#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper' require 'puppet/util/autoload/file_cache' class FileCacheTester include Puppet::Util::Autoload::FileCache end describe Puppet::Util::Autoload::FileCache do before do @cacher = FileCacheTester.new end after do Puppet::Util::Autoload::FileCache.clear end describe "when checking whether files exist" do it "should have a method for testing whether a file exists" do @cacher.should respond_to(:file_exist?) end it "should use lstat to determine whether a file exists" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file") @cacher.file_exist?("/my/file") end it "should consider a file as absent if its lstat fails" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises Errno::ENOENT @cacher.should_not be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should consider a file as absent if the directory is absent" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises Errno::ENOTDIR @cacher.should_not be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should consider a file as absent permissions are missing" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises Errno::EACCES @cacher.should_not be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should raise non-fs exceptions" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises ArgumentError lambda { @cacher.file_exist?("/my/file") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should consider a file as present if its lstat succeeds" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").returns mock("stat") @cacher.should be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should not stat a file twice in quick succession when the file is missing" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").once.raises Errno::ENOENT @cacher.should_not be_file_exist("/my/file") @cacher.should_not be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should not stat a file twice in quick succession when the file is present" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").once.returns mock("stat") @cacher.should be_file_exist("/my/file") @cacher.should be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should expire cached data after 15 seconds" do now = Time.now later = now + 16 Time.expects(:now).times(3).returns(now).then.returns(later).then.returns(later) File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").times(2).returns(mock("stat")).then.raises Errno::ENOENT @cacher.should be_file_exist("/my/file") @cacher.should_not be_file_exist("/my/file") end it "should share cached data across autoload instances" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").once.returns mock("stat") other = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new("bar", "tmp") @cacher.should be_file_exist("/my/file") other.should be_file_exist("/my/file") end end describe "when checking whether files exist" do before do @stat = stub 'stat', :directory? => true end it "should have a method for determining whether a directory exists" do @cacher.should respond_to(:directory_exist?) end it "should use lstat to determine whether a directory exists" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").returns @stat @cacher.directory_exist?("/my/file") end it "should consider a directory as absent if its lstat fails" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises Errno::ENOENT @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should consider a file as absent if the directory is absent" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises Errno::ENOTDIR @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should consider a file as absent permissions are missing" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises Errno::EACCES @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should raise non-fs exceptions" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").raises ArgumentError lambda { @cacher.directory_exist?("/my/file") }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should consider a directory as present if its lstat succeeds and the stat is of a directory" do @stat.expects(:directory?).returns true File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").returns @stat @cacher.should be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should consider a directory as absent if its lstat succeeds and the stat is not of a directory" do @stat.expects(:directory?).returns false File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").returns @stat @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should not stat a directory twice in quick succession when the file is missing" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").once.raises Errno::ENOENT @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should not stat a directory twice in quick succession when the file is present" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").once.returns @stat @cacher.should be_directory_exist("/my/file") @cacher.should be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should not consider a file to be a directory based on cached data" do @stat.stubs(:directory?).returns false File.stubs(:lstat).with("/my/file").returns @stat @cacher.file_exist?("/my/file") @cacher.should_not be_directory_exist("/my/file") end it "should share cached data across autoload instances" do File.expects(:lstat).with("/my/file").once.returns @stat other = Puppet::Util::Autoload.new("bar", "tmp") @cacher.should be_directory_exist("/my/file") other.should be_directory_exist("/my/file") end end describe "when checking whether a named file exists" do it "should have a method for testing whether a named file is missing" do @cacher.should respond_to(:named_file_missing?) end it "should have a method for registering that a named file is missing" do @cacher.should respond_to(:named_file_is_missing) end it "should cache that a file is missing for 15 seconds" do now = Time.now later = now + 16 Time.expects(:now).times(2).returns(now).then.returns(later) @cacher.named_file_is_missing("foo") @cacher.should_not be_named_file_missing("foo") end it "should return false when registering a file as missing" do @cacher.named_file_is_missing("foo").should be_false end end end