require 'spec_helper' require 'json' require 'base64' describe "Mirage Server" do include_context :rack_test, :disable_sinatra_error_handling => true before :each do Mirage::MockResponse.delete_all end describe "when adding responses" do before :each do @mock_response ='endpoint','value') end it 'should create a mock response with the supplied template spec' do endpoint = 'greeting' spec = {"somekeys" => 'some_values'} Mirage::MockResponse.should_receive(:new).with(endpoint, spec).and_return(@mock_response) put('/templates/greeting', spec.to_json) end it 'should set the requests url against the template that is created' do method = 'post' response_id = 1 Mirage::MockResponse.should_receive(:new).and_return(@mock_response) put('/templates/greeting', {:request => {:http_method => method}}.to_json) @mock_response.requests_url.should == "{response_id}" end end context '/templates' do describe '/preview' do it 'should give the value' do response_body = 'hello' content_type = 'application/javascript' response_id = JSON.parse(put('/templates/greeting', {:response => {:body => Base64.encode64(response_body), :content_type => content_type}}.to_json).body)['id'] response = get("/templates/#{response_id}/preview") response.body.should == response_body response.content_type.should include(content_type) end end end describe 'matching templates' do before :each do @endpoint = "greeting" @options = {:body => anything, :params => anything, :endpoint => @endpoint, :headers => anything, :http_method => anything} end it 'should use request parameters' do parameters = {"key" => 'value'} Mirage::MockResponse.should_receive(:find).with(@options.merge(:params => parameters)).and_return(, {:response => {:body => "hello"}})) get("/responses/#{@endpoint}", parameters) end it 'should use the request body' do body = 'body' Mirage::MockResponse.should_receive(:find).with(@options.merge(:body => body)).and_return(, {:response => {:body => "hello"}})) post("/responses/#{@endpoint}", body) end it 'should use headers' do headers = {"HEADER" => 'VALUE'} application_expectations do |app| app.stub(:env).and_return(headers) app.should_receive(:extract_http_headers).with(headers).and_return(headers) end Mirage::MockResponse.should_receive(:find).with(@options.merge(:headers => headers)).and_return(, {:response => {:body => "hello"}})) get("/responses/#{@endpoint}") end it 'should return the default response if a specific match is not found' do Mirage::MockResponse.should_receive(:find_default).with(@options.merge(:http_method =>"post")).and_return("greeting", {:response => {:body => "hello"}})) response_template = { :request => { :body_content => %w(leon), :content_type => "post" }, :response => { :body => "hello leon" } } put("/templates/#{@endpoint}", response_template.to_json) post("/responses/#{@endpoint}") end end describe "operations" do describe 'resolving responses' do it 'should return the default response' do put('/templates/level1', {:response => {:body => Base64.encode64("level1")}}.to_json) put('/templates/level1/level2', {:response => {:body => Base64.encode64("level2"), :default => true}}.to_json) get('/responses/level1/level2/level3').body.should == "level2" end it 'should set any headers specified' do headers = {header: 'value'} put('/templates/greeting', {:response => {headers: headers, :body => ''}}.to_json) get('/responses/greeting').headers['header'].should == 'value' end end describe 'checking templates' do it 'should return the descriptor for a template' do response_body = "hello" response_id = JSON.parse(put('/templates/greeting', {:response => {:body => Base64.encode64(response_body)}}.to_json).body)['id'] template = JSON.parse(get("/templates/#{response_id}").body) template.should == JSON.parse({:endpoint => "greeting", :id => response_id, :requests_url => "{response_id}", :request => {:parameters => {}, :http_method => "get", :body_content => [], :headers => {}}, :response => {:default => false, :body => Base64.encode64(response_body), :delay => 0, :content_type => "text/plain", :status => 200} }.to_json) end end it 'should return tracked request data' do response_id = JSON.parse(put('/templates/greeting', {:request => {:http_method => :post}, :response => {:body => Base64.encode64("hello")}}.to_json).body)['id'] header "MYHEADER", "my_header_value" post("/responses/greeting?param=value", 'body') request_data = JSON.parse(get("/requests/#{response_id}").body) request_data['parameters'].should == {'param' => 'value'} request_data['headers']["MYHEADER"].should == "my_header_value" request_data['body'].should == "body" request_data['request_url'].should == "" request_data['id'].should == "{response_id}" end it 'should delete a template' do response_id = JSON.parse(put('/templates/greeting', {:response => {:body => Base64.encode64("hello")}}.to_json).body)['id'] delete("/templates/#{response_id}") expect { get("/templates/#{response_id}") }.to raise_error(Mirage::ServerResponseNotFound) end end end