module SemiStatic ## # Used to track statistics while generating the Site. class Statistics ## # Initialize a new Statistics object. def initialize self.reset end ## # Clears all recorded data. def reset @data = { |hash,key| hash[key] = } end ## # Record the time it takes for the block to execute. # # +category+: The category of the action. # +item+: The name of the action. def record(category, item) raise ArgumentError unless block_given? before = result = yield @data[category][item] = - before return result end ## # Display the collected data to the user. def display # details = {} @data.each do |category,items| next if category == :site sum = 0; items.values.each { |time| sum += time } list = items.sort { |l,r| l.last <=> r.last } if list.length > 1 printf "%10s c:%-3d sum:%9.6f min:%.6f max:%.6f avg:%.6f\n", category, items.length, sum, list.first.last, list.last.last, sum / items.length # details[category] = list.reverse.first(5).collect { |pair| { pair.first => pair.last } } else printf "%10s c:%-3d sum:%9.6f\n", category, items.length, sum end end puts '---' @data[:site].each { |cat,time| printf "%15s %9.6f\n", cat.to_s.capitalize, time } # unless details.empty? # puts '---' # puts # puts details.to_yaml # end end end end