When /^we are observing the people table$/ do on(MainScreen).data_entry_form_button on(DataEntryForm).should be_active end Then /^the table row information should look like the following:$/ do |row_items| row_items.map_column!("row") { |r| r.to_i } row_items.map_headers!("text" => :text, "row" => :row) on(DataEntryForm).people.map(&:to_hash).should eq row_items.hashes end When /^we select the table row with index "(.*?)"$/ do |row_index| on(DataEntryForm).people = row_index.to_i end When /^we select the table row with the value "([^"]*)"$/ do |row_value| on(DataEntryForm).people = row_value end When(/^we add rows "([^"]*)" to the selection$/) do |which_rows| on(DataEntryForm) do |screen| which_rows.split(', ').map(&:to_i).each do |row| screen.people = row end end end When(/^we clear rows "([^"]*)" from the selection$/) do |which_rows| on(DataEntryForm) do |screen| which_rows.split(', ').map(&:to_i).each do |row| screen.clear_people(row) end end end Then(/^rows "([^"]*)" should all (not )?be selected$/) do |which_rows, to_not_be| should_or_should_not = (to_not_be && :should_not) || :should on(DataEntryForm) do |screen| which_rows.split(', ').map(&:to_i).each do |row| screen.people[row].send(should_or_should_not, be_selected) end end end When(/^we (select|clear) the table row with the following information:$/) do |select_or_clear, table| on(DataEntryForm).send("#{select_or_clear}_people", table.hashes.first) end Then(/^we can find the row with the following information:$/) do |table| expected_info = table.hashes.first actual_info = on(DataEntryForm).find_people expected_info expected_info.each do |key, value| actual_info.send(key).should eq(value) end end When /^we select the "(.*?)"th table row$/ do |index| on(DataEntryForm).people[index.to_i].select end Then /^the row with index "(.*?)" should (not )?be selected$/ do |which_row, to_not_be| should_or_should_not = (to_not_be && :should_not) || :should on(DataEntryForm).people[which_row.to_i].send(should_or_should_not, be_selected) end Then /^the row with index "(.*?)" should look like the following:$/ do |which_row, table| actual_cells = on(DataEntryForm).people[which_row.to_i].cells actual_cells.should eq table.rows.first end Then /^the table headers are "(.*?)"$/ do |expected_headers| on(DataEntryForm).people_headers.should eq(expected_headers.split(", ")) end Then /^the "(.*?)" for the row at index "(.*?)" is "(.*?)"$/ do |header, which_row, expected_value| on(DataEntryForm).people[which_row.to_i].send(header).should eq(expected_value) end When(/^there are a lot of records in a table$/) do on(DataEntryForm) do |screen| 5.times { screen.add_more } end end Then(/^the table count responds in a reasonable amount of time$/) do Timeout.timeout(5.0) { on(DataEntryForm).people.count.should eq(252) } end Then(/^accessing the values in row "([^"]*)" should be snappy$/) do |which_row| Timeout.timeout(5.0) { on(DataEntryForm).people[which_row.to_i].cells.should_not be_empty } end