begin require 'geo_ruby' rescue LoadError puts '[Earth] You need to install the geo_ruby gem to mine GlobalHorizontalIrradiance from scratch' exit end begin require 'dbf' rescue LoadError puts '[Earth] You need to install the dbf gem to mine GlobalHorizontalIrradiance from scratch' exit end require 'unix_utils' GlobalHorizontalIrradiance.class_eval do data_miner do import 'Global Horizontal Irradiance shapefile from NREL at', :url => '', :format => :shp do key :row_hash store 'nw_lat', :field_name => 'upper_corner_y' store 'nw_lon', :field_name => 'upper_corner_x' store 'se_lat', :field_name => 'lower_corner_y' store 'se_lon', :field_name => 'lower_corner_x' store 'jan_average', :field_name => 'GHI01' store 'feb_average', :field_name => 'GHI02' store 'mar_average', :field_name => 'GHI03' store 'apr_average', :field_name => 'GHI04' store 'may_average', :field_name => 'GHI05' store 'jun_average', :field_name => 'GHI06' store 'jul_average', :field_name => 'GHI07' store 'aug_average', :field_name => 'GHI08' store 'sep_average', :field_name => 'GHI09' store 'oct_average', :field_name => 'GHI10' store 'nov_average', :field_name => 'GHI11' store 'dec_average', :field_name => 'GHI12' store 'annual_average', :field_name => 'GHIANN' store 'units', :static => 'kilowatt_hours_per_square_metre_per_day' end end end