require 'spec_helper' class Section include Druid text_field(:stf, id: 'id') end class DruidPagePopulator include Druid text_field(:tf, :id => 'id') text_area(:ta, :id => 'id') select_list(:sl, :id => 'id') checkbox(:cb, :id => 'id') radio_button(:rb, :id => 'id') file_field(:ff, :id => 'id') radio_button_group(:rbg, :id => 'id') page_section(:section, Section, id: 'foo') end describe Druid::PagePopulator do let(:driver) { mock_driver } let(:druid) { } it "should accept any object that can be converted to a Hash" do os ='tf' => 'value', 'sl' => 'value') expect(druid).to receive(:tf=).with('value') expect(druid).to receive(:sl=).with('value') allow(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with(os) end it "should set a value in a text field" do expect(druid).to receive(:tf=).with('value') expect(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('tf' => 'value') end it "should not set a value if it is not found on the page" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:text_field) druid.populate_page_with('coffee' => 'value') end it "should not populate a text field when it is not visible" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:tf=) expect(druid).to receive(:tf_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true) expect(driver).to receive(:present?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('input') druid.populate_page_with('tf' => true) end it "should set a value in a text area" do expect(druid).to receive(:ta=).with('value') expect(druid).to receive(:ta_element).and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('textarea') druid.populate_page_with('ta' => 'value') end it "should set a value in a select list" do expect(druid).to receive(:sl=).with('value') druid.populate_page_with('sl' => 'value') end it "should set a value in a file field" do expect(druid).to receive(:ff=).with('value') expect(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('ff' => 'value') end it "should check a checkbox to true is specified" do expect(druid).to receive(:check_cb) expect(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('cb' => true) end it "should uncheck a checkbox to false is specified" do expect(druid).to receive(:uncheck_cb) expect(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('cb' => false) end it "should select a radio button when true is specified" do expect(druid).to receive(:select_rb) expect(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('rb' => true) end it "should select the correct element from a radio button group" do expect(druid).to receive(:select_rbg).with('blah') druid.populate_page_with('rbg' => 'blah') end it "should not populate a checkbox if it is disabled" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:check_cb) expect(druid).to receive(:cb_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('input') druid.populate_page_with('cb' => true) end it "should not populate a checkbox if it is not visible" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:check_cb) expect(druid).to receive(:cb_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true) expect(driver).to receive(:present?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('input') druid.populate_page_with('cb' => true) end it "should not populate a radio button when it is disabled" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:select_rb) expect(druid).to receive(:rb_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('input') druid.populate_page_with('rb' => true) end it "should not populate a text field when it is disabled" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:tf=) expect(druid).to receive(:tf_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return("input") druid.populate_page_with('tf' => 'test') end it "should not populate a radio button when it is not visible" do expect(druid).not_to receive(:select_rb) expect(druid).to receive(:rb_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true) expect(driver).to receive(:present?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('input') druid.populate_page_with('rb' => true) end context "when using a nested for a section" do let(:section) { double('section') } before do allow(druid).to receive(:section).and_return section end it "should populate a page section when the value is a hash and it exists" do expect(section).to receive(:stf=).with('value') expect(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('section' => {'stf' => 'value'}) end it "populate a page section when the value repsonds to #to_h and it exists" do os ='tf' => 'value', 'sl' => 'value') expect(section).to receive(:tf=).with('value') expect(section).to receive(:sl=).with('value') allow(druid).to receive(:is_enabled?).twice.and_return(true) druid.populate_page_with('section' => os) end it "should not set a value in a text field if it is not found on the page" do expect(section).not_to receive(:text_field) druid.populate_page_with('section' => {'coffee' => 'value'}) end it "should not populate a text field when it is disabled" do expect(section).not_to receive(:stf=) expect(section).to receive(:stf_element).twice.and_return(driver) expect(driver).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(false) expect(driver).to receive(:tag_name).and_return('input') druid.populate_page_with('section' => {'stf' => true}) end end end