== Description A collection of Windows functions predefined for you via Win32::API. Hence the 'pr', for 'Pure Ruby'. == Installation gem install windows-pr == Synopsis require 'windows/path' class Foo include Windows::Path if PathIsRoot.call("C:\\") > 0 ... end # or if PathIsRoot("C:\\") ... end end == Methods Each of the various files included as part of this package provide a series of constants corresponding to the equivalent Windows API function and related numeric constants. For example, if you require 'windows/path', you now have PathIsRoot, PathIsUNC, etc, available to you as Win32::API objects in the form of constants. A wrapper has been provided for each method in order to avoid the Win32::API#call method. So, instead of PathIsRoot.call(path) you can invoke it as PathIsRoot(path). If the original function is lower case then the wrapper method is lower case as well. For example, instead of doing 'Memcpy.call(dest, src, size)' you can do 'memcpy(dest, src, size)'. Remember boys and girls, if you write 'PathIsRoot', you're referring to the constant. If you write 'PathIsRoot()', you're calling the wrapper method. Boolean methods automatically perform a check for success or failure. So, instead of having to do something like 'if PathIsRoot(path) > 0' you can just do 'if PathIsRoot(path)'. However, I do not add this nicety for the MSVCRT functions that return int's because some functions have multiple return values which you may want to inspect. So, rather than making you guess, I have simply declared that you must inspect return values manually for any MSVCRT module. Source files contain related functions, by topic. For example, the clipboard.rb file contains clipboard related functions, such as CloseClipboard(), as well as constants such as CF_TEXT, CF_BITMAP, etc. == Wide character functions I decided that the $KCODE handling was a bad idea, so most of the $KCODE handling has been removed. The only methods that change their behavior based on $KCODE are the multi_to_wide and wide_to_multi helper methods in the Windows::Unicode module. If $KCODE is set to UTF8, then the code point used is CP_UTF8. Otherwise, CP_ACP is used. The modules all come with explicit ANSI and Wide (Unicode) functions, when available from MS Windows. By default, a function without an explicit 'A' at the end of the function name uses the ANSI version. It is up to you to use the wide ('W') functions explicitly if you wish. == Platform specific functions Not all functions are defined on all platforms. For example, the AttachConsole() function is only defined on Windows XP and later. If you eed to conditionally test for its existence, simply use the 'defined?' method: if defined? AttachConsole # Do something else # Do something else end == Where are the tests, dude? While I've made some effort to test these functions, there are simply too many for me to effectively test them all. We're ultimately talking about hundreds, if not thousands, of functions, and I don't know what all of them actually do. That being said, I will add tests where and when I can. If you find that I've declared the function prototype wrong for a given function, please let me know ASAP and I'll fix it. An example program demonstrating the problem would be helpful, too. Or, if you'd just like to contribute some test cases, that's fine as well. == What's the point? I became tired of redefining Windows functions over and over whenever I wanted to use the Win32API library. I thought it would be very handy to have them predefined for me in a library with convenient wrapper methods to boot. While it's true that Moonwolf has a library on the RAA that includes many of these functions defined already, there are a few issues with it. First, it puts *every* function and constant in one or two files. That's a waste of memory, hard to organize & maintain, and impossible to test. Second, some of his function declarations are wrong. Third, some of the functions I needed for my own projects are missing. Fourth, there's no gem. Lastly, I haven't seen an update in over 6 years, which leads me to believe it is no longer maintained. == Hey, I'm missing function X! I have only defined a small subset of the overall Windows API. It would take me years to define them *all*. I defined the ones I needed first, plus some that I thought would be useful to others. I will continue to add functions in my spare time, or (especially) by request. == Bugs None that I'm aware of. Please report any bugs on the project page at: https://github.com/djberg96/windows-pr The only real bugs you should find are either bad prototype declarations or bad constant values. Sometimes I forget to wrap functions properly that may not be defined on older Windows platforms. But, please report any of these issues on the project page should you stumble into them. == Known Issues In some cases the MSDN docs are wrong, and we have to learn it the hard way. If you should happen to find a documentation bug on their site, please contact them and let them know. They're generally good about fixing them. In other cases library functions are not exported by the dll. For example, my version of shlwapi.dll does not export the PathIsHTMLFile() function, despite being well past the minimum version for that DLL. There is nothing you or I can do about it short of rebuilding the DLL file from scratch and/or reporting the issue to Microsoft. == Supported Platforms I only support the Windows NT family of Windows, and then only Windows 2000 and later. == Future Plans I plan on converting this library to use FFI instead of win32-api. There is already an ffi branch with some of that work done. == License Artistic 2.0 == Warranty This package is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. == Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Daniel J. Berger (C) 2016, Hiroshi Hatake All Rights Reserved == Author(s) Daniel Berger Park Heesob Hiroshi Hatake