gem 'pg' require 'pg' module Superstore module Adapters class JsonbAdapter < AbstractAdapter class QueryBuilder def initialize(adapter, scope) @adapter = adapter @scope = scope end def to_query [ "SELECT #{select_string}", from_string, where_string, order_string, limit_string ].delete_if(&:blank?) * ' ' end def from_string "FROM #{@scope.klass.table_name}" end def select_string if @scope.select_values.empty? '*' elsif @scope.select_values == [@adapter.primary_key_column] @adapter.primary_key_column else "#{@adapter.primary_key_column}, jsonb_slice(document, #{@adapter.fields_to_postgres_array(@scope.select_values)}) as document" end end def where_string wheres = where_values_as_strings if @scope.id_values.any? wheres << @adapter.create_ids_where_clause(@scope.id_values) end if wheres.any? "WHERE #{wheres * ' AND '}" end end def order_string if @scope.order_values.any? orders = @scope.order_values.join(', ') "ORDER BY #{orders}" elsif @scope.id_values.many? id_orders = { |id| "ID=#{@adapter.quote(id)} DESC" }.join(',') "ORDER BY #{id_orders}" end end def limit_string if @scope.limit_value "LIMIT #{@scope.limit_value}" end end def where_values_as_strings do |where_value| if where_value.is_a?(Hash) key = where_value.keys.first value = where_value.values.first if value.nil? "(document->>'#{key}') IS NULL" elsif value.is_a?(Array) typecasted_values = { |v| "'#{v}'" }.join(',') "document->>'#{key}' IN (#{typecasted_values})" else "document->>'#{key}' = '#{value}'" end else where_value end end end end PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMN = 'id'.freeze def primary_key_column PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMN end def connection active_record_klass.connection end def active_record_klass=(klass) @active_record_klass = klass end def active_record_klass @active_record_klass ||= ActiveRecord::Base end def execute(statement) connection.execute statement end def to_ids(scope) statement =, connection.select_values(statement) end def select(scope) statement =, scope).to_query connection.execute(statement).each do |result| yield result[primary_key_column], Oj.compat_load(result['document']) end end def scroll(scope, batch_size) statement =, scope).to_query cursor_name = "cursor_#{SecureRandom.hex(6)}" fetch_sql = "FETCH FORWARD #{batch_size} FROM #{cursor_name}" connection.transaction do connection.execute "DECLARE #{cursor_name} NO SCROLL CURSOR FOR (#{statement})" while (batch = connection.execute(fetch_sql)).any? batch.each do |result| yield result[primary_key_column], Oj.compat_load(result['document']) end end end end def insert(table, id, attributes) not_nil_attributes = attributes.reject { |key, value| value.nil? } statement = "INSERT INTO #{table} (#{primary_key_column}, document) VALUES (#{quote(id)}, #{to_quoted_jsonb(not_nil_attributes)})" execute_batchable statement end def update(table, id, attributes) return if attributes.empty? not_nil_attributes = attributes.reject { |key, value| value.nil? } nil_attributes = { |key, value| value.nil? } if not_nil_attributes.any? && nil_attributes.any? value_update = "jsonb_merge(jsonb_delete(document, #{fields_to_postgres_array(nil_attributes.keys)}), #{to_quoted_jsonb(not_nil_attributes)})" elsif not_nil_attributes.any? value_update = "jsonb_merge(document, #{to_quoted_jsonb(not_nil_attributes)})" elsif nil_attributes.any? value_update = "jsonb_delete(document, #{fields_to_postgres_array(nil_attributes.keys)})" end statement = "UPDATE #{table} SET document = #{value_update} WHERE #{primary_key_column} = #{quote(id)}" execute_batchable statement end def delete(table, ids) statement = "DELETE FROM #{table} WHERE #{create_ids_where_clause(ids)}" execute_batchable statement end def execute_batch(statements) connection.transaction do execute(statements * ";\n") end end def create_table(table_name, options = {}) ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table table_name, id: false do |t| t.string :id, null: false t.jsonb :document, null: false end connection.execute "ALTER TABLE \"#{table_name}\" ADD CONSTRAINT #{table_name}_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)" end def drop_table(table_name) ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table table_name end def create_ids_where_clause(ids) ids = ids.first if ids.is_a?(Array) && if ids.is_a?(Array) id_list = { |id| quote(id) }.join(',') "#{primary_key_column} IN (#{id_list})" else "#{primary_key_column} = #{quote(ids)}" end end def quote(value) connection.quote(value) end def fields_to_postgres_array(fields) quoted_fields = { |field| quote(field) }.join(',') "ARRAY[#{quoted_fields}]" end OJ_OPTIONS = {mode: :compat} def to_quoted_jsonb(data) "#{quote(Oj.dump(data, OJ_OPTIONS))}::JSONB" end JSON_FUNCTIONS = { # SELECT jsonb_slice('{"b": 2, "c": 3, "a": 4}', '{b, c}'); 'jsonb_slice(data jsonb, keys text[])' => %{ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) ) t WHERE key =ANY(keys); }, # SELECT jsonb_merge('{"a": 1}', '{"b": 2, "c": 3, "a": 4}'); 'jsonb_merge(data jsonb, merge_data jsonb)' => %{ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( WITH to_merge AS ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(merge_data) ) SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) WHERE key NOT IN (SELECT key FROM to_merge) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM to_merge ) t; }, # SELECT jsonb_delete('{"b": 2, "c": 3, "a": 4}', '{b, c}'); 'jsonb_delete(data jsonb, keys text[])' => %{ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) WHERE key <>ALL(keys) ) t; }, } def define_jsonb_functions! JSON_FUNCTIONS.each do |signature, body| connection.execute %{ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.#{signature} RETURNS jsonb IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $$ #{body} $$; } end end end end end