require_relative '../helper' describe 'CfnFlow::CLI' do let(:cli) { CfnFlow::CLI } let(:template) { 'spec/data/sqs.yml' } before do ENV.update({ 'CFN_FLOW_BUCKET' => 'test-bucket', 'CFN_FLOW_FROM' => 'spec/data', 'CFN_FLOW_TO' => 'test' }) end describe '#validate' do it 'succeeds' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:validate, template] } err.must_be :empty? out.must_match "Validating #{template}... valid." end it 'can have multiple templates' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:validate, template, 'spec/data/sqs.template'] } out.split("\n").size.must_equal 2 end it 'can fail with malformed templates' do _, err = capture_io { cli.start [:validate, 'no/such/template'] } err.must_match 'Error loading template' err.must_match 'Errno::ENOENT' end it 'can fail with validation error' do Aws.config[:cloudformation] = {stub_responses: {validate_template: 'ValidationError'}} _, err = capture_io { cli.start [:validate, template] } err.must_match "Invalid template" end it 'fails when no templates are passed' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:validate] } out.must_equal '' err.must_match 'You must specify a template to validate' end end describe '#publish' do it 'succeeds' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template] } err.must_equal '' out.must_match "Validating #{template}... valid." out.must_match "Publishing #{template}" end it 'can have multiple templates' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template, 'spec/data/sqs.template'] } # 2 lines for validating, 2 for publishing out.split("\n").size.must_equal 4 end it 'uses the dev-name' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template] } out.must_match("dev/#{ENV['CFN_FLOW_DEV_NAME']}") end it 'can take a dev-name argument' do name = 'a-new-dev-name' out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template, '--dev-name', name] } out.must_match("dev/#{name}") end describe 'with --release' do it 'defaults to git sha' do sha = CfnFlow::Git.sha out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template, '--release'] } out.must_match"release/#{sha}") end it 'can take a value' do release = 'v2.0' out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template, '--release', release] } out.must_match"release/#{release}") end end it 'can fail with malformed templates' do _, err = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, 'no/such/template'] } err.must_match 'Error loading template' err.must_match 'Errno::ENOENT' end it 'can fail with validation error' do Aws.config[:cloudformation] = {stub_responses: {validate_template: 'ValidationError'}} _, err = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template] } err.must_match "Invalid template" end it 'fails when no templates are passed' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:publish] } out.must_equal '' err.must_match 'You must specify a template to publish' end it 'fails with no release' do ENV.delete('CFN_FLOW_DEV_NAME') _, err = capture_io { cli.start [:publish, template] } err.must_match 'Must specify --release or --dev-name' end end describe '#deploy' do it 'succeeds' do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(stack_name: 'cfn-flow-spec-stack') ] }, describe_stack_events: { stack_events: [ stub_event_data ] }, } } out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:deploy, 'test-env'] } out.must_match "Launching stack #{CfnFlow.config['stack']['stack_name']}" out.must_match "Polling for events..." out.must_match "CREATE_COMPLETE" out.wont_match 'Finding stacks to cleanup' err.must_equal '' end it 'exposes the environmont as an env var' do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(stack_name: 'cfn-flow-spec-stack') ] }, describe_stack_events: { stack_events: [ stub_event_data ] }, } } _ = capture_io { cli.start [:deploy, 'test-env'] } ENV['CFN_FLOW_ENVIRONMENT'].must_equal 'test-env' end it 'can fail with a validation error' do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { create_stack: 'ValidationError' } } out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:deploy, 'test-env'] } out.must_equal '' err.must_match 'error' end it 'can cleanup' do # Stubbing hacks alert! # The first time we call :describe_stacks, return the stack we launch. # The second time, we're loading 'another-stack' to clean it up stack_stubs = [ { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(stack_name: 'cfn-flow-spec-stack') ] }, { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(stack_name: 'another-stack') ] } ] Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: stack_stubs, describe_stack_events: { stack_events: [ stub_event_data ] }, } } Thor::LineEditor.stub :readline, "yes" do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:deploy, 'production', '--cleanup'] } out.must_match 'Finding stacks to clean up' out.must_match 'Deleted stack another-stack' err.must_equal '' end end end describe '#list' do it 'has no output with no stacks' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:list] } out.must_equal '' err.must_equal '' end describe 'with one stack' do before do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data ] } } } end it 'should print the stack' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:list] } out.must_match(/mystack\s+production\s+CREATE_COMPLETE\s+#{memo_now.utc}/) err.must_equal '' end it 'should print the header' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:list] } out.must_match(/NAME\s+ENVIRONMENT\s+STATUS\s+CREATED/) end it 'should print stacks when passed an environment' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:list, 'production'] } out.must_match 'mystack' out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:list, 'none-such-env'] } out.must_equal '' end it 'should not print the header with option[no-header]' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:list, '--no-header'] } out.wont_match(/NAME\s+ENVIRONMENT\s+STATUS/) end end describe 'with stacks in a different service' do before do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ { stack_name: "mystack", stack_status: 'CREATE_COMPLETE', creation_time: memo_now, tags: [ {key: 'CfnFlowService', value: 'none-such-service'}, {key: 'CfnFlowEnvironment', value: 'production'} ] } ] } } } end it 'has no output' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:list] } out.must_equal '' end end end describe '#show' do describe 'with a stack' do before do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data ] } } } end it 'should print in yaml' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:show, 'mystack'] } expected = CfnFlow.cfn_resource.stack('mystack').data.to_hash.to_yaml out.must_equal expected err.must_equal '' end it 'handles --json option' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:show, 'mystack', '--json'] } expected = MultiJson.dump(CfnFlow.cfn_resource.stack('mystack').data.to_hash, pretty: true) + "\n" out.must_equal expected end end it 'returns an error with missing stacks' do Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: 'ValidationError' } } out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:show, 'none-such-stack'] } out.must_equal '' err.must_match 'error' end it 'returns an error when stack is not in service' do stack_data = stub_stack_data stack_data[:tags][0][:value] = 'none-such-service' Aws.config[:cloudformation]= { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stack_data ] } } } out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:show, 'none-such-stack'] } out.must_equal '' err.must_match "not tagged for service #{CfnFlow.service}" end end describe '#events' do before do Aws.config[:cloudformation] = { stub_responses: { describe_stack_events: { stack_events: [ stub_event_data ] }, describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data ] } } } end it 'should show the header by default' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:events, 'mystack'] } out.must_match CfnFlow::EventPresenter.header end it 'can omit header' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:events, '--no-headers', 'mystack'] } out.wont_match CfnFlow::EventPresenter.header end it 'should show an event' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:events, 'mystack'] } out.must_match err.must_equal '' end describe 'with polling' do before do Aws.config[:cloudformation] = { stub_responses: { describe_stack_events: [ { stack_events: [ stub_event_data(resource_status: 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS') ] }, { stack_events: [ stub_event_data(resource_status: 'CREATE_COMPLETE') ] } ], describe_stacks: [ { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(stack_status: 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS') ] }, { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(stack_status: 'CREATE_COMPLETE') ] }, ] } } end it 'should not poll by default' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:events, '--no-header', 'mystack'] } out.must_match 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS' out.wont_match 'CREATE_COMPLETE' end it 'will poll until complete' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:events, '--no-header', '--poll', 'mystack'] } out.must_match 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS' out.must_match 'CREATE_COMPLETE' end end end describe '#delete' do describe 'with a stack' do before do Aws.config[:cloudformation] = { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data ] } } } end it 'deletes the stack' do Thor::LineEditor.stub :readline, "yes" do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:delete, 'mystack'] } out.must_equal "Deleted stack mystack\n" err.must_equal '' end end it 'does not delete the stack if you say no' do Thor::LineEditor.stub :readline, "no" do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:delete, 'mystack'] } out.must_equal '' err.must_equal '' end end it 'does not ask when --force is set' do out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:delete, '--force', 'mystack'] } out.must_equal "Deleted stack mystack\n" err.must_equal '' end end it 'returns an error for a stack in another service' do Aws.config[:cloudformation] = { stub_responses: { describe_stacks: { stacks: [ stub_stack_data(tags: []) ] } } } out, err = capture_io { cli.start [:delete, 'wrong-stack'] } out.must_equal '' err.must_match 'Stack wrong-stack is not tagged for service' end end describe '#version' do let(:version) { CfnFlow::VERSION + "\n" } it 'prints the version' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start [:version] } out.must_equal version end it 'handles -v argument' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start ['-v'] } out.must_equal version end it 'handles --version argument' do out, _ = capture_io { cli.start ['--version'] } out.must_equal version end end end