require 'spec_helper' describe Ratis::NextBus do before do Ratis.reset Ratis.configure do |config| config.endpoint = '' config.namespace = 'PX_WEB' end @stop_id = 10050 @time = Chronic.parse('tomorrow at 6am') end describe '#where' do before do # appid # a short string that can be used to separate requests from different applications or different modules with # Optional (highly recommended) @conditions = {:stop_id => @stop_id, :app_id => 'ratis-specs', :type => 'N', :datetime => @time } end it 'returns the next 4 bus times' do # raises exception when no runs available: # Ratis::Errors::SoapError: # SOAP - no runs available response = Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup) expect(response.runs).to have(4).items end it 'only makes one request' do # false just to stop further processing of response Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get).once.and_call_original Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup) end it 'requests the correct SOAP action' do Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get) do |action, options| action.should eq('Nextbus') options["Stopid"].should eq(@stop_id) options["Appid"].should eq('ratis-specs') options["Date"].should eq(@time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) options["Time"].should eq(@time.strftime("%I%M")) options["Type"].should eq('N') end.and_return(double('response', :success? => false)) # false only to stop further running Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup) end it "should set all the service values to instance vars" do response = Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup) expect(response).to be_a(Ratis::NextBus) expect(response.status).to eq('N') expect(response.sign).to eq('0 CENTRAL North to Dunlap/3rd St.') expect(response.routetype).to eq('B') expect(response.times).to eq("05:49 AM, 06:09 AM, 06:29 AM, 06:49 AM") expect(response.direction).to eq('N') end it "should raise error if datetime condition is not a DateTime or Time" do lambda { Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:datetime => '01/01/2013')) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'If datetime supplied it should be a Time or DateTime instance, otherwise it defaults to') lambda { Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:datetime => }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:datetime => }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise error if stop id is not provided" do lambda { Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup.merge(:stop_id => nil)) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, 'You must provide a stop ID') end it "should return an empty array if the api request isn't successful" do Ratis::Request.should_receive('get'). with('Nextbus', {"Time"=>@time.strftime("%I%M"), "Type"=>"N", "Stopid"=>10050, "Date"=>@time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y"), "Appid"=>"ratis-specs"}). and_return(double('response', :success? => false)) expect(Ratis::NextBus.where(@conditions.dup)).to be_empty end end end # EXAMPLE RESPONSE # {:envelope => { # :"@xmlns:xsd" =>"", # :"@xmlns:xsi" =>"", # :"@xmlns:soap_env" =>"", # :"@xmlns:soap_enc" =>"", # :"@soap_env:encoding_style" =>"", # :body => { # :nextbus_response => { # :atstop => { # :side => "Far", # :stopid => "10050", # :heading => "NB", # :lat => "33.363692", # :area => "Phoenix", # :service => { # :status => "N", # :sign => "0 CENTRAL North to Dunlap/3rd St.", # :routetype => "B", # :times => "10:29 AM, 10:49 AM, 11:09 AM, 11:29 AM", # :direction => "N", # :tripinfo => [ # {:tripid => "8374-8", # :exception => "N", # :skedtripid => nil, # :estimatedtime => "10:29 AM", # :triptime => "10:29 AM", # :adherence => nil, # :realtime => { # :valid => nil, # :reliable => nil, # :estimatedtime => "10:29 AM", # :stopped => nil, # :lat => nil, # :estimatedminutes => nil, # :vehicleid => nil, # :polltime => nil, # :long => nil, # :adherence => nil, # :trend => nil, # :speed => nil}, # :block => "3" # }, # {:tripid => "8374-8", # :exception => "N", # :skedtripid => nil, # :estimatedtime => "10:49 AM", # :triptime => "10:49 AM", # :adherence => nil, # :realtime => { # :valid => nil, # :reliable => nil, # :estimatedtime => "10:49 AM", # :stopped => nil, # :lat => nil, # :estimatedminutes => nil, # :vehicleid => nil, # :polltime => nil, # :long => nil, # :adherence => nil, # :trend => nil, # :speed => nil # }, # :block => "5" # }, # {:tripid => "8374-9", # :exception => "N", # :skedtripid => nil, # :estimatedtime => "11:09 AM", # :triptime => "11:09 AM", # :adherence => nil, # :realtime => { # :valid => nil, # :reliable => nil, # :estimatedtime => "11:09 AM", # :stopped => nil, # :lat => nil, # :estimatedminutes => nil, # :vehicleid => nil, # :polltime => nil, # :long => nil, # :adherence => nil, # :trend => nil, # :speed => nil # }, # :block => "8"}, # {:tripid => "8374-9", # :exception => "N", # :skedtripid => nil, # :estimatedtime => "11:29 AM", # :triptime => "11:29 AM", # :adherence => nil, # :realtime => { # :valid => nil, # :reliable => nil, # :estimatedtime => "11:29 AM", # :stopped => nil, # :lat => nil, # :estimatedminutes => nil, # :vehicleid => nil, # :polltime => nil, # :long => nil, # :adherence => nil, # :trend => nil, # :speed => nil # }, # :block => "11"} # ], # :servicetype => "W", # :route => "0", # :operator => "AP" # }, # :description => "CENTRAL AVE & DOBBINS RD", # :atisstopid => "3317", # :stopposition => "O", # :long => "-112.073191", # :stopstatustype => "N", # :walkdist => "0.00" # }, # :version => "1.26", # :responsecode => "0", # :input => { # :time => "10:40 AM", # :stopid => "10050", # :date => "06/05/2013", # :locationlat => nil, # :landmarkid => nil, # :locationlong => nil, # :atisstopid => "0", # :locationtext => "Location", # :route => nil # }, # :host => "s-rpta-soap", # :"@xmlns:namesp1" => "PX_WEB", # :copyright => "XML schema Copyright (c) 2003-2012 Trapeze Software, Inc., all rights reserved.", # :soapversion => "2.5.2 - 06/07/12"}}}}