module Trailblazer class Operation # The CRUD module will automatically create/find models for the configured +action+. # It adds a public +Operation#model+ reader to access the model (after performing). module CRUD attr_reader :model def self.included(base) base.extend Uber::InheritableAttr base.inheritable_attr :config base.config = {} base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def model(name, action=nil) self.config[:model] = name action(action) if action # coolest line ever. end def action(name) self.config[:action] = name end def action_name # considered private. self.config[:action] or :create end def model_class # considered private. self.config[:model] or raise "[Trailblazer] You didn't call Operation::model." # TODO: infer model name. end end # #validate no longer accepts a model since this module instantiates it for you. def validate(params, *args) super(params, @model, *args) end private def model!(params) instantiate_model(params) end def instantiate_model(params) send("#{self.class.action_name}_model", params) end def create_model(params) end def update_model(params) self.class.model_class.find(params[:id]) end alias_method :find_model, :update_model end end end