_ftp" >> /etc/modules') execute(:echo, '"nf_nat_ftp" >> /etc/modules') active_ftp_enabled = true end end rescue SSHKit::Command::Failed active_ftp_enabled = false rescue => e exit_with_failure(e) end status = active_ftp_enabled ? 0 : 2 puts "ACTIVE_FTP #{active_ftp_enabled ? 'OK - active_ftp enabled' : 'CRITICAL - active_ftp NOT enabled'}" exit status end no_commands do def systemvm_host unless options[:host] say "Error: --host/-H option is required for this check.", :red exit 1 end host ="root@#{options[:host]}") host.ssh_options = sshoptions(options[:ssh_key]) host.port = options[:ssh_port] host end end end