function msg() { local str="$1" local verbose="$2" local newline="$3" if [ "$verbose" != "true" ]; then return 1 fi if [ "$newline" == "true" ]; then echo "$str" else echo -n "$str" fi } # force the production enviroment export RAILS_ENV=production # move to the correct directory cd $1/.. # verbose mode verbose="$3" # make a copy of the old contents msg "Making a safety copy of the old contents on traq/$2 ... " "$verbose" "false" zip -q traq/$ `cat traq/$2.list` &> /dev/null msg "done." "$verbose" "true" # check the current Gemfile checksum old_gemfile_md5=$(md5sum Gemfile 2> /dev/null | cut -f1 -d' ') # install the new files msg "Unzipping $ ... " "true" "false" unzip -o traq/$ &> /dev/null msg "done." "true" "true" # check the new Gemfile checksum new_gemfile_md5=$(md5sum Gemfile 2> /dev/null | cut -f1 -d' ') # if the current Gemfile is different, run bundle install if [ -f Gemfile -a "$old_gemfile_md5" != "$new_gemfile_md5" ]; then if [ -f Gemfile.lock ]; then # if there is a Gemfile.lock file ... if [ -w Gemfile.lock ]; then # ... and it is writable msg "Running bundle install ..." "true" "true" bundle install else msg "Gemfile.lock exists but it is not writable, not running bundle install." "true" "true" fi fi if [ ! -f Gemfile.lock ]; then # if there is not a Gemfile.lock file ... if [ -w . ]; then # ... and current dir is writable msg "Running bundle install ..." "true" "true" bundle install else msg "Gemfile.lock does not exists but current dir is not writable, not running bundle install" "true" "true" fi fi fi # run migrations if needed migrations=$(grep "^db/migrate" traq/$2.list) if [ -n "$migrations" ]; then msg "Running migrations ... " "true" "true" bundle exec rake db:migrate 2> /dev/null msg "Migrations done." "true" "true" fi # precompile assets if needed if [ -d app/assets ]; then msg "Compiling assets ... " "$verbose" "false" bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2> /dev/null msg "done." "$verbose" "true" fi # change file permissions on public dir if [ -d public ]; then msg "Changing file permissions on public to 0755 ... " "$verbose" "false" chmod -R 0755 public/* msg "done." "$verbose" "true" fi # restart server if [ -x ./traq/ -a -f ./traq/ ]; then ./traq/ fi # extra configs if [ -x ./traq/ -a -f ./traq/ ]; then ./traq/ fi # erase file rm traq/$