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**A JavaScript Testing Framework**
Jasmine is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework. Thus it's suited for websites, [Node.js](http://nodejs.org) projects, or anywhere that JavaScript can run.
Documentation & guides live here: [http://jasmine.github.io](http://jasmine.github.io/)
For a quick start guide of Jasmine 2.0, see the beginning of [http://jasmine.github.io/2.0/introduction.html](http://jasmine.github.io/2.0/introduction.html)
Upgrading from Jasmine 1.x? Check out the [2.0 release notes](https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine/blob/v2.0.0/release_notes/20.md) for a list of what's new (including breaking interface changes).
## Contributing
Please read the [contributors' guide](https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
## Installation
To install Jasmine on your local box:
* Clone Jasmine - `git clone https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine.git`
* Create a Jasmine directory in your project - `mkdir my-project/jasmine`
* Move latest dist to your project directory - `mv jasmine/dist/jasmine-standalone-2.0.0.zip my-project/jasmine`
* Change directory - `cd my-project/jasmine`
* Unzip the dist - `unzip jasmine-standalone-2.0.0.zip`
Add the following to your HTML file:
For the Jasmine Ruby Gem:
For the Jasmine Python Egg:
## Support
* Search past discussions: [http://groups.google.com/group/jasmine-js](http://groups.google.com/group/jasmine-js)
* Send an email to the list: [jasmine-js@googlegroups.com](mailto:jasmine-js@googlegroups.com)
* View the project backlog at Pivotal Tracker: [http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/10606](http://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/10606)
* Follow us on Twitter: [@JasmineBDD](http://twitter.com/JasmineBDD)
## Maintainers
* [Davis W. Frank](mailto:dwfrank@pivotallabs.com), Pivotal Labs
* [Rajan Agaskar](mailto:rajan@pivotallabs.com), Pivotal Labs
* [Sheel Choksi](mailto:schoksi@pivotallabs.com), Pivotal Labs
### Maintainers Emeritus
* [Christian Williams](mailto:antixian666@gmail.com), Square
Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pivotal Labs. This software is licensed under the MIT License.