module Yeqs module Jquery class Highchart CANVAS_DEFAULT_HTML_OPTIONS = {:style => "height: 300px, width:615px" } SERIES_OPTIONS = %w(lines points bars shadowSize colors) attr_accessor :data, :options, :placeholder, :html_options alias :canvas :placeholder alias :canvas= :placeholder= def initialize(canvas = nil, html_opts = {}) @collection_filter = nil ||= [] self.options ||= {} self.defaults_options self.html_options = html_opts.reverse_merge(CANVAS_DEFAULT_HTML_OPTIONS) self.canvas = canvas if canvas yield self if block_given? end # title: legend: xAxis: yAxis: tooltip: credits: :plotOptions def defaults_options self.title({ :text=>"example test title from plugin"}) self.legend({:layout=>"vertical", :style=>{:position=>'absolute', :bottom=>'auto', :left=>'150px', :top=>'150px'} , :borderWidth=> 1, :backgroundColor=>'#FFFFFF'}) self.x_axis( {:categories=> ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'], :plotBands=> [{ :from=> 6.0,:to=> 6.5,:color=> 'rgba(68, 170, 213, .2)' }], :labels=>{ :align=>'right',:rotation=>45 } }) self.y_axis({:title=> {:text=> 'Fruit units'}, :labels=>{:align=>'right'} }) self.tooltip({ :enabled=>true }) self.credits({:enabled => false}) self.plot_options({ :areaspline => { :fillOpacity => 0.5 } }) self.chart({:defaultSeriesType=>"areaspline" , :renderTo => nil}) self.subtitle({}) end # Pass other methods through to the javascript high_chart object. # # For instance: high_chart.grid(:color => "#699") # def method_missing(meth, opts = {}) merge_options meth, opts end # Setup a filter that will be used to limit all datasets in the graph. # # For instance, to limit the graph to positive amounts: # high_chart.filter {|collection| {|record| record.amount > 0 }} # def filter(&block) @collection_filter = block end # Add a simple series to the graph: # # data = [[0,5], [1,5], [2,5]] # @high_chart.series "Horizontal Line", data # @high_chart.series "Red Line", data, :color => '#f00' # or is it "'#f00'" # def series(label, d, opts = {}) if opts.blank? @data << series_options.merge(:name => label, :data => d) else @data << opts.merge(:name => label, :data => d) end end private def series_options @options.reject {|k,v| SERIES_OPTIONS.include?(k.to_s) == false} end def map_collection(collection, x, y) col = @collection_filter ? : collection {|model| [get_coordinate(model, x), get_coordinate(model, y)]} end def merge_options(name, opts) @options.merge! name => opts end def arguments_to_options(args) if args.blank? {:show => true} elsif args.is_a? Array args.first else args end end def get_coordinate(model, method) method.is_a?(Proc) ? : model.send(method) end end end end