module Biomart # Class represetation for a biomart dataset. # Can belong to a Biomart::Database and a Biomart::Server. class Dataset include Biomart attr_reader :name, :display_name, :visible # Creates a new Biomart::Dataset object. # # @param [String] url The URL location of the biomart server. # @param [Hash] args An arguments hash giving details of the dataset. # # arguments hash: # # { # :name => String, # # "name" => String, # # :display_name => {} # # # } def initialize( url, args ) @url = url or raise ArgumentError, "must pass :url" unless @url =~ /martservice/ @url = @url + "/martservice" end @name = args["name"] || args[:name] @display_name = args["displayName"] || args[:display_name] @visible = ( args["visible"] || args[:visible] ) ? true : false @filters = {} @attributes = {} @importables = {} @exportables = {} end # Returns a hash (keyed by the biomart 'internal_name' for the filter) # of all of the Biomart::Filter objects belonging to this dataset. # # @return [Hash] A hash of Biomart::Filter objects keyed by 'internal_name' def filters if @filters.empty? fetch_configuration() end return @filters end # Returns an array of the filter names (biomart 'internal_name') # for this dataset. # # @return [Array] An array of filters (their 'internal_name's) def list_filters if @filters.empty? fetch_configuration() end return @filters.keys end # Returns a hash (keyed by the biomart 'internal_name' for the attribute) # of all of the Biomart::Attribute objects belonging to this dataset. # # @return [Hash] A hash of Biomart::Attribute objects keyed by 'internal_name' def attributes if @attributes.empty? fetch_configuration() end return @attributes end # Returns an array of the attribute names (biomart 'internal_name') # for this dataset. # # @return [Array] An array of attributes (their 'internal_name's) def list_attributes if @attributes.empty? fetch_configuration() end return @attributes.keys end # Function to perform a Biomart count. Returns an integer value for # the result of the count query. # # arguments: # # { # :timeout => integer, # set a timeout length for the request (secs) - optional # :filters => {} # hash of key-value pairs (filter => search term) - optional # } # # @param [Hash] args The arguments hash # @raise Biomart::ArgumentError Raised when un-supported arguments are passed def count( args={} ) if args[:federate] raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "You cannot federate a count query." end if args[:required_attributes] raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "The :required_attributes option is not allowed on count queries." end result = request( :method => 'post', :url => @url, :timeout => args[:timeout], :query => generate_xml( :filters => args[:filters], :attributes => args[:attributes], :count => "1" ) ) return result.to_i end # Function to perform a Biomart search. # # optional arguments: # # { # :process_results => true/false, # convert search results to object # :timeout => integer, # set a timeout length for the request (secs) # :filters => {}, # hash of key-value pairs (filter => search term) # :attributes => [], # array of attributes to retrieve # :required_attributes => [], # array of attributes that are required # :federate => [ # { # :dataset => Biomart::Dataset, # A dataset object to federate with # :filters => {}, # hash of key-value pairs (filter => search term) # :attributes => [] # array of attributes to retrieve # } # ] # } # # Note, if you do not pass any filters or attributes arguments, the defaults # for the dataset shall be used. # # Also, using the :required_attributes option - this performs AND logic and will require # data to be returned in all of the listed attributes in order for it to be returned. # # By default will return a hash with the following: # # { # :headers => [], # array of headers # :data => [] # array of arrays containing search results # } # # But with the :process_results option will return an array of hashes, # where each hash represents a row of results (keyed by the attribute name). # # @param [Hash] args The arguments hash # @return [Hash/Array] Will return a hash by default (of unprocessed data), or will return an array of hashes # @raise Biomart::ArgumentError Raised if incorrect arguments are passed def search( args={} ) if args[:required_attributes] and !args[:required_attributes].is_a?(Array) raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "The :required_attributes option must be passed as an array." end response = request( :method => 'post', :url => @url, :timeout => args[:timeout], :query => generate_xml( process_xml_args(args) ) ) result = process_tsv( args, response ) result = filter_data_rows( args, result ) if args[:required_attributes] result = conv_results_to_a_of_h( result ) if args[:process_results] return result end # Utility function to build the Biomart query XML - used by #count and #search. # # @see #count # @see #search def generate_xml( args={} ) biomart_xml = "" xml = :target => biomart_xml, :indent => 2 ) xml.instruct! xml.declare!( :DOCTYPE, :Query ) xml.Query( :virtualSchemaName => "default", :formatter => "TSV", :header => "0", :uniqueRows => "1", :count => args[:count], :datasetConfigVersion => "0.6" ) { dataset_xml( xml, self, { :filters => args[:filters], :attributes => args[:attributes] } ) if args[:federate] args[:federate].each do |joined_dataset| unless joined_dataset[:dataset].is_a?(Biomart::Dataset) raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "You must pass a Biomart::Dataset object to the :federate[:dataset] option." end dataset_xml( xml, joined_dataset[:dataset], { :filters => joined_dataset[:filters], :attributes => joined_dataset[:attributes] } ) end end } return biomart_xml end # Simple heartbeat function to test that a Biomart server is online. # # @return [Boolean] true/false def alive? server = @url ) return server.alive? end private # Utility function to retrieve and process the configuration # xml for a dataset def fetch_configuration url = @url + "?type=configuration&dataset=#{@name}" document = request( :url => url ) ) # Filters... ['//FilterDescription','//FilterDescription/Option'].each do |filter_xpath| REXML::XPath.each( document, filter_xpath ) do |f| if f.attributes["displayType"] != nil next if f.attributes["displayType"] == "container" @filters[ f.attributes["internalName"] ] = f.attributes ) else f.attributes["pointerFilter"] != nil pointer_filter = f.attributes ) @filters[ ] = pointer_filter @filters[ pointer_filter.pointer_filter ] = pointer_filter end end end # Attributes are much simpler... REXML::XPath.each( document, '//AttributeDescription' ) do |a| @attributes[ a.attributes["internalName"] ] = a.attributes ) end end # Utility function to process and test the arguments passed for # the xml query. def process_xml_args( args={} ) xml_args = { :filters => args[:filters], :attributes => args[:attributes] } if args[:federate] unless args[:federate].is_a?(Array) raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "The :federate option must be passed as an array." end unless args[:federate].size == 1 raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "Sorry, we can only federate two datasets at present. This limitation shall be lifted in version 0.8 of biomart." end xml_args[:federate] = args[:federate] end return xml_args end # Helper function to produce the portion of the biomart xml for # a dataset query. def dataset_xml( xml, dataset, args ) xml.Dataset( :name =>, :interface => "default" ) { if args[:filters] args[:filters].each do |name,value| raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "The filter '#{name}' does not exist" if dataset.filters[name].nil? if dataset.filters[name].type == 'boolean' value = value.downcase if value.is_a? String if [true,'included','only'].include?(value) xml.Filter( :name => name, :excluded => '0' ) elsif [false,'excluded'].include?(value) xml.Filter( :name => name, :excluded => '1' ) else raise Biomart::ArgumentError, "The boolean filter '#{name}' can only accept 'true/included/only' or 'false/excluded' arguments." end else value = value.join(",") if value.is_a? Array xml.Filter( :name => name, :value => value ) end end else dataset.filters.each do |name,filter| if filter.default? if filter.type == 'boolean' xml.Filter( :name => name, :excluded => filter.default_value ) else xml.Filter( :name => name, :value => filter.default_value ) end end end end unless args[:count] if args[:attributes] args[:attributes].each do |name| xml.Attribute( :name => name ) end else dataset.attributes.each do |name,attribute| if attribute.default? xml.Attribute( :name => name ) end end end end } end # Utility function to transform the tab-separated data retrieved # from the Biomart search query into a ruby object. def process_tsv( args, tsv ) headers = [] parsed_data = [] append_header_attributes_for_tsv( headers, self, args[:attributes] ) if args[:federate] args[:federate].each do |joined_dataset| append_header_attributes_for_tsv( headers, joined_dataset[:dataset], joined_dataset[:attributes] ) end end parsed_data = [] if CSV.const_defined? :Reader # Ruby < 1.9 CSV code begin parsed_data = CSV.parse( tsv, "\t" ) rescue CSV::IllegalFormatError => e parsed_data = parse_tsv_line_by_line( headers.size, tsv ) end else # Ruby >= 1.9 CSV code begin parsed_data = CSV.parse( tsv, { :col_sep => "\t" } ) rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError => e parsed_data = parse_tsv_line_by_line( headers.size, tsv ) end end return { :headers => headers, :data => parsed_data } end # Helper function to append the attribute names to the 'headers' array # for processing the returned results. def append_header_attributes_for_tsv( headers, dataset, attributes ) if attributes attributes.each do |attribute| headers.push(attribute) end else dataset.attributes.each do |name,attribute| if attribute.default? headers.push(name) end end end end # Utility function to process TSV formatted data that raises errors. (Biomart # has a habit of serving out this...) First attempts to use the CSV modules # 'parse_line' function to read in the data, if that fails, tries to use split # to recover the data. def parse_tsv_line_by_line( expected_row_size, tsv ) parsed_data = [] data_by_line = tsv.split("\n") data_by_line.each do |line| elements = [] if CSV.const_defined? :Reader # Ruby < 1.9 CSV code elements = CSV::parse_line( line, "\t" ) else # Ruby >= 1.9 CSV code begin elements = CSV::parse_line( line, { :col_sep => "\t" } ) rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError => e elements = [] end end if elements.size == 0 # This is a bad line (causing the above Exception), try and use split to recover. elements = line.split("\t") if line =~ /\t$/ # If the last attribute resturn is empty add a nil # value to the array as it would have been missed # by the split function! elements.push(nil) end # Substitute blank strings for nils! do |elem| if elem === "" nil else elem end end # Add a safety clause... if elements.size === expected_row_size parsed_data.push(elements) end else parsed_data.push(elements) end end return parsed_data end # Utility function to quickly convert a search result into an array of hashes # (keyed by the attribute name) for easier processing - this is not done by # default on all searches as this can cause a large overhead on big data returns. def conv_results_to_a_of_h( search_results ) result_objects = [] search_results[:data].each do |row| tmp = {} row.each_index do |index| tmp[ search_results[:headers][index] ] = row[index] end result_objects.push(tmp) end return result_objects end # Utility function to remove data rows from a search result that do not include # the :required_attributes. def filter_data_rows( args, result ) # Get the list of attributes searched for... attributes = args[:attributes] ? args[:attributes] : [] if attributes.empty? self.attributes.each do |name,attribute| if attribute.default? attributes.push(name) end end end # Work out which attribute positions we need to test... positions_to_test = [] attributes.each_index do |index| if args[:required_attributes].include?(attributes[index]) positions_to_test.push(index) end end # Now go through the results and filter out the unwanted data... filtered_data = [] result[:data].each do |data_row| save_row_count = 0 positions_to_test.each do |position| save_row_count = save_row_count + 1 unless data_row[position].nil? end if save_row_count == positions_to_test.size filtered_data.push(data_row) end end return { :headers => result[:headers], :data => filtered_data } end end end