class Calculator::Vat < Calculator def self.description I18n.t("vat") end def self.register super TaxRate.register_calculator(self) end # list the vat rates for the default country def self.default_rates origin = Country.find(Spree::Config[:default_country_id]) calcs = Calculator::Vat.find(:all, :include => {:calculable => :zone}).select { |vat| } calcs.collect { |calc| calc.calculable } end def self.calculate_tax(order, rates=default_rates) return 0 if rates.empty? # note: there is a bug with associations in rails 2.1 model caching so we're using this hack # (see cache_hack = rates.first.respond_to?(:tax_category_id) taxable_totals = {} order.line_items.each do |line_item| next unless tax_category = line_item.variant.product.tax_category next unless rate = rates.find { | vat_rate | vat_rate.tax_category_id == } if cache_hack next unless rate = rates.find { | vat_rate | vat_rate.tax_category == tax_category } unless cache_hack taxable_totals[tax_category] ||= 0 taxable_totals[tax_category] += line_item.price * rate.amount * line_item.quantity end return 0 if taxable_totals.empty? tax = 0 taxable_totals.values.each do |total| tax += total end tax end # TODO: Refactor this method after integrating #54 to use default address def self.calculate_tax_on(product_or_variant) vat_rates = default_rates return 0 if vat_rates.nil? return 0 unless tax_category = product_or_variant.is_a?(Product) ? product_or_variant.tax_category : product_or_variant.product.tax_category return 0 unless rate = vat_rates.find { | vat_rate | vat_rate.tax_category_id = } (product_or_variant.is_a?(Product) ? product_or_variant.price : product_or_variant.price) * rate.amount end # computes vat for line_items associated with order, and tax rate def compute(order) rate = self.calculable line_items = { |i| i.product.tax_category == rate.tax_category } line_items.inject(0) {|sum, line_item| sum += (line_item.price * rate.amount * line_item.quantity) } end end