# frozen_string_literal: true require 'opal/path_reader' require 'opal/paths' require 'opal/config' require 'opal/cache' require 'opal/builder_scheduler' require 'set' module Opal class Builder # The registered processors def self.processors @processors ||= [] end # All the extensions supported by registered processors def self.extensions @extensions ||= [] end # @public # Register a builder processor and the supported extensions. # A processor will respond to: # # ## `#requires` # An array of string containing the logic paths of required assets # # ## `#required_trees` # An array of string containing the logic paths of required directories # # ## `#autoloads` # An array of entities that are autoloaded and their compile-time load failure can # be safely ignored # # ## `#to_s` # The processed source # # ## `#source_map` # An instance of `::Opal::SourceMap::File` representing the processd asset's source # map. # # ## `.new(source, filename, compiler_options)` # The processor will be instantiated passing: # - the unprocessed source # - the asset's filename # - Opal's compiler options # # ## `.match?(path)` # The processor is able to recognize paths suitable for its type of # processing. # def self.register_processor(processor, processor_extensions) return if processors.include?(processor) processors << processor processor_extensions.each { |ext| extensions << ext } end class MissingRequire < LoadError end class ProcessorNotFound < LoadError end def initialize(options = nil) (options || {}).each_pair do |k, v| public_send("#{k}=", v) end @stubs ||= [] @preload ||= [] @processors ||= ::Opal::Builder.processors @path_reader ||= PathReader.new(Opal.paths, extensions.map { |e| [".#{e}", ".js.#{e}"] }.flatten) @prerequired ||= [] @compiler_options ||= Opal::Config.compiler_options @missing_require_severity ||= Opal::Config.missing_require_severity @cache ||= Opal.cache @scheduler ||= Opal.builder_scheduler if @scheduler.respond_to? :new @scheduler = @scheduler.new(self) end @processed = [] end def self.build(*args, &block) new.build(*args, &block) end def build(path, options = {}) build_str(source_for(path), path, options) end # Retrieve the source for a given path the same way #build would do. def source_for(path) read(path, false) end def build_str(source, rel_path, options = {}) return if source.nil? abs_path = expand_path(rel_path) rel_path = expand_ext(rel_path) asset = processor_for(source, rel_path, abs_path, false, options) requires = preload + asset.requires + tree_requires(asset, abs_path) # Don't automatically load modules required by the module process_requires(rel_path, requires, asset.autoloads, options.merge(load: false)) processed << asset self end def build_require(path, options = {}) process_require(path, [], options) end def initialize_copy(other) super @stubs = other.stubs.dup @preload = other.preload.dup @processors = other.processors.dup @path_reader = other.path_reader.dup @prerequired = other.prerequired.dup @compiler_options = other.compiler_options.dup @missing_require_severity = other.missing_require_severity.to_sym @processed = other.processed.dup @scheduler = other.scheduler.dup.tap { |i| i.builder = self } end def to_s processed.map(&:to_s).join("\n") end def source_map ::Opal::SourceMap::Index.new(processed.map(&:source_map), join: "\n") end def append_paths(*paths) path_reader.append_paths(*paths) end def process_require_threadsafely(rel_path, autoloads, options) return if prerequired.include?(rel_path) autoload = autoloads.include? rel_path source = stub?(rel_path) ? '' : read(rel_path, autoload) # The handling is delegated to the runtime return if source.nil? abs_path = expand_path(rel_path) rel_path = expand_ext(rel_path) asset = processor_for(source, rel_path, abs_path, autoload, options.merge(requirable: true)) process_requires( rel_path, asset.requires + tree_requires(asset, abs_path), asset.autoloads, options ) asset end def process_require(rel_path, autoloads, options) return if already_processed.include?(rel_path) already_processed << rel_path asset = process_require_threadsafely(rel_path, autoloads, options) processed << asset if asset end def already_processed @already_processed ||= Set.new end include UseGem attr_reader :processed attr_accessor :processors, :path_reader, :stubs, :prerequired, :preload, :compiler_options, :missing_require_severity, :cache, :scheduler def esm? @compiler_options[:esm] end # Output extension, to be used by runners. At least Node.JS switches # to ESM mode only if the extension is "mjs" def output_extension if esm? 'mjs' else 'js' end end # Return a list of dependent files, for watching purposes def dependent_files processed.map(&:abs_path).compact.select { |fn| File.exist?(fn) } end def expand_ext(path) abs_path = path_reader.expand(path) if abs_path File.join( File.dirname(path), File.basename(abs_path) ) else path end end private def process_requires(rel_path, requires, autoloads, options) @scheduler.process_requires(rel_path, requires, autoloads, options) end def tree_requires(asset, asset_path) dirname = asset_path.to_s.empty? ? Pathname.pwd : Pathname(asset_path).expand_path.dirname abs_base_paths = path_reader.paths.map { |p| File.expand_path(p) } asset.required_trees.flat_map do |tree| abs_tree_path = dirname.join(tree).expand_path.to_s abs_base_path = abs_base_paths.find { |p| abs_tree_path.start_with?(p) } if abs_base_path abs_base_path = Pathname(abs_base_path) entries_glob = Pathname(abs_tree_path).join('**', "*{.js,}.{#{extensions.join ','}}") Pathname.glob(entries_glob).map { |file| file.relative_path_from(abs_base_path).to_s } else [] # the tree is not part of any known base path end end end def processor_for(source, rel_path, abs_path, autoload, options) processor = processors.find { |p| p.match? abs_path } if !processor && !autoload raise(ProcessorNotFound, "can't find processor for rel_path: " \ "#{rel_path.inspect}, "\ "abs_path: #{abs_path.inspect}, "\ "source: #{source.inspect}, "\ "processors: #{processors.inspect}" ) end options = options.merge(cache: cache) processor.new(source, rel_path, abs_path, @compiler_options.merge(options)) end def read(path, autoload) path_reader.read(path) || begin print_list = ->(list) { "- #{list.join("\n- ")}\n" } message = "can't find file: #{path.inspect} in:\n" + print_list[path_reader.paths] + "\nWith the following extensions:\n" + print_list[path_reader.extensions] + "\nAnd the following processors:\n" + print_list[processors] unless autoload case missing_require_severity when :error then raise MissingRequire, message when :warning then warn message when :ignore then # noop end end nil end end def expand_path(path) return if stub?(path) (path_reader.expand(path) || File.expand_path(path)).to_s end def stub?(path) stubs.include?(path) end def extensions ::Opal::Builder.extensions end end end