# frozen_string_literal: true module Hyrax class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace Hyrax require 'almond-rails' require 'awesome_nested_set' require 'breadcrumbs_on_rails' require 'clipboard/rails' require 'draper' require 'dry/events' require 'dry/struct' require 'dry/validation' require 'flipflop' require 'flot-rails' require 'hydra-file_characterization' require 'legato' require 'openseadragon' require 'qa' require 'tinymce-rails' require 'valkyrie' require 'cancancan' require 'blacklight' require 'hydra/derivatives' require 'hyrax/active_fedora_dummy_model' require 'hyrax/controller_resource' require 'hyrax/form_fields' require 'hyrax/indexer' require 'hyrax/model_decorator' require 'hyrax/publisher' require 'hyrax/schema' require 'hyrax/search_state' require 'hyrax/transactions' require 'hyrax/errors' require 'hyrax/valkyrie_simple_path_generator' # Force these models to be added to Legato's registry in development mode config.eager_load_paths += %W[ #{config.root}/app/models/hyrax/download.rb #{config.root}/app/models/hyrax/pageview.rb ] config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses.merge!( "ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError" => :not_found, # We can remove this when we use ActiveFedora 11.2 "Blacklight::Exceptions::RecordNotFound" => :not_found, "Valkyrie::Persistence::ObjectNotFoundError" => :not_found, "Hyrax::ObjectNotFoundError" => :not_found ) config.before_initialize do # ActionCable should use Hyrax's connection class instead of app's config.action_cable.connection_class = -> { 'Hyrax::ApplicationCable::Connection'.safe_constantize } end config.after_initialize do # Attempt to establish a connection before trying to do anything with it. This has to rescue # StandardError instead of, e.g., ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished or ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError # because we can't be absolutely sure what the specific database adapter will raise. pg, for example, # raises PG::ConnectionBad. There's no good common ancestor to assume. That's why this test # is in its own tiny chunk of code – so we know that whatever the StandardError is, it's coming # from the attempt to connect. can_connect = begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection true rescue StandardError false end can_persist = can_connect && begin Hyrax.config.persist_registered_roles! Hyrax.logger.info("Hyrax::Engine.after_initialize - persisting registered roles!") true rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid false end unless can_persist message = "Hyrax::Engine.after_initialize - unable to persist registered roles.\n" message += "It is expected during the application installation - during integration tests, rails install.\n" message += "It is UNEXPECTED if you are booting up a Hyrax powered application via `rails server'" Hyrax.logger.info(message) end # Force CatalogController to use our SearchState class, which has an important # work-around for some highly suspect SPARQL-gem monkeypatching. CatalogController.search_state_class = Hyrax::SearchState if CatalogController.try(:search_state_class) == Blacklight::SearchState end initializer 'requires' do require 'wings' unless Hyrax.config.disable_wings end initializer 'routing' do require 'hyrax/rails/routes' end initializer 'configure' do # Allow flipflop to load config/features.rb from the Hyrax gem: Flipflop::FeatureLoader.current.append(self) Hyrax.config.tap do |c| Hydra::Derivatives.ffmpeg_path = c.ffmpeg_path Hydra::Derivatives.temp_file_base = c.temp_file_base Hydra::Derivatives.fits_path = c.fits_path Hydra::Derivatives.enable_ffmpeg = c.enable_ffmpeg Hydra::Derivatives.libreoffice_path = c.libreoffice_path ActiveFedora::Base.translate_uri_to_id = c.translate_uri_to_id ActiveFedora::Base.translate_id_to_uri = c.translate_id_to_uri ActiveFedora::File.translate_uri_to_id = c.translate_uri_to_id ActiveFedora::File.translate_id_to_uri = c.translate_id_to_uri ::Noid::Rails.config.template = c.noid_template ::Noid::Rails.config.minter_class = c.noid_minter_class ::Noid::Rails.config.statefile = c.minter_statefile end end initializer 'hyrax.assets.precompile' do |app| app.config.assets.paths << config.root.join('vendor', 'assets', 'fonts') app.config.assets.paths << config.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images') app.config.assets.paths << config.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'blacklight') app.config.assets.paths << config.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'hydra') app.config.assets.paths << config.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'site_images') app.config.assets.precompile << /fontawesome-webfont\.(?:svg|ttf|woff)$/ app.config.assets.precompile += %w[*.png *.jpg *.ico *.gif *.svg] Sprockets::ES6.configuration = { 'modules' => 'amd', 'moduleIds' => true } # When we upgrade to Sprockets 4, we can ditch sprockets-es6 and config AMD # in this way: # https://github.com/rails/sprockets/issues/73#issuecomment-139113466 end end end