When(/^I run xcpretty$/) do @output = `bin/xcpretty 2>&1` end When(/^I run xcpretty with (.*)$/) do |flags| @output = `bin/xcpretty #{flags}` end When(/^I run xcpretty over a big file$/) do start_time = Time.now @output = `cat features/fixtures/xcodebuild.log | bin/xcpretty -c` @xcpretty_run_time = Time.now - start_time end Then(/^I should see the help banner$/) do run_output.should include("Usage: xcodebuild [options] | xcpretty") end Then(/^I should see the xcpretty version$/) do run_output.should include(XCPretty::VERSION) end Then(/^the exit status code should be (\d)$/) do |numbah| $?.exitstatus.should == numbah.to_i end Then(/^the performance should be way faster than running cat$/) do puts "XCPretty run time: #{@xcpretty_run_time}" @xcpretty_run_time.should < 2 end