/* * Copyright (c) 2017, M.Naruoka (fenrir) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name of the naruoka.org nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, * OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /** @file * @brief RINEX Loader, support RINEX 2 and 3 * */ #ifndef __RINEX_H__ #define __RINEX_H__ #include <istream> #include <ostream> #include <sstream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <queue> #include <vector> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> #include <exception> #include <algorithm> #include <cstddef> #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include "util/text_helper.h" #include "GPS.h" #include "SBAS.h" #include "GLONASS.h" template <class U = void> class RINEX_Reader { public: typedef RINEX_Reader<U> self_t; typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > header_t; protected: header_t _header; typename TextHelper<>::crlf_stream_t src; bool _has_next; public: struct version_type_t { int version; enum file_type_t { FTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, FTYPE_OBSERVATION, FTYPE_NAVIGATION, FTYPE_METEOROLOGICAL, } file_type; enum sat_system_t { SYS_UNKNOWN = 0, SYS_GPS, SYS_GLONASS, SYS_GALILEO, SYS_QZSS, SYS_BDS, SYS_IRNSS, SYS_SBAS, SYS_TRANSIT, SYS_MIXED, } sat_system; version_type_t( const int &ver = 0, const file_type_t &ftype = FTYPE_UNKNOWN, const sat_system_t &sys = SYS_UNKNOWN) : version(ver), file_type(ftype), sat_system(sys) {} void parse(const std::string &buf); void dump(std::string &buf) const; }; protected: version_type_t version_type; public: RINEX_Reader( std::istream &in, std::string &(*modify_header)(std::string &, std::string &) = NULL) : src(in), _has_next(false), version_type() { if(src.fail()){return;} char buf[256]; // Read header while(!src.eof()){ src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)); std::string content(buf); std::string label(content, 60, 20); { int real_length(label.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1); if(real_length < (int)label.length()){ label = label.substr(0, real_length); } } // std::cerr << label << " (" << label.length() << ")" << std::endl; if(label.find("END OF HEADER") == 0){break;} content = content.substr(0, 60); if(modify_header){content = modify_header(label, content);} _header[label].push_back(content); } // version and type extraction for(const header_t::const_iterator it(_header.find("RINEX VERSION / TYPE")); it != _header.end(); ){ version_type.parse(it->second.front()); break; } } virtual ~RINEX_Reader(){_header.clear();} header_t &header() {return _header;} const header_t &header() const {return const_cast<self_t *>(this)->header();} bool has_next() const {return _has_next;} template <class T, bool is_integer = std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer> struct conv_t : public TextHelper<>::template format_t<T> { static bool e_dot_head( std::string &buf, const int &offset, const int &length, void *value, const int &precision = 0, const bool &str2val = true){ if(str2val){ std::string s(buf.substr(offset, length)); std::string::size_type pos(s.find("D")); if(pos != std::string::npos){ s.replace(pos, 1, "E"); } std::stringstream ss(s); ss >> *(T *)value; return (ss.rdstate() & std::ios_base::failbit) == 0; }else{ int w((std::max)(length, precision + 6)); // parentheses of std::max mitigates error C2589 under Windows VC std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setprecision(precision - 1) << std::scientific << ((*(T *)value) * 1E1); std::string s(ss.str()); // -1.2345E+06 => -.12345E+06 int index(s[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0); s[index + 1] = s[index + 0]; s[index + 0] = '.'; // -.12345E+06 => -.12345D+06 s[index + precision + 1] = 'D'; // If exponent portion digits are more than 2, then truncate it. s.erase(index + precision + 3, s.size() - (index + precision + 5)); ss.str(""); ss << std::setfill(' ') << std::right << std::setw(w) << s; buf.replace(offset, length, ss.str()); return true; } } }; template <class T> struct conv_t<T, true> : public TextHelper<>::template format_t<T> { static bool e_dot_head( std::string &buf, const int &offset, const int &length, void *value, const int &precision = 0, const bool &str2val = true){ double v(*(T *)value); bool res( conv_t<double, false>::e_dot_head(buf, offset, length, &v, precision, str2val)); *(T *)value = static_cast<T>(v); return res; } }; typedef typename TextHelper<>::convert_item_t convert_item_t; static inline bool convert( const convert_item_t *items, const int &size, const std::string &buf, void *values, bool (*recovery)(const int &, const std::string &, void *) = NULL){ return TextHelper<>::str2val(items, size, buf, values, recovery); } template <int N> static inline bool convert( const convert_item_t (&items)[N], const std::string &buf, void *values, bool (*recovery)(const int &, const std::string &, void *) = NULL){ return convert(items, N, buf, values, recovery); } }; template <class U> void RINEX_Reader<U>::version_type_t::parse(const std::string &buf){ int temp; conv_t<int>::d(const_cast<std::string &>(buf), 0, 6, &temp); version = temp * 100; conv_t<int>::d(const_cast<std::string &>(buf), 7, 2, &temp); version += temp; switch(version / 100){ case 2: switch(buf[20]){ case 'O': file_type = FTYPE_OBSERVATION; switch(buf[40]){ case ' ': case 'G': sat_system = SYS_GPS; break; case 'R': sat_system = SYS_GLONASS; break; case 'S': sat_system = SYS_SBAS; break; case 'M': sat_system = SYS_MIXED; break; case 'T': sat_system = SYS_TRANSIT; break; } break; case 'M': file_type = FTYPE_METEOROLOGICAL; break; case 'N': file_type = FTYPE_NAVIGATION; sat_system = SYS_GPS; break; case 'G': file_type = FTYPE_NAVIGATION; sat_system = SYS_GLONASS; break; case 'H': file_type = FTYPE_NAVIGATION; sat_system = SYS_SBAS; // TODO: Is geostational as SBAS? break; } break; case 3: switch(buf[20]){ case 'O': file_type = FTYPE_OBSERVATION; break; case 'N': file_type = FTYPE_NAVIGATION; break; case 'M': file_type = FTYPE_METEOROLOGICAL; break; } if((file_type == FTYPE_OBSERVATION) || (file_type == FTYPE_NAVIGATION)){ switch(buf[40]){ case 'G': sat_system = SYS_GPS; break; case 'R': sat_system = SYS_GLONASS; break; case 'E': sat_system = SYS_GALILEO; break; case 'J': sat_system = SYS_QZSS; break; case 'C': sat_system = SYS_BDS; break; case 'I': sat_system = SYS_IRNSS; break; case 'S': sat_system = SYS_SBAS; break; case 'M': sat_system = SYS_MIXED; break; } } break; } } template <class U> void RINEX_Reader<U>::version_type_t::dump(std::string &buf) const { int temp; conv_t<int>::d(buf, 0, 6, &(temp = version / 100), 0, false); if(version % 100 != 0){ buf[6] = '.'; conv_t<int>::d(buf, 7, 2, &(temp = version % 100), 1, false); } const char *type_str(NULL), *sys_str(NULL); switch(version / 100){ case 2: { switch(file_type){ case FTYPE_OBSERVATION: { type_str = "OBSERVATION DATA"; switch(sat_system){ case SYS_GPS: sys_str = "G: GPS"; break; case SYS_GLONASS: sys_str = "R: GLONASS"; break; case SYS_SBAS: sys_str = "S: Geostat"; break; case SYS_MIXED: sys_str = "M: MIXED"; break; case SYS_TRANSIT: sys_str = "T: TRANSIT"; break; default: break; } break; } case FTYPE_NAVIGATION: switch(sat_system){ case SYS_GPS: type_str = "N: GPS NAV DATA"; break; case SYS_GLONASS: type_str = "G: GLONASS NAV DATA"; break; case SYS_SBAS: type_str = "H: GEO NAV MSG DATA"; break; default: break; } break; case FTYPE_METEOROLOGICAL: type_str = "METEOROLOGICAL DATA"; break; default: break; } break; } case 3: { switch(file_type){ case FTYPE_OBSERVATION: type_str = "OBSERVATION DATA"; break; case FTYPE_NAVIGATION: type_str = "N: GNSS NAV DATA"; break; case FTYPE_METEOROLOGICAL: type_str = "METEOROLOGICAL DATA"; break; default: break; } if((file_type != FTYPE_OBSERVATION) && (file_type != FTYPE_NAVIGATION)){break;} switch(sat_system){ case SYS_GPS: sys_str = "G: GPS"; break; case SYS_GLONASS: sys_str = "R: GLONASS"; break; case SYS_GALILEO: sys_str = "G: GALILEO"; break; case SYS_QZSS: sys_str = "Q: QZSS"; break; case SYS_BDS: sys_str = "B: BDS"; break; case SYS_IRNSS: sys_str = "I: IRNSS"; break; case SYS_SBAS: sys_str = "S: SBAS"; break; case SYS_MIXED: sys_str = "M: MIXED"; break; default: break; } break; } } if(type_str){ int n(std::strlen(type_str)); buf.replace(20, n, type_str, n); } if(sys_str){ int n(std::strlen(sys_str)); buf.replace(40, n, sys_str, n); } } template <class FloatT> struct RINEX_NAV { typedef GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT> space_node_t; typedef typename space_node_t::Satellite::Ephemeris ephemeris_t; struct message_t { ephemeris_t eph; std::tm t_oc_tm; int t_oc_year4, t_oc_year2, t_oc_mon12; FloatT t_oc_sec; FloatT t_oe_WN; FloatT ura_meter; FloatT t_ot; ///< Transmitting time [s] FloatT fit_interval_hr; FloatT dummy; message_t() {} message_t(const ephemeris_t &eph_) : eph(eph_), t_oc_tm(typename space_node_t::gps_time_t(eph.WN, eph.t_oc).c_tm()), t_oc_year4(t_oc_tm.tm_year + 1900), t_oc_year2(t_oc_tm.tm_year % 100), t_oc_mon12(t_oc_tm.tm_mon + 1), t_oc_sec(std::fmod(eph.t_oc, 60)), t_oe_WN(eph.WN), ura_meter(ephemeris_t::URA_meter(eph.URA)), t_ot(0), // TODO fit_interval_hr(eph.fit_interval / (60 * 60)), dummy(0) { } void update() { typename space_node_t::gps_time_t t_oc(t_oc_tm); t_oc += (t_oc_sec - t_oc_tm.tm_sec); eph.WN = t_oc.week; eph.t_oc = t_oc.seconds; eph.URA = ephemeris_t::URA_index(ura_meter); // meter to index /* @see ftp://igs.org/pub/data/format/rinex210.txt * 6.7 Satellite Health * RINEX Value: 0 Health OK * RINEX Value: 1 Health not OK (bits 18-22 not stored) * RINEX Value: >32 Health not OK (bits 18-22 stored) * eph.SV_health may have a value greater than 32 */ // At least 4 hour validity, then, hours => seconds; eph.fit_interval = ((fit_interval_hr < 4) ? 4 : fit_interval_hr) * 60 * 60; } static message_t from_qzss(const ephemeris_t &eph_){ message_t res(eph_); res.eph.svid -= 192; res.fit_interval_hr = (res.fit_interval_hr) > 2 ? 1 : 0; return res; } ephemeris_t eph_qzss() const { ephemeris_t res(eph); res.svid += 192; res.fit_interval = ((fit_interval_hr > 0) ? 4 : 2) * 60 * 60; return res; } }; struct message_sbas_t { typedef typename SBAS_SpaceNode<FloatT> ::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris eph_t; int svid; std::tm date_tm; int t_year4, t_year2, t_mon12; FloatT t_sec; FloatT a_Gf0, a_Gf1; FloatT t_t; // Transmission time of message (start of the message) in GPS seconds of the week FloatT x_km, dx_km_s, ddx_km_s2; FloatT y_km, dy_km_s, ddy_km_s2; FloatT z_km, dz_km_s, ddz_km_s2; unsigned int health; FloatT URA; unsigned int iodn; message_sbas_t() {} message_sbas_t(const eph_t &eph) : svid((int)eph.svid - 100), date_tm(eph.base_time().c_tm()), t_year4(date_tm.tm_year + 1900), t_year2(date_tm.tm_year % 100), t_mon12(date_tm.tm_mon + 1), t_sec(date_tm.tm_sec), a_Gf0(eph.a_Gf0), a_Gf1(eph.a_Gf1), t_t(eph.t_0), // TODO maybe differ from t_e slightly x_km(1E-3 * eph.x), dx_km_s(1E-3 * eph.dx), ddx_km_s2(1E-3 * eph.ddx), y_km(1E-3 * eph.y), dy_km_s(1E-3 * eph.dy), ddy_km_s2(1E-3 * eph.ddy), z_km(1E-3 * eph.z), dz_km_s(1E-3 * eph.dz), ddz_km_s2(1E-3 * eph.ddz), health(0), URA(eph.URA), iodn(0) { } operator eph_t() const { eph_t eph = {0}; eph.svid = (unsigned int)svid + 100; typename space_node_t::gps_time_t t(date_tm); t += (t_sec - date_tm.tm_sec); eph.WN = t.week; eph.t_0 = t.seconds; eph.a_Gf0 = a_Gf0; eph.a_Gf1 = a_Gf1; eph.x = 1E3 * x_km; eph.dx = 1E3 * dx_km_s; eph.ddx = 1E3 * ddx_km_s2; eph.y = 1E3 * y_km; eph.dy = 1E3 * dy_km_s; eph.ddy = 1E3 * ddy_km_s2; eph.z = 1E3 * z_km; eph.dz = 1E3 * dz_km_s; eph.ddz = 1E3 * ddz_km_s2; eph.URA = URA; return eph; } }; struct message_glonass_t { typedef typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT> ::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris_with_Time eph_t; int svid; std::tm date_tm; int t_year4, t_year2, t_mon12; FloatT t_sec; FloatT tau_n_neg, gamma_n; unsigned int t_k; FloatT x_km, dx_km_s, ddx_km_s2; FloatT y_km, dy_km_s, ddy_km_s2; FloatT z_km, dz_km_s, ddz_km_s2; unsigned int B_n, E_n; int freq_num; // 1-24(ver.2), -7-13(ver.3) // since ver.3.05 unsigned int status_flags, urai, health_flags; FloatT delta_tau; message_glonass_t(){ status_flags = ((0x01 & 0x3) << 7) // GLONASS-M | ((0x3) << 2); // upload/validity interval = 60 min urai = 15; // unknown health_flags = 0; delta_tau = 0; } message_glonass_t(const eph_t &eph) : svid((int)eph.svid), date_tm(eph.c_tm_utc()), t_year4(date_tm.tm_year + 1900), t_year2(date_tm.tm_year % 100), t_mon12(date_tm.tm_mon + 1), t_sec(date_tm.tm_sec), tau_n_neg(-eph.tau_n), gamma_n(eph.gamma_n), t_k(eph.t_k), x_km(1E-3 * eph.xn), dx_km_s(1E-3 * eph.xn_dot), ddx_km_s2(1E-3 * eph.xn_ddot), y_km(1E-3 * eph.yn), dy_km_s(1E-3 * eph.yn_dot), ddy_km_s2(1E-3 * eph.yn_ddot), z_km(1E-3 * eph.zn), dz_km_s(1E-3 * eph.zn_dot), ddz_km_s2(1E-3 * eph.zn_ddot), B_n(eph.B_n), E_n(eph.E_n), freq_num(eph.freq_ch), urai(eph.F_T_index()), delta_tau(eph.delta_tau_n) { status_flags = ((eph.M & 0x3) << 7) | (eph.P4 ? 0x40 : 0) | (eph.P2 ? 0x10 : 0) | ((eph.P1_index() & 0x3) << 2); health_flags = 0; } operator eph_t() const { typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris eph = {0}; eph.svid = (unsigned int)svid; eph.freq_ch = freq_num; eph.tau_n = -tau_n_neg; eph.gamma_n = gamma_n; eph.t_k = t_k; eph.xn = 1E3 * x_km; eph.xn_dot = 1E3 * dx_km_s; eph.xn_ddot = 1E3 * ddx_km_s2; eph.yn = 1E3 * y_km; eph.yn_dot = 1E3 * dy_km_s; eph.yn_ddot = 1E3 * ddy_km_s2; eph.zn = 1E3 * z_km; eph.zn_dot = 1E3 * dz_km_s; eph.zn_ddot = 1E3 * ddz_km_s2; eph.B_n = B_n; eph.E_n = E_n; eph.F_T = eph_t::Ephemeris::raw_t::F_T_value(urai); eph.delta_tau_n = (delta_tau > 0.999999999998E+09 ? 0 : delta_tau); eph.M = ((status_flags >> 7) & 0x3); eph.P4 = (status_flags & 0x40); eph.P2 = (status_flags & 0x10); eph.P1 = eph_t::Ephemeris::raw_t::P1_value((status_flags >> 2) & 0x03); return eph_t(eph, date_tm); } }; }; template <class FloatT = double> class RINEX_NAV_Reader : public RINEX_Reader<> { protected: typedef RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT> self_t; typedef RINEX_Reader<> super_t; public: typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::space_node_t space_node_t; typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::message_t message_t; typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::message_sbas_t message_sbas_t; typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::message_glonass_t message_glonass_t; typedef typename space_node_t::Ionospheric_UTC_Parameters iono_utc_t; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph0_v2[10], eph0_v3[10]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph1_v2[4], eph1_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph2_v2[4], eph2_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph3_v2[4], eph3_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph4_v2[4], eph4_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph5_v2[4], eph5_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph6_v2[4], eph6_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph7_v2[2], eph7_v3[2]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph0_sbas_v2[10], eph0_sbas_v3[10]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph1_sbas_v2[4], eph1_sbas_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph2_sbas_v2[4], eph2_sbas_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph3_sbas_v2[4], eph3_sbas_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph0_glonass_v2[10], eph0_glonass_v3[10]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph1_glonass_v2[4], eph1_glonass_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph2_glonass_v2[4], eph2_glonass_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph3_glonass_v2[4], eph3_glonass_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t eph4_glonass_v305[4]; protected: typename super_t::version_type_t::sat_system_t sys_of_msg; message_t msg; message_sbas_t msg_sbas; message_glonass_t msg_glonass; void seek_next_v2_gps() { char buf[256]; for(int i(0); i < 8; i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string line(buf); switch(i){ case 0: { super_t::convert(eph0_v2, line, &msg); msg.t_oc_tm.tm_year = msg.t_oc_year2 + (msg.t_oc_year2 < 80 ? 100 : 0); // greater than 1980 msg.t_oc_tm.tm_mon = msg.t_oc_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] msg.t_oc_tm.tm_sec = (int)msg.t_oc_sec; break; } case 1: super_t::convert(eph1_v2, line, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(eph2_v2, line, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(eph3_v2, line, &msg); break; case 4: super_t::convert(eph4_v2, line, &msg); break; case 5: super_t::convert(eph5_v2, line, &msg); break; case 6: super_t::convert(eph6_v2, line, &msg); break; case 7: super_t::convert(eph7_v2, line, &msg); break; } } msg.update(); sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS; super_t::_has_next = true; } void seek_next_v2_glonass() { char buf[256]; for(int i(0); i < 4; i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string line(buf); switch(i){ case 0: { super_t::convert(eph0_glonass_v2, line, &msg_glonass); msg_glonass.date_tm.tm_year = msg_glonass.t_year2 + (msg_glonass.t_year2 < 80 ? 100 : 0); // greater than 1980 msg_glonass.date_tm.tm_mon = msg_glonass.t_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] msg_glonass.date_tm.tm_sec = (int)msg_glonass.t_sec; break; } case 1: super_t::convert(eph1_glonass_v2, line, &msg_glonass); break; case 2: super_t::convert(eph2_glonass_v2, line, &msg_glonass); if(super_t::version_type.version < 211){ //msg_glonass.freq_num; // TODO 1..24? convert to value ranging from -7 to 6? } break; case 3: super_t::convert(eph3_glonass_v2, line, &msg_glonass); break; } } sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GLONASS; super_t::_has_next = true; } void seek_next_v2_sbas() { char buf[256]; for(int i(0); i < 4; i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string line(buf); switch(i){ case 0: { super_t::convert(eph0_sbas_v2, line, &msg_sbas); msg_sbas.date_tm.tm_year = msg_sbas.t_year2 + (msg_sbas.t_year2 < 80 ? 100 : 0); // greater than 1980 msg_sbas.date_tm.tm_mon = msg_sbas.t_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] msg_sbas.date_tm.tm_sec = (int)msg_sbas.t_sec; break; } case 1: super_t::convert(eph1_sbas_v2, line, &msg_sbas); break; case 2: super_t::convert(eph2_sbas_v2, line, &msg_sbas); break; case 3: super_t::convert(eph3_sbas_v2, line, &msg_sbas); break; } } sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_SBAS; super_t::_has_next = true; } void seek_next_v2() { switch(super_t::version_type.sat_system){ case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS: seek_next_v2_gps(); return; case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GLONASS: seek_next_v2_glonass(); return; case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_SBAS: seek_next_v2_sbas(); return; default: break; } } template <std::size_t N> void seek_next_v3_gps(char (&buf)[N]) { super_t::convert(eph0_v3, std::string(buf), &msg); msg.t_oc_tm.tm_year = msg.t_oc_year4 - 1900; // tm_year base is 1900 msg.t_oc_tm.tm_mon = msg.t_oc_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] msg.t_oc_sec = msg.t_oc_tm.tm_sec; for(int i(1); i < 8; i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string line(buf); switch(i){ case 1: super_t::convert(eph1_v3, line, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(eph2_v3, line, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(eph3_v3, line, &msg); break; case 4: super_t::convert(eph4_v3, line, &msg); break; case 5: super_t::convert(eph5_v3, line, &msg); break; case 6: super_t::convert(eph6_v3, line, &msg); break; case 7: super_t::convert(eph7_v3, line, &msg); break; } } msg.update(); sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS; super_t::_has_next = true; } template <std::size_t N> void seek_next_v3_sbas(char (&buf)[N]) { super_t::convert(eph0_sbas_v3, std::string(buf), &msg_sbas); msg_sbas.date_tm.tm_year = msg_sbas.t_year4 - 1900; // tm_year base is 1900 msg_sbas.date_tm.tm_mon = msg_sbas.t_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] msg_sbas.t_sec = msg_sbas.date_tm.tm_sec; for(int i(1); i < 4; i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string line(buf); switch(i){ case 1: super_t::convert(eph1_sbas_v3, line, &msg_sbas); break; case 2: super_t::convert(eph2_sbas_v3, line, &msg_sbas); break; case 3: super_t::convert(eph3_sbas_v3, line, &msg_sbas); break; } } sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_SBAS; super_t::_has_next = true; } template <std::size_t N> void seek_next_v3_qzss(char (&buf)[N]) { seek_next_v3_gps(buf); if(!super_t::_has_next){return;} sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_QZSS; } template <std::size_t N> void seek_next_v3_glonass(char (&buf)[N]) { super_t::convert(eph0_glonass_v3, std::string(buf), &msg_glonass); msg_glonass.date_tm.tm_year = msg_glonass.t_year4 - 1900; // tm_year base is 1900 msg_glonass.date_tm.tm_mon = msg_glonass.t_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] msg_glonass.t_sec = msg_glonass.date_tm.tm_sec; for(int i(1); i < ((super_t::version_type.version <= 304) ? 4 : 5); i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string line(buf); switch(i){ case 1: super_t::convert(eph1_glonass_v3, line, &msg_glonass); break; case 2: super_t::convert(eph2_glonass_v3, line, &msg_glonass); break; case 3: super_t::convert(eph3_glonass_v3, line, &msg_glonass); break; case 4: super_t::convert(eph4_glonass_v305, line, &msg_glonass); break; } } sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GLONASS; super_t::_has_next = true; } template <std::size_t N> void seek_next_v3_not_implemented(char (&buf)[N], const int &lines) { for(int i(1); i < lines; i++){ if((!super_t::src.good()) || super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} } sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_UNKNOWN; super_t::_has_next = true; } void seek_next_v3() { char buf[256]; while(super_t::src.good() && (!super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail())){ switch(buf[0]){ case 'G': seek_next_v3_gps(buf); return; // GPS case 'E': seek_next_v3_not_implemented(buf, 8); return; // Galileo case 'R': seek_next_v3_glonass(buf); return; // Glonass case 'J': seek_next_v3_qzss(buf); return; // QZSS case 'C': seek_next_v3_not_implemented(buf, 8); return; // Beido case 'S': seek_next_v3_sbas(buf); return; // SBAS case 'T': seek_next_v3_not_implemented(buf, 8); return; // IRNSS default: break; } } } void seek_next() { super_t::_has_next = false; sys_of_msg = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_UNKNOWN; super_t::version_type.version >= 300 ? seek_next_v3() : seek_next_v2(); } public: RINEX_NAV_Reader(std::istream &in) : super_t(in) { seek_next(); } ~RINEX_NAV_Reader(){} void next() { seek_next(); } static const typename super_t::convert_item_t iono_alpha_v2[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t iono_beta_v2[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t utc_v2[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t utc_leap_v2[1]; /** * Obtain ionospheric delay coefficient and UTC parameters. * * @return true when successfully obtained, otherwise false */ bool extract_iono_utc_v2(GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT> &space_node) const { iono_utc_t iono_utc; bool alpha, beta, utc, leap; super_t::header_t::const_iterator it; if((alpha = ((it = _header.find("ION ALPHA")) != _header.end()))){ super_t::convert(iono_alpha_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); } if((beta = ((it = _header.find("ION BETA")) != _header.end()))){ super_t::convert(iono_beta_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); } if((utc = ((it = _header.find("DELTA-UTC: A0,A1,T,W")) != _header.end()))){ super_t::convert(utc_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); } if((leap = ((it = _header.find("LEAP SECONDS")) != _header.end()))){ super_t::convert(utc_leap_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); } space_node.update_iono_utc(iono_utc, alpha && beta, utc && leap); return alpha && beta && utc && leap; } static const typename super_t::convert_item_t iono_alpha_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t iono_beta_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t utc_v3[4]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t utc_leap_v301[4]; bool extract_iono_utc_v3(GPS_SpaceNode<FloatT> &space_node) const { iono_utc_t iono_utc; bool alpha(false), beta(false), utc(false), leap(false); typedef super_t::header_t::const_iterator it_t; typedef super_t::header_t::mapped_type::const_iterator it2_t; it_t it; if((it = _header.find("IONOSPHERIC CORR")) != _header.end()){ for(it2_t it2(it->second.begin()), it2_end(it->second.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if(it2->find("GPSA") != it2->npos){ super_t::convert(iono_alpha_v3, *it2, &iono_utc); alpha = true; }else if(it2->find("GPSB") != it2->npos){ super_t::convert(iono_beta_v3, *it2, &iono_utc); beta = true; } } } if((it = _header.find("TIME SYSTEM CORR")) != _header.end()){ for(it2_t it2(it->second.begin()), it2_end(it->second.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if(it2->find("GPUT") == it2->npos){continue;} super_t::convert(utc_v3, *it2, &iono_utc); utc = true; } } if((it = _header.find("LEAP SECONDS")) != _header.end()){ iono_utc.delta_t_LSF = iono_utc.WN_LSF = iono_utc.DN = 0; if(version_type.version >= 301){ super_t::convert(utc_leap_v301, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); }else{ super_t::convert(utc_leap_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); } leap = true; } space_node.update_iono_utc(iono_utc, alpha && beta, utc && leap); return alpha && beta && utc && leap; } struct t_corr_glonass_t { int year, month, day; FloatT tau_c_neg, tau_GPS; // TODO check tau_GPS polarity int leap_sec; int flags; enum { TAU_C_NEG = 0x01, TAU_GPS = 0x02, LEAP_SEC = 0x04, }; }; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t t_corr_glonass_v2[4]; bool extract_t_corr_glonass_v2(t_corr_glonass_t &t_corr_glonass) const { t_corr_glonass.flags = 0; super_t::header_t::const_iterator it; if((it = _header.find("CORR TO SYSTEM TIME")) != _header.end()){ super_t::convert(t_corr_glonass_v2, it->second.front(), &t_corr_glonass); t_corr_glonass.flags |= t_corr_glonass_t::TAU_C_NEG; } if((it = _header.find("LEAP SECONDS")) != _header.end()){ iono_utc_t iono_utc; super_t::convert(utc_leap_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); t_corr_glonass.leap_sec = iono_utc.delta_t_LS; t_corr_glonass.flags |= t_corr_glonass_t::LEAP_SEC; } return t_corr_glonass.flags > 0; } bool extract_t_corr_glonass_v3(t_corr_glonass_t &t_corr_glonass) const { iono_utc_t iono_utc; t_corr_glonass.flags = 0; typedef super_t::header_t::const_iterator it_t; typedef super_t::header_t::mapped_type::const_iterator it2_t; it_t it; if((it = _header.find("TIME SYSTEM CORR")) != _header.end()){ for(it2_t it2(it->second.begin()), it2_end(it->second.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if(it2->find("GLUT") != it2->npos){ super_t::convert(utc_v3, *it2, &iono_utc); t_corr_glonass.year = t_corr_glonass.month = t_corr_glonass.day = 0; t_corr_glonass.tau_c_neg = iono_utc.A0; t_corr_glonass.flags |= t_corr_glonass_t::TAU_C_NEG; }else if(it2->find("GLGP") != it2->npos){ super_t::convert(utc_v3, *it2, &iono_utc); t_corr_glonass.tau_GPS = iono_utc.A0; t_corr_glonass.flags |= t_corr_glonass_t::TAU_GPS; } } } if((it = _header.find("LEAP SECONDS")) != _header.end()){ if(version_type.version >= 301){ super_t::convert(utc_leap_v301, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); }else{ super_t::convert(utc_leap_v2, it->second.front(), &iono_utc); } t_corr_glonass.leap_sec = iono_utc.delta_t_LS; t_corr_glonass.flags |= t_corr_glonass_t::LEAP_SEC; } return t_corr_glonass.flags > 0; } struct space_node_list_t { space_node_t *gps; SBAS_SpaceNode<FloatT> *sbas; space_node_t *qzss; GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT> *glonass; }; static int read_all(std::istream &in, space_node_list_t &space_nodes = {0}){ RINEX_NAV_Reader reader(in); if(reader.version_type.file_type != version_type_t::FTYPE_NAVIGATION){ return -1; } if(space_nodes.gps){ (reader.version_type.version >= 300) ? reader.extract_iono_utc_v3(*space_nodes.gps) : reader.extract_iono_utc_v2(*space_nodes.gps); } if(space_nodes.qzss && (space_nodes.gps != space_nodes.qzss) && (reader.version_type.version >= 302)){ reader.extract_iono_utc_v3(*space_nodes.qzss); } t_corr_glonass_t t_corr_glonass = {0}; if(space_nodes.glonass){ (reader.version_type.version >= 300) ? reader.extract_t_corr_glonass_v3(t_corr_glonass) : reader.extract_t_corr_glonass_v2(t_corr_glonass); } int res(0); for(; reader.has_next(); reader.next()){ switch(reader.sys_of_msg){ case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS: if(!space_nodes.gps){break;} space_nodes.gps->satellite(reader.msg.eph.svid).register_ephemeris(reader.msg.eph); res++; break; case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_SBAS: { if(!space_nodes.sbas){break;} typename message_sbas_t::eph_t eph(reader.msg_sbas); space_nodes.sbas->satellite(eph.svid).register_ephemeris(eph); res++; break; } case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_QZSS: { if(!space_nodes.qzss){break;} typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::ephemeris_t eph(reader.msg.eph_qzss()); space_nodes.qzss->satellite(eph.svid).register_ephemeris(eph); res++; break; } case super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GLONASS: { if(!space_nodes.glonass){break;} typename message_glonass_t::eph_t eph0(reader.msg_glonass); eph0.tau_c = -t_corr_glonass.tau_c_neg; eph0.tau_GPS = t_corr_glonass.tau_GPS; typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::SatelliteProperties::Ephemeris_with_GPS_Time eph( eph0, (t_corr_glonass.flags & t_corr_glonass_t::LEAP_SEC) ? t_corr_glonass.leap_sec : GPS_Time<FloatT>::guess_leap_seconds(reader.msg_glonass.date_tm)); space_nodes.glonass->satellite(reader.msg_glonass.svid).register_ephemeris(eph); res++; break; } default: break; } } return res; } static int read_all(std::istream &in, space_node_t &space_node){ space_node_list_t list = { &space_node, }; return read_all(in, list); } }; template <class FloatT> struct RINEX_OBS { struct epoch_flag_t { std::tm epoch; int epoch_year4, epoch_year2, epoch_mon12; FloatT epoch_sec; int flag; int items_followed; FloatT receiver_clock_error; epoch_flag_t &operator=(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t){ epoch = t.c_tm(); epoch_year4 = epoch.tm_year + 1900; epoch_year2 = epoch.tm_year % 100; epoch_mon12 = epoch.tm_mon + 1; epoch_sec = std::fmod(t.seconds, 60); return *this; } operator GPS_Time<FloatT>() const { return GPS_Time<FloatT>(epoch) + (epoch_sec - epoch.tm_sec); } }; struct observation_t { GPS_Time<FloatT> t_epoch; FloatT receiver_clock_error; struct record_t { bool valid; FloatT value; int lli, ss; // if negative }; typedef std::map<int, std::vector<record_t> > per_satellite_t; per_satellite_t per_satellite; observation_t &operator=(const epoch_flag_t &epoch_flag){ t_epoch = (GPS_Time<FloatT>)epoch_flag; receiver_clock_error = epoch_flag.receiver_clock_error; return *this; } operator epoch_flag_t() const { epoch_flag_t res = {0}; res = t_epoch; res.receiver_clock_error = receiver_clock_error; return res; } }; }; template <class FloatT = double> class RINEX_OBS_Reader : public RINEX_Reader<> { protected: typedef RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT> self_t; typedef RINEX_Reader<> super_t; public: typedef typename RINEX_OBS<FloatT>::epoch_flag_t epoch_flag_t; typedef typename RINEX_OBS<FloatT>::observation_t::record_t record_t; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t epoch_flag_v2[9], epoch_flag_v3[9]; static const typename super_t::convert_item_t record_v2v3[3]; typedef typename RINEX_OBS<FloatT>::observation_t observation_t; static int sys2serial(const char &c){ switch(c){ case ' ': case 'G': return 0; // NAVSTAR case 'R': return 0x100; break; // GLONASS case 'E': return 0x200; break; // Galileo, since ver 2.11 case 'J': return 192; break; // QZSS, since ver 3.02, J01 = PRN193 case 'C': return 0x300; break; // BDS, since ver 3.02 case 'I': return 0x400; break; // IRNSS, since ver 3.03 case 'S': return 100; break; // SBAS, S20 = PRN120 default: return 0x800; } } static char serial2sys(const int &serial, int &offset){ switch(serial & 0xF00){ case 0: if(serial < 100){ offset = serial; return 'G'; // NAVSTAR }else if(serial < 192){ offset = serial - 100; return 'S'; // SBAS, S20 = PRN120 }else{ offset = serial - 192; return 'J'; // QZSS, since ver 3.02, J01 = PRN193 } break; case 0x100: offset = serial - 0x100; return 'R'; // GLONASS case 0x200: offset = serial - 0x200; return 'E'; // Galileo, since ver 2.11 case 0x300: offset = serial - 0x300; return 'C'; // BDS, since ver 3.02 case 0x400: offset = serial - 0x400; return 'I'; // IRNSS, since ver 3.03 } offset = serial - 0x800; return ' '; // unknown } protected: typedef std::map<char, std::vector<std::string> > obs_types_t; obs_types_t obs_types; observation_t obs; static std::string &modify_header(std::string &label, std::string &content){ return content; } void seek_next_v2() { char buf[256]; typedef std::vector<int> sat_list_t; sat_list_t sat_list; obs.per_satellite.clear(); while(true){ // Read lines for epoch { if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string epoch_str(buf); if((epoch_str.size() < 80) && (epoch_str.size() >= 32)){ // minimum 32 characters are required. epoch_str.append(80 - epoch_str.size(), ' '); // add blank in case line is truncated } epoch_flag_t epoch_flag; super_t::convert(epoch_flag_v2, epoch_str, &epoch_flag); epoch_flag.epoch.tm_year = epoch_flag.epoch_year2 + (epoch_flag.epoch_year2 < 80 ? 100 : 0); // greater than 1980 epoch_flag.epoch.tm_mon = epoch_flag.epoch_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] epoch_flag.epoch.tm_sec = (int)epoch_flag.epoch_sec; obs = epoch_flag; if(epoch_flag.flag >= 2){ for(int i(0); i < epoch_flag.items_followed; ++i){ if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} } continue; } int prn; for(int items(0), i(0); items < epoch_flag.items_followed; items++, i++){ if(i >= 12){ // if number of satellites is greater than 12, move to the next line if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} epoch_str = std::string(buf); i = 0; } super_t::template conv_t<int>::d(epoch_str, 33 + (i * 3), 2, &prn); sat_list.push_back(prn + sys2serial(epoch_str[32 + (i * 3)])); } } // Observation data per satellite int types(obs_types[' '].size()); for(typename sat_list_t::const_iterator it(sat_list.begin()), it_end(sat_list.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ std::string obs_str; for(int i(0), offset(80); i < types; i++, offset += 16){ if(offset >= 80){ if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} obs_str = std::string(buf); if(obs_str.size() < 80){ obs_str.append(80 - obs_str.size(), ' '); // add blank in case line is truncated } offset = 0; } typename observation_t::record_t record = {false, 0}; std::string record_str(obs_str.substr(offset, 16)); if(record_str[10] == '.'){ record.valid = true; super_t::convert(record_v2v3, record_str, &record); } obs.per_satellite[*it].push_back(record); } } break; } super_t::_has_next = true; } void seek_next_v3() { char buf[1024]; typedef std::vector<int> sat_list_t; sat_list_t sat_list; obs.per_satellite.clear(); while(true){ // Read lines for epoch epoch_flag_t epoch_flag; { if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string epoch_str(buf); if((epoch_str.size() < 56) && (epoch_str.size() >= 35)){ epoch_str.append(56 - epoch_str.size(), ' '); } super_t::convert(epoch_flag_v3, epoch_str, &epoch_flag); epoch_flag.epoch.tm_year = epoch_flag.epoch_year4 - 1900; // greater than 1980 epoch_flag.epoch.tm_mon = epoch_flag.epoch_mon12 - 1; // month [0, 11] epoch_flag.epoch.tm_sec = (int)epoch_flag.epoch_sec; obs = epoch_flag; if(epoch_flag.flag >= 2){ for(int i(0); i < epoch_flag.items_followed; ++i){ if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} } continue; } } // Observation data per satellite for(int i(0); i < epoch_flag.items_followed; ++i){ if(super_t::src.getline(buf, sizeof(buf)).fail()){return;} std::string obs_str(buf); int types(obs_types[obs_str[0]].size()), serial; super_t::template conv_t<int>::d(obs_str, 1, 3, &serial); serial += sys2serial(obs_str[0]); do{ int truncated((3 + 16 * types) - obs_str.size()); if(truncated <= 0){break;} obs_str.append(truncated, ' '); }while(false); for(int j(0), offset(3); j < types; j++, offset += 16){ typename observation_t::record_t record = {false, 0}; std::string record_str(obs_str.substr(offset, 16)); if(record_str[10] == '.'){ record.valid = true; super_t::convert(record_v2v3, record_str, &record); } obs.per_satellite[serial].push_back(record); } } break; } super_t::_has_next = true; } void seek_next(){ if(obs_types.size() == 0){return;} switch(super_t::version_type.version / 100){ case 2: seek_next_v2(); break; case 3: seek_next_v3(); break; } } public: RINEX_OBS_Reader(std::istream &in) : super_t(in, self_t::modify_header), obs_types() { if(super_t::version_type.file_type != version_type_t::FTYPE_OBSERVATION){ return; } typedef super_t::header_t::const_iterator it_t; typedef super_t::header_t::mapped_type::const_iterator it2_t; it_t it; switch(super_t::version_type.version / 100){ case 2: if((it = _header.find("# / TYPES OF OBSERV")) != _header.end()){ int types(0); for(it2_t it2(it->second.begin()), it2_end(it->second.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if(types == 0){super_t::conv_t<int>::d(const_cast<std::string &>(*it2), 0, 6, &types);} for(int i(0); i < 9; ++i){ std::string param_name(it2->substr(6 * i + 10, 2)); if(param_name != " "){ obs_types[' '].push_back(param_name); } } } } break; case 3: if((it = _header.find("SYS / # / OBS TYPES")) != _header.end()){ int types(0); char sys; for(it2_t it2(it->second.begin()), it2_end(it->second.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if(types == 0){ sys = (*it2)[0]; super_t::conv_t<int>::d(const_cast<std::string &>(*it2), 3, 3, &types); } for(int i(0); i < 13; ++i){ std::string param_name(it2->substr(4 * i + 7, 3)); if(param_name == " "){continue;} obs_types[sys].push_back(param_name); if((int)(obs_types[sys].size()) >= types){ types = 0; break; } } } } break; } seek_next(); } ~RINEX_OBS_Reader(){} observation_t next() { observation_t current(obs); super_t::_has_next = false; seek_next(); return current; } /** * Return index on data lines corresponding to specified label * If not found, return -1. * */ int observed_index(const std::string &label, const char &system = ' ') const { obs_types_t::const_iterator it(obs_types.find(system)); if(it == obs_types.end()){return -1;} int res(distance(it->second.begin(), find(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), label))); return (res >= (int)(it->second.size()) ? -1 : res); } }; #define GEN_D(offset, length, container_type, container_member, value_type) \ {super_t::template conv_t<value_type>::d, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member)} #define GEN_I(offset, length, container_type, container_member, value_type) \ {super_t::template conv_t<value_type>::d, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), 1} #define GEN_F2(offset, length, precision, container_type, container_member, value_type) \ {super_t::template conv_t<value_type>::f_dot_head, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), precision} #define GEN_E2(offset, length, precision, container_type, container_member, value_type) \ {super_t::template conv_t<value_type>::e_dot_head, offset, length, \ offsetof(container_type, container_member), precision} #define GEN_F(offset, length, precision, container_type, container_member) \ GEN_F2(offset, length, precision, container_type, container_member, FloatT) #define GEN_E(offset, length, precision, container_type, container_member) \ GEN_E2(offset, length, precision, container_type, container_member, FloatT) template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph0_v2[] = { GEN_D( 0, 2, message_t, eph.svid, int), GEN_D( 3, 2, message_t, t_oc_year2, int), GEN_D( 6, 2, message_t, t_oc_mon12, int), GEN_D( 9, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_mday, int), GEN_D(12, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_hour, int), GEN_D(15, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_min, int), GEN_F(17, 5, 1, message_t, t_oc_sec), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_t, eph.a_f0), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_t, eph.a_f1), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_t, eph.a_f2), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph0_v3[] = { GEN_I( 1, 2, message_t, eph.svid, int), GEN_I( 4, 4, message_t, t_oc_year4, int), GEN_I( 9, 2, message_t, t_oc_mon12, int), GEN_I(12, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_mday, int), GEN_I(15, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_hour, int), GEN_I(18, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_min, int), GEN_I(21, 2, message_t, t_oc_tm.tm_sec, int), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_t, eph.a_f0), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_t, eph.a_f1), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_t, eph.a_f2), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph1_v2[] = { GEN_E2( 3, 19, 12, message_t, eph.iode, int), GEN_E (22, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_rs), GEN_E (41, 19, 12, message_t, eph.delta_n), GEN_E (60, 19, 12, message_t, eph.M0), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph1_v3[] = { GEN_E2( 4, 19, 12, message_t, eph.iode, int), GEN_E (23, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_rs), GEN_E (42, 19, 12, message_t, eph.delta_n), GEN_E (61, 19, 12, message_t, eph.M0), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph2_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_uc), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_t, eph.e), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_us), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_t, eph.sqrt_A), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph2_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_uc), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_t, eph.e), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_us), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_t, eph.sqrt_A), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph3_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_t, eph.t_oe), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_ic), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_t, eph.Omega0), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_is), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph3_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_t, eph.t_oe), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_ic), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_t, eph.Omega0), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_is), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph4_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_t, eph.i0), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_rc), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_t, eph.omega), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_t, eph.dot_Omega0), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph4_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_t, eph.i0), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_t, eph.c_rc), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_t, eph.omega), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_t, eph.dot_Omega0), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph5_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_t, eph.dot_i0), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_t, dummy), // Codes on L2 channel GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_t, t_oe_WN), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_t, dummy), // L2 P data flag }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph5_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_t, eph.dot_i0), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_t, dummy), // Codes on L2 channel GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_t, t_oe_WN), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_t, dummy), // L2 P data flag }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph6_v2[] = { GEN_E ( 3, 19, 12, message_t, ura_meter), GEN_E2(22, 19, 12, message_t, eph.SV_health, unsigned int), GEN_E (41, 19, 12, message_t, eph.t_GD), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_t, eph.iodc, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph6_v3[] = { GEN_E ( 4, 19, 12, message_t, ura_meter), GEN_E2(23, 19, 12, message_t, eph.SV_health, unsigned int), GEN_E (42, 19, 12, message_t, eph.t_GD), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_t, eph.iodc, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph7_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_t, t_ot), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_t, fit_interval_hr), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph7_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_t, t_ot), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_t, fit_interval_hr), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph0_sbas_v2[] = { GEN_D( 0, 2, message_sbas_t, svid, int), GEN_D( 3, 2, message_sbas_t, t_year2, int), GEN_D( 6, 2, message_sbas_t, t_mon12, int), GEN_D( 9, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_mday, int), GEN_D(12, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_hour, int), GEN_D(15, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_min, int), GEN_F(17, 5, 1, message_sbas_t, t_sec), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, a_Gf0), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, a_Gf1), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, t_t), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph0_sbas_v3[] = { GEN_I( 1, 2, message_sbas_t, svid, int), GEN_I( 4, 4, message_sbas_t, t_year4, int), GEN_I( 9, 2, message_sbas_t, t_mon12, int), GEN_I(12, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_mday, int), GEN_I(15, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_hour, int), GEN_I(18, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_min, int), GEN_I(21, 2, message_sbas_t, date_tm.tm_sec, int), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, a_Gf0), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, a_Gf1), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, t_t), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph1_sbas_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, x_km), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, dx_km_s), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, ddx_km_s2), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, health, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph1_sbas_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, x_km), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, dx_km_s), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, ddx_km_s2), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, health, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph2_sbas_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, y_km), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, dy_km_s), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, ddy_km_s2), GEN_E(60, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, URA), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph2_sbas_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, y_km), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, dy_km_s), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, ddy_km_s2), GEN_E(61, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, URA), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph3_sbas_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, z_km), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, dz_km_s), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, ddz_km_s2), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, iodn, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph3_sbas_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, z_km), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, dz_km_s), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, ddz_km_s2), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_sbas_t, iodn, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph0_glonass_v2[] = { GEN_D( 0, 2, message_glonass_t, svid, int), GEN_D( 3, 2, message_glonass_t, t_year2, int), GEN_D( 6, 2, message_glonass_t, t_mon12, int), GEN_D( 9, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_mday, int), GEN_D(12, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_hour, int), GEN_D(15, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_min, int), GEN_F(17, 5, 1, message_glonass_t, t_sec), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, tau_n_neg), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, gamma_n), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, t_k, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph0_glonass_v3[] = { GEN_I( 1, 2, message_glonass_t, svid, int), GEN_I( 4, 4, message_glonass_t, t_year4, int), GEN_I( 9, 2, message_glonass_t, t_mon12, int), GEN_I(12, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_mday, int), GEN_I(15, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_hour, int), GEN_I(18, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_min, int), GEN_I(21, 2, message_glonass_t, date_tm.tm_sec, int), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, tau_n_neg), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, gamma_n), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, t_k, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph1_glonass_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, x_km), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, dx_km_s), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, ddx_km_s2), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, B_n, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph1_glonass_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, x_km), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, dx_km_s), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, ddx_km_s2), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, B_n, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph2_glonass_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, y_km), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, dy_km_s), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, ddy_km_s2), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, freq_num, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph2_glonass_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, y_km), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, dy_km_s), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, ddy_km_s2), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, freq_num, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph3_glonass_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, z_km), GEN_E(22, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, dz_km_s), GEN_E(41, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, ddz_km_s2), GEN_E2(60, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, E_n, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph3_glonass_v3[] = { GEN_E( 4, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, z_km), GEN_E(23, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, dz_km_s), GEN_E(42, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, ddz_km_s2), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, E_n, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::eph4_glonass_v305[] = { GEN_E2( 4, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, status_flags, unsigned int), GEN_E (23, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, delta_tau), GEN_E2(42, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, urai, unsigned int), GEN_E2(61, 19, 12, message_glonass_t, health_flags, unsigned int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::iono_alpha_v2[] = { GEN_E( 2, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[0]), GEN_E(14, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[1]), GEN_E(26, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[2]), GEN_E(38, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[3]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::iono_beta_v2[] = { GEN_E( 2, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[0]), GEN_E(14, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[1]), GEN_E(26, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[2]), GEN_E(38, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[3]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::utc_v2[] = { GEN_E( 3, 19, 12, iono_utc_t, A0), GEN_E( 22, 19, 12, iono_utc_t, A1), GEN_D( 41, 9, iono_utc_t, t_ot, int), GEN_D( 50, 9, iono_utc_t, WN_t, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::utc_leap_v2[] = { GEN_D(0, 6, iono_utc_t, delta_t_LS, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::iono_alpha_v3[] = { GEN_E( 5, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[0]), GEN_E(17, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[1]), GEN_E(29, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[2]), GEN_E(41, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, alpha[3]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::iono_beta_v3[] = { GEN_E( 5, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[0]), GEN_E(17, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[1]), GEN_E(29, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[2]), GEN_E(41, 12, 4, iono_utc_t, beta[3]), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::utc_v3[] = { GEN_E( 5, 17, 10, iono_utc_t, A0), GEN_E(22, 16, 9, iono_utc_t, A1), GEN_D(39, 6, iono_utc_t, t_ot, int), GEN_D(46, 4, iono_utc_t, WN_t, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::utc_leap_v301[] = { GEN_D( 0, 6, iono_utc_t, delta_t_LS, int), GEN_D( 6, 6, iono_utc_t, delta_t_LSF, int), GEN_D(12, 6, iono_utc_t, WN_LSF, int), GEN_D(18, 6, iono_utc_t, DN, int), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT>::t_corr_glonass_v2[] = { GEN_D( 0, 6, t_corr_glonass_t, year, int), GEN_D( 6, 6, t_corr_glonass_t, month, int), GEN_D(12, 6, t_corr_glonass_t, day, int), GEN_E(21, 19, 12, t_corr_glonass_t, tau_c_neg), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT>::epoch_flag_v2[] = { GEN_I( 1, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch_year2, int), GEN_D( 4, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch_mon12, int), GEN_D( 7, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch.tm_mday, int), GEN_D(10, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch.tm_hour, int), GEN_D(13, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch.tm_min, int), GEN_F(15, 11, 7, epoch_flag_t, epoch_sec), GEN_D(28, 1, epoch_flag_t, flag, int), GEN_D(29, 3, epoch_flag_t, items_followed, int), // Satellite(flag = 0/1) or Line number(except for 0/1) GEN_F(68, 12, 9, epoch_flag_t, receiver_clock_error), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT>::epoch_flag_v3[] = { GEN_I( 2, 4, epoch_flag_t, epoch_year4, int), GEN_I( 7, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch_mon12, int), GEN_I(10, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch.tm_mday, int), GEN_I(13, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch.tm_hour, int), GEN_I(16, 2, epoch_flag_t, epoch.tm_min, int), GEN_F(18, 11, 7, epoch_flag_t, epoch_sec), GEN_D(31, 1, epoch_flag_t, flag, int), GEN_D(32, 3, epoch_flag_t, items_followed, int), // Satellite(flag = 0/1) or Line number(except for 0/1) GEN_F(41, 15, 12, epoch_flag_t, receiver_clock_error), }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT>::convert_item_t RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT>::record_v2v3[] = { GEN_F( 0, 14, 3, record_t, value), GEN_D(14, 1, record_t, lli, int), GEN_D(15, 1, record_t, ss, int), }; #undef GEN_D #undef GEN_I #undef GEN_F #undef GEN_E template <class U = void> class RINEX_Writer { public: typedef typename RINEX_Reader<U>::version_type_t version_type_t; typedef struct {const char *key, *value;} header_item_t; struct header_t : public std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > { typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > super_t; using super_t::operator[]; struct bracket_accessor_t { header_t &header; typename super_t::value_type::first_type key; typename super_t::iterator it_head, it_tail; bracket_accessor_t(header_t &_header, const typename super_t::value_type::first_type &_key) : header(_header), key(_key), it_head(header.end()), it_tail(header.end()) { for(typename super_t::iterator it(header.begin()), it_end(header.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ if(it->first != key){continue;} it_head = it; break; } for(typename super_t::reverse_iterator it(header.rbegin()), it_end(header.rend()); it != it_end; ++it){ if(it->first != key){continue;} it_tail = it.base(); // it_tail points to the next element of an element having the smae key break; } } /** * replace value corresponding to key with erase of other entries having the same key */ bracket_accessor_t &operator=( const typename super_t::value_type::second_type &value){ if(it_head == header.end()){ header.push_back(typename super_t::value_type(key, value)); it_tail = header.end(); // in case of invalidation it_head = it_tail - 1; return *this; } it_head->second = value; for(--it_tail; it_tail != it_head; --it_tail){ if(it_tail->first != key){continue;} header.erase(it_tail); } it_tail = it_head + 1; return *this; } /** * add value corresponding to key after the last entry having the same key */ bracket_accessor_t &operator<<( const typename super_t::value_type::second_type &value){ super_t::size_type i_head(it_head - header.begin()), i_tail(it_tail - header.begin()); header.insert(it_tail, typename super_t::value_type(key, value)); it_head = header.begin() + i_head; // in case of invalidation it_tail = header.begin() + i_tail + 1; return *this; } unsigned int entries() const { return it_tail - it_head; } typename super_t::iterator find( const typename super_t::value_type::second_type &value) const { for(typename super_t::iterator it(it_head); it != it_tail; ++it){ if(it->second.find(value) != super_t::value_type::second_type::npos){ return it; } } return header.end(); } }; bracket_accessor_t operator[]( // mimic of std::map::operator[]= const typename super_t::value_type::first_type &key){ return bracket_accessor_t(*this, key); } /** * @param mask Defualt key-value pairs; its order is preserved for ourputs * @param mask_size size of masked items */ header_t( const header_item_t *mandatory_items = NULL, const int &mandatory_item_size = 0) : super_t() { for(int i(0); i < mandatory_item_size; i++){ super_t::push_back(typename super_t::value_type( mandatory_items[i].key, mandatory_items[i].value ? mandatory_items[i].value : "")); } } ~header_t() {} friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const header_t &header){ std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setfill(' ') << std::left; for(header_t::const_iterator it(header.begin()), it_end(header.end()); it != it_end; ++it){ ss << std::setw(60) << it->second.substr(0, 60) << std::setw(20) << it->first.substr(0, 20) << std::endl; } ss << std::setw(60) << "" << std::setw(20) << "END OF HEADER" << std::endl; return out << ss.str(); } }; protected: version_type_t _version_type; header_t _header; std::ostream &dist; void set_version_type(const version_type_t &version_type){ _version_type = version_type; std::string buf(60, ' '); _version_type.dump(buf); _header["RINEX VERSION / TYPE"] = buf; } public: typedef RINEX_Writer<U> self_t; RINEX_Writer( std::ostream &out, const header_item_t *header_mask = NULL, const int header_mask_size = 0) : _version_type(), _header(header_mask, header_mask_size), dist(out) { } virtual ~RINEX_Writer() {_header.clear();} header_t &header(){return _header;} const header_t &header() const {return const_cast<self_t *>(this)->header();} template <class FloatT> static std::string RINEX_Float( const FloatT &value, const int width = 19, const int precision = 12){ std::string s; RINEX_Reader<U>::template conv_t<FloatT>::f_dot_head(s, 0, width, &const_cast<FloatT &>(value), precision, false); return s; } template <class FloatT> static std::string RINEX_FloatD( const FloatT &value, const int width = 19, const int precision = 12){ std::string s; RINEX_Reader<U>::template conv_t<FloatT>::e_dot_head(s, 0, width, &const_cast<FloatT &>(value), precision, false); return s; } template <class T> static std::string RINEX_Value(const T &value, const int width = 6){ std::string s; RINEX_Reader<U>::template conv_t<T>::d(s, 0, width, &const_cast<T &>(value), 0, false); return s; } static bool convert( const typename RINEX_Reader<U>::convert_item_t *items, const int &size, std::string &buf, const void *values){ return TextHelper<>::val2str(items, size, buf, values); } template <int N> static inline bool convert( const typename RINEX_Reader<U>::convert_item_t (&items)[N], std::string &buf, const void *values){ return convert(items, N, buf, values); } void pgm_runby_date( const std::string &pgm, const std::string &runby, const std::tm &t, const char *tz = "UTC"){ // ex) "XXRINEXO V9.9 AIUB 19900912 124300 UTC" char buf[21] = {0}; std::strftime(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "%Y%m%d %H%M%S", &t); std::sprintf(&buf[15], " %-4s", tz); std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setfill(' ') << std::left << std::setw(20) << pgm.substr(0, 20) << std::setw(20) << runby.substr(0, 20) << buf; _header["PGM / RUN BY / DATE"] = ss.str(); } }; template <class FloatT> class RINEX_NAV_Writer : public RINEX_Writer<> { public: typedef RINEX_NAV_Reader<FloatT> reader_t; typedef RINEX_NAV_Writer self_t; typedef RINEX_Writer<> super_t; protected: using super_t::_header; using super_t::dist; public: typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::space_node_t space_node_t; typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::message_t message_t; typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::message_sbas_t message_sbas_t; typedef typename RINEX_NAV<FloatT>::message_glonass_t message_glonass_t; static const typename super_t::header_item_t default_header[]; static const int default_header_size; void iono_alpha(const space_node_t &space_node){ std::string s(60, ' '); switch(super_t::_version_type.version / 100){ case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::iono_alpha_v2, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); _header["ION ALPHA"] = s; break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::iono_alpha_v3, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); _header["IONOSPHERIC CORR"] << s.replace(0, 4, "GPSA", 4); break; } } void iono_beta(const space_node_t &space_node){ std::string s(60, ' '); switch(super_t::_version_type.version / 100){ case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::iono_beta_v2, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); _header["ION BETA"] = s; break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::iono_beta_v3, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); _header["IONOSPHERIC CORR"] << s.replace(0, 4, "GPSB", 4); break; } } void utc_params(const space_node_t &space_node){ std::string s(60, ' '); switch(super_t::_version_type.version / 100){ case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_v2, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); _header["DELTA-UTC: A0,A1,T,W"] = s; break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_v3, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); _header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"] << s.replace(0, 4, "GPUT", 4); break; } } void leap_seconds(const space_node_t &space_node){ std::string s(60, ' '); if(super_t::_version_type.version >= 301){ super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_leap_v301, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); if(space_node.iono_utc().WN_LSF == 0){ s.replace(6, 18, 18, ' '); } }else{ super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_leap_v2, s, &space_node.iono_utc()); } _header["LEAP SECONDS"] = s; } RINEX_NAV_Writer(std::ostream &out) : super_t(out, default_header, default_header_size) {} ~RINEX_NAV_Writer(){} self_t &dump(const message_t &msg, const bool &is_qzss = false){ std::stringstream buf; switch(super_t::_version_type.version / 100){ case 2: for(int i(0); i < 8; ++i){ std::string s(80, ' '); switch(i){ case 0: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph0_v2, s, &msg); break; case 1: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph1_v2, s, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph2_v2, s, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph3_v2, s, &msg); break; case 4: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph4_v2, s, &msg); break; case 5: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph5_v2, s, &msg); break; case 6: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph6_v2, s, &msg); break; case 7: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph7_v2, s, &msg); break; } buf << s << std::endl; } break; case 3: for(int i(0); i < 8; ++i){ std::string s(80, ' '); switch(i){ case 0: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph0_v3, s, &msg); s[0] = is_qzss ? 'J' : 'G'; break; case 1: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph1_v3, s, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph2_v3, s, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph3_v3, s, &msg); break; case 4: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph4_v3, s, &msg); break; case 5: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph5_v3, s, &msg); break; case 6: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph6_v3, s, &msg); break; case 7: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph7_v3, s, &msg); break; } buf << s << std::endl; } break; } dist << buf.str(); return *this; } self_t &operator<<(const message_t &msg){ return dump(msg); } self_t &operator<<(const message_sbas_t &msg){ std::stringstream buf; switch(super_t::_version_type.version / 100){ case 2: for(int i(0); i < 8; ++i){ std::string s(80, ' '); switch(i){ case 0: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph0_sbas_v2, s, &msg); break; case 1: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph1_sbas_v2, s, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph2_sbas_v2, s, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph3_sbas_v2, s, &msg); break; } buf << s << std::endl; } break; case 3: for(int i(0); i < 8; ++i){ std::string s(80, ' '); switch(i){ case 0: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph0_sbas_v3, s, &msg); s[0] = 'S'; break; case 1: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph1_sbas_v3, s, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph2_sbas_v3, s, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph3_sbas_v3, s, &msg); break; } buf << s << std::endl; } break; } dist << buf.str(); return *this; } self_t &operator<<(const message_glonass_t &msg){ std::stringstream buf; switch(super_t::_version_type.version / 100){ case 2: for(int i(0); i < 4; ++i){ std::string s(80, ' '); switch(i){ case 0: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph0_glonass_v2, s, &msg); break; case 1: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph1_glonass_v2, s, &msg); break; case 2: if(super_t::_version_type.version < 211){ //msg_glonass.freq_num; // TODO convert to value 1..24? } super_t::convert(reader_t::eph2_glonass_v2, s, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph3_glonass_v2, s, &msg); break; } buf << s << std::endl; } break; case 3: for(int i(0); i < ((super_t::_version_type.version <= 304) ? 4 : 5); ++i){ std::string s(80, ' '); switch(i){ case 0: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph0_glonass_v3, s, &msg); s[0] = 'R'; break; case 1: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph1_glonass_v3, s, &msg); break; case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph2_glonass_v3, s, &msg); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph3_glonass_v3, s, &msg); break; case 4: super_t::convert(reader_t::eph4_glonass_v305, s, &msg); break; } buf << s << std::endl; } break; } dist << buf.str(); return *this; } public: void set_version( const int &version, const super_t::version_type_t::sat_system_t &sys = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS){ super_t::set_version_type(typename super_t::version_type_t( version, super_t::version_type_t::FTYPE_NAVIGATION, sys)); } struct space_node_list_t { const space_node_t *gps; const SBAS_SpaceNode<FloatT> *sbas; const space_node_t *qzss; const GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT> *glonass; }; int write_all( const space_node_list_t &space_nodes, const int &version = 304){ int res(-1); int systems(0); set_version(version, super_t::version_type_t::SYS_UNKNOWN); do{ if(!space_nodes.gps){break;} ++systems; set_version(version, super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS); if(!space_nodes.gps->is_valid_iono_utc()){break;} switch(version / 100){ case 2: if(_header["ION ALPHA"].entries() == 0){iono_alpha(*space_nodes.gps);} if(_header["ION BETA"].entries() == 0){iono_beta(*space_nodes.gps);} if(_header["DELTA-UTC: A0,A1,T,W"].entries() == 0){utc_params(*space_nodes.gps);} if(_header["LEAP SECONDS"].entries() == 0){leap_seconds(*space_nodes.gps);} break; case 3: if(_header["IONOSPHERIC CORR"].find("GPSA") == _header.end()){iono_alpha(*space_nodes.gps);} if(_header["IONOSPHERIC CORR"].find("GPSB") == _header.end()){iono_beta(*space_nodes.gps);} if(_header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"].find("GPUT") == _header.end()){utc_params(*space_nodes.gps);} if(_header["LEAP SECONDS"].entries() == 0){leap_seconds(*space_nodes.gps);} break; } }while(false); do{ if(!space_nodes.sbas){break;} ++systems; set_version(version, super_t::version_type_t::SYS_SBAS); }while(false); do{ if((version < 302) || (!space_nodes.qzss)){break;} ++systems; set_version(version, super_t::version_type_t::SYS_QZSS); if(!space_nodes.qzss->is_valid_iono_utc()){break;} switch(version / 100){ case 3: if(_header["IONOSPHERIC CORR"].find("GPSA") == _header.end()){iono_alpha(*space_nodes.qzss);} if(_header["IONOSPHERIC CORR"].find("GPSB") == _header.end()){iono_beta(*space_nodes.qzss);} if(_header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"].find("QZUT") == _header.end()){utc_params(*space_nodes.qzss);} if(_header["LEAP SECONDS"].entries() == 0){leap_seconds(*space_nodes.qzss);} break; } }while(false); while(space_nodes.glonass){ ++systems; set_version(version, super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GLONASS); typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::Satellite::eph_t latest( space_nodes.glonass->latest_ephemeris()); if(latest.t_b_gps.week <= 0){break;} typename reader_t::iono_utc_t iono_utc = {0}; iono_utc.t_ot = latest.t_b_gps.seconds; iono_utc.WN_t = latest.t_b_gps.week; iono_utc.delta_t_LS = (int)std::floor(0.5 + typename space_node_t::gps_time_t(latest.c_tm_utc()).interval(latest.t_b_gps)); switch(version / 100){ case 2: if((_header["CORR TO SYSTEM TIME"].entries() == 0) && (latest.tau_c != 0)){ std::tm t_tm(typename space_node_t::gps_time_t(iono_utc.WN_t, iono_utc.t_ot).c_tm()); typename reader_t::t_corr_glonass_t t_corr_glonass = { t_tm.tm_year + 1900, t_tm.tm_mon + 1, t_tm.tm_mday, // year, month, day -latest.tau_c, }; std::string s(60, ' '); super_t::convert(reader_t::t_corr_glonass_v2, s, &t_corr_glonass); _header["CORR TO SYSTEM TIME"] = s; } break; case 3: if((_header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"].find("GLUT") == _header.end()) && (latest.tau_c != 0)){ std::string s(60, ' '); iono_utc.A0 = -latest.tau_c; super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_v3, s, &iono_utc); _header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"] << s.replace(0, 4, "GLUT", 4); } if((_header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"].find("GLGP") == _header.end()) && (latest.tau_GPS != 0)){ std::string s(60, ' '); iono_utc.A0 = latest.tau_GPS; super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_v3, s, &iono_utc); _header["TIME SYSTEM CORR"] << s.replace(0, 4, "GLGP", 4); } break; } if((_header["LEAP SECONDS"].entries() == 0) && (iono_utc.delta_t_LS != 0)){ // ver.3 can use ver.2 format with blank fields std::string s(60, ' '); super_t::convert(reader_t::utc_leap_v2, s, &iono_utc); _header["LEAP SECONDS"] = s; } break; } if(systems > 1){ set_version(version, super_t::version_type_t::SYS_MIXED); } super_t::dist << header(); res++; struct { RINEX_NAV_Writer &w; int &counter; bool gps, qzss; void operator()(const typename space_node_t::Satellite::Ephemeris &eph) { if(gps && (eph.svid <= 32)){ w << message_t(eph); }else if(qzss && (eph.svid >= 193) && (eph.svid < 202)){ w.dump(message_t::from_qzss(eph), true); }else{ return; } counter++; } void operator()(const typename message_sbas_t::eph_t &eph) { w << message_sbas_t(eph); counter++; } void operator()(const typename message_glonass_t::eph_t &eph) { w << message_glonass_t(eph); counter++; } } functor = {*this, res, false, false}; if(space_nodes.gps){ functor.gps = true; if(space_nodes.gps == space_nodes.qzss){functor.qzss = true;} for(typename space_node_t::satellites_t::const_iterator it(space_nodes.gps->satellites().begin()), it_end(space_nodes.gps->satellites().end()); it != it_end; ++it){ it->second.each_ephemeris( functor, space_node_t::Satellite::eph_list_t::EACH_ALL_INVERTED); } } if(space_nodes.sbas){ for(typename SBAS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::satellites_t::const_iterator it(space_nodes.sbas->satellites().begin()), it_end(space_nodes.sbas->satellites().end()); it != it_end; ++it){ it->second.each_ephemeris( functor, SBAS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::Satellite::eph_list_t::EACH_ALL_INVERTED); } } if((version >= 302) && (!functor.qzss) && (space_nodes.qzss)){ functor.qzss = true; functor.gps = false; for(typename space_node_t::satellites_t::const_iterator it(space_nodes.qzss->satellites().begin()), it_end(space_nodes.qzss->satellites().end()); it != it_end; ++it){ it->second.each_ephemeris( functor, space_node_t::Satellite::eph_list_t::EACH_ALL_INVERTED); } } if(space_nodes.glonass){ for(typename GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::satellites_t::const_iterator it(space_nodes.glonass->satellites().begin()), it_end(space_nodes.glonass->satellites().end()); it != it_end; ++it){ it->second.each_ephemeris( functor, GLONASS_SpaceNode<FloatT>::Satellite::eph_list_t::EACH_ALL_INVERTED); } } return res; } static int write_all( std::ostream &out, const space_node_list_t &space_nodes, const int &version = 304){ return RINEX_NAV_Writer(out).write_all(space_nodes, version); } int write_all(const space_node_t &space_node, const int &version = 304){ space_node_list_t list = {&space_node}; return write_all(list, version); } static int write_all(std::ostream &out, const space_node_t &space_node, const int &version = 304){ return RINEX_NAV_Writer(out).write_all(space_node, version); } }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_Writer<>::header_item_t RINEX_NAV_Writer<FloatT>::default_header[] = { {"RINEX VERSION / TYPE", " 2 NAVIGATION DATA"}, {"PGM / RUN BY / DATE", NULL}}; template <class FloatT> const int RINEX_NAV_Writer<FloatT>::default_header_size = sizeof(RINEX_NAV_Writer<FloatT>::default_header) / sizeof(RINEX_NAV_Writer<FloatT>::default_header[0]); template <class FloatT> class RINEX_OBS_Writer : public RINEX_Writer<> { public: typedef typename RINEX_OBS<FloatT>::observation_t observation_t; typedef RINEX_OBS_Writer self_t; typedef RINEX_Writer<> super_t; typedef RINEX_OBS_Reader<FloatT> reader_t; protected: using super_t::RINEX_Float; using super_t::RINEX_FloatD; using super_t::RINEX_Value; using super_t::_header; using super_t::dist; public: void set_version( const int &version, const super_t::version_type_t::sat_system_t &sys = super_t::version_type_t::SYS_GPS){ super_t::set_version_type(typename super_t::version_type_t( version, super_t::version_type_t::FTYPE_OBSERVATION, sys)); } static const header_item_t default_header[]; static const int default_header_size; void maker_name( const std::string &name){ _header["MARKER NAME"] = name.substr(0, 60); } void observer_agency( const std::string &observer, const std::string &agency){ // ex) "BILL SMITH ABC INSTITUTE" std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setfill(' ') << std::left << std::setw(20) << observer.substr(0, 20) << std::setw(20) << agency.substr(0, 20); _header["OBSERVER / AGENCY"] = ss.str(); } void receiver_spec( const std::string &num, const std::string &type, const std::string &vers){ // ex) "X1234A123 XX ZZZ" std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setfill(' ') << std::left << std::setw(20) << num.substr(0, 20) << std::setw(20) << type.substr(0, 20) << std::setw(20) << vers.substr(0, 20); _header["REC # / TYPE / VERS"] = ss.str(); } void antenna_spec( const std::string &num, const std::string &type){ // ex) "234 YY" std::stringstream ss; ss << std::setfill(' ') << std::left << std::setw(20) << num.substr(0, 20) << std::setw(20) << type.substr(0, 20); _header["ANT # / TYPE"] = ss.str(); } void wavelength_fact( const int l1, const int l2){ // ex) " 1 1" std::stringstream ss; ss << RINEX_Value(l1, 6) << RINEX_Value(l2, 6); _header["WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2"] = ss.str(); } void approx_position( const FloatT &x, const FloatT &y, const FloatT &z){ std::stringstream ss; ss << RINEX_Float(x, 14, 4) << RINEX_Float(y, 14, 4) << RINEX_Float(z, 14, 4); _header["APPROX POSITION XYZ"] = ss.str(); } void antenna_delta_hew( const FloatT &h, const FloatT &e, const FloatT &w){ std::stringstream ss; ss << RINEX_Float(h, 14, 4) << RINEX_Float(e, 14, 4) << RINEX_Float(w, 14, 4); _header["ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/W"] = ss.str(); } void types_of_obs( const char *type_list[], const int list_size){ std::stringstream ss; ss << RINEX_Value(list_size, 6); for(int i(0); i < list_size; i++){ ss << RINEX_Value( std::string(type_list[i]).substr(0, 6), 6); } _header["# / TYPES OF OBSERV"] = ss.str(); } void interval(const FloatT &seconds){ std::stringstream ss; ss << RINEX_Float(seconds, 6, 4); _header["INTERVAL"] = ss.str(); } void interval(const int seconds){ std::stringstream ss; ss << RINEX_Value(seconds, 6); _header["INTERVAL"] = ss.str(); } void insert_header_time_item( const char *label, const struct tm &t, const FloatT &rest_second = 0, const bool is_gps_time = true){ std::stringstream ss; if(t.tm_year < 80){ ss << RINEX_Value(2000 + t.tm_year, 6); }else{ ss << RINEX_Value(1900 + t.tm_year, 6); } ss << RINEX_Value(t.tm_mon + 1, 6); ss << RINEX_Value(t.tm_mday, 6); ss << RINEX_Value(t.tm_hour, 6); ss << RINEX_Value(t.tm_min, 6); ss << RINEX_Float(rest_second + t.tm_sec, 12, 6); if(is_gps_time){ ss << RINEX_Value("GPS", 9); } _header[label] = ss.str(); } void insert_header_time_item( const char *label, const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t){ FloatT sec_f(t.seconds), sec_i; sec_f = std::modf(sec_f, &sec_i); insert_header_time_item(label, t.c_tm(), sec_f, true); } void first_obs( const struct tm &t, const double rest_second = 0, const bool is_gps_time = true){ insert_header_time_item("TIME OF FIRST OBS", t, rest_second, is_gps_time); } void first_obs(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t){ insert_header_time_item("TIME OF FIRST OBS", t); } void last_obs( const struct tm &t, const double rest_second = 0, const bool is_gps_time = true){ insert_header_time_item("TIME OF LAST OBS", t, rest_second, is_gps_time); } void last_obs(const GPS_Time<FloatT> &t){ insert_header_time_item("TIME OF LAST OBS", t); } RINEX_OBS_Writer(std::ostream &out) : super_t(out, default_header, default_header_size) {} ~RINEX_OBS_Writer(){} self_t &operator<<(const observation_t &obs){ if(obs.per_satellite.size() <= 0){return *this;} typedef typename observation_t::per_satellite_t per_satellite_t; std::stringstream top, rest; std::string buf(80, ' '); int ver_major(super_t::_version_type.version / 100); { // epoch typename RINEX_OBS<FloatT>::epoch_flag_t epoch_flag(obs); epoch_flag.items_followed = obs.per_satellite.size(); // Num. of satellites switch(ver_major){ case 2: super_t::convert(reader_t::epoch_flag_v2, buf, &epoch_flag); break; case 3: super_t::convert(reader_t::epoch_flag_v3, buf, &epoch_flag); buf[0] = '>'; break; default: return *this; } } int i(0); for(typename per_satellite_t::const_iterator it(obs.per_satellite.begin()), it_end(obs.per_satellite.end()); it != it_end; ++it, ++i){ // Enumerate satellites // If satellites are more than 12, then use the next line if((i == 12) && (ver_major == 2)){ i = 0; top << buf << std::endl; buf = std::string(80, ' '); } // Write PRN number to list { int serial(it->first), prn; char sys(reader_t::serial2sys(serial, prn)); std::string sat_str(3, ' '); sat_str[0] = sys; reader_t::template conv_t<int>::d(sat_str, 1, 2, &prn, 1, false); switch(ver_major){ case 2: buf.replace(32 + i * 3, 3, sat_str); break; case 3: rest << sat_str; break; } } // Observation data int i2(5); for(typename per_satellite_t::mapped_type::const_iterator it2(it->second.begin()), it2_end(it->second.end()); it2 != it2_end; ++it2){ if((ver_major == 2) && (i2-- == 0)){ i2 = 4; rest << std::endl; } std::string buf2(16, ' '); if(it2->valid){ super_t::convert(reader_t::record_v2v3, buf2, &(*it2)); if(it2->lli == 0){buf2[14] = ' ';} if(it2->ss == 0){buf2[15] = ' ';} } rest << buf2; } if(ver_major == 2){ rest << std::string(16 * i2, ' '); } rest << std::endl; } top << buf << std::endl; dist << top.str() << rest.str(); return *this; } }; template <class FloatT> const typename RINEX_Writer<>::header_item_t RINEX_OBS_Writer<FloatT>::default_header[] = { {"RINEX VERSION / TYPE", " 2 OBSERVATION DATA"}, {"PGM / RUN BY / DATE", "XXRINEXO V9.9 AIUB 12-SEP-90 12:43"}, {"COMMENT", NULL}, {"MARKER NAME", "A 9080"}, {"MARKER NUMBER", NULL}, {"OBSERVER / AGENCY", "BILL SMITH ABC INSTITUTE"}, {"REC # / TYPE / VERS", "X1234A123 XX ZZZ"}, {"ANT # / TYPE", "234 YY"}, {"APPROX POSITION XYZ", " -3947762.7496 3364399.8789 3699428.5111"}, {"ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/W", " 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000"}, {"WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2", " 1 1"}, {"# / TYPES OF OBSERV", " 4 P1 L1 L2 P2"}, {"INTERVAL", " 1"}, {"TIME OF FIRST OBS", " 1990 3 24 13 10 36.000000"}, {"TIME OF LAST OBS", NULL}, {"# OF SATELLITES", NULL}, {"PRN / # OF OBS", NULL}}; template <class FloatT> const int RINEX_OBS_Writer<FloatT>::default_header_size = sizeof(RINEX_OBS_Writer<FloatT>::default_header) / sizeof(RINEX_OBS_Writer<FloatT>::default_header[0]); #endif // __RINEX_H__