require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../spec_helper" # These specs will run on all databases that are defined in the spec/database.yml file. # Comment out any databases that you do not have available for testing purposes if needed. ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.test_databases.each do |db| describe ScopedSearch, "using a #{db} database" do before(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.establish_named_connection(db) ## The related class ActiveRecord::Migration.drop_table(:bars) rescue nil ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table(:bars) { |t| t.string :related; t.integer :foo_id } class ::Bar < ActiveRecord::Base; belongs_to :foo; end ::Foo = ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.create_model(:string => :string, :another => :string, :explicit => :string, :int => :integer, :date => :date, :unindexed => :integer) do |klass| klass.has_many :bars klass.scoped_search :on => [:string, :int, :date] klass.scoped_search :on => :another, :default_operator => :eq, :alias => :alias klass.scoped_search :on => :explicit, :only_explicit => true, :complete_value => true klass.scoped_search :on => :related, :in => :bars, :rename => 'bars.related'.to_sym end @foo_1 = Foo.create!(:string => 'foo', :another => 'temp 1', :explicit => 'baz', :int => 9 , :date => 'February 8, 20011' , :unindexed => 10) Foo.create!(:string => 'bar', :another => 'temp 2', :explicit => 'baz', :int => 9 , :date => 'February 10, 20011', :unindexed => 10) Foo.create!(:string => 'baz', :another => nil, :explicit => nil , :int => nil, :date => nil , :unindexed => nil) Bar.create!(:related => 'lala', :foo => @foo_1) Bar.create!(:related => 'another lala', :foo => @foo_1) end after(:all) do ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Foo) ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.drop_model(Bar) ScopedSearch::RSpec::Database.close_connection end context 'basic auto completer' do it "should complete the field name" do Foo.complete_for('str').should =~ ([' string ']) end it "should not complete the logical operators at the beginning" do Foo.complete_for('a').should_not contain(['and']) end it "should complete the string comparators" do Foo.complete_for('string ').should =~ (["string != ", "string !~ ", "string = ", "string ~ "]) end it "should complete the numerical comparators" do Foo.complete_for('int ').should =~ (["int != ", "int < ", "int <= ", "int = ", "int > ", "int >= "]) end it "should complete the temporal (date) comparators" do Foo.complete_for('date ').should =~ (["date = ", "date < ", "date > "]) end it "should raise error for unindexed field" do lambda { Foo.complete_for('unindexed = 10 ')}.should raise_error(ScopedSearch::QueryNotSupported) end it "should raise error for unknown field" do lambda {Foo.complete_for('unknown = 10 ')}.should raise_error(ScopedSearch::QueryNotSupported) end it "should complete logical comparators" do Foo.complete_for('string ~ fo ').should contain("string ~ fo and", "string ~ fo or") end it "should complete prefix operators" do Foo.complete_for(' ').should contain(" has", " not") end it "should not complete logical infix operators" do Foo.complete_for(' ').should_not contain(" and", " or") end it "should not repeat logical operators" do Foo.complete_for('string = foo and ').should_not contain("string = foo and and", "string = foo and or") end end context 'using an aliased field' do it "should complete an explicit match using its alias" do Foo.complete_for('al').should contain(' alias ') end end context 'value auto complete' do it "should complete values list of values " do Foo.complete_for('explicit = ').should have(1).item end it "should complete values should contain baz" do Foo.complete_for('explicit = ').should contain('explicit = baz') end end context 'auto complete relations' do it "should complete related object name" do Foo.complete_for('ba').should contain(' bars.related ') end it "should complete related object name with field name" do Foo.complete_for('bars.').should contain(' bars.related ') end end context 'using null prefix operators queries' do it "should complete has operator" do Foo.complete_for('has strin').should eql(['has string ']) end it "should complete null? operator" do Foo.complete_for('null? st').should eql(['null? string ']) end it "should complete set? operator" do Foo.complete_for('set? exp').should eql(['set? explicit ']) end it "should complete null? operator for explicit field" do Foo.complete_for('null? explici').should eql(['null? explicit ']) end it "should not complete comparators after prefix statement" do Foo.complete_for('has string ').should_not contain(['has string = ']) end it "should not complete infix operator" do Foo.complete_for('has string ').should_not contain('has string = ') end end end end