class ::Gameui::Marker include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Ish::Utils field :name, type: String validates_uniqueness_of :name, scope: :map_id validates_presence_of :name field :ordering, type: String, default: 'jjj' ITEM_TYPE_LOCATION = '::Gameui::Map' # @TODO: this used to be gameui-location . How is this different from gameui-map ? ITEM_TYPE_MAP = 'gameui-map' ITEM_TYPE_OBJ = 'gameui-obj' ITEM_TYPES = [ ITEM_TYPE_LOCATION, ITEM_TYPE_MAP, ITEM_TYPE_OBJ ] field :item_type, type: String validates :item_type, presence: true field :url field :version, type: String, default: '0.0.0' field :description has_one :image, class_name: '::Ish::ImageAsset', inverse_of: :marker has_one :title_image, class_name: '::Ish::ImageAsset', inverse_of: :marker_title has_one :asset3d, class_name: '::Gameui::Asset3d' field :deleted_at, type: Time, default: nil # @TODO: replace with paranoia ## @TODO: abstract this into a module field :x, :type => Float, default: 0 field :y, :type => Float, default: 0 field :is_public, type: Boolean, default: true def self.public where( is_public: true ) end ## Active AND [ mine, shared, or public ] def self.permitted_to profile active.any_of( {is_public: true}, {:shared_profile_ids =>}, {creator_profile_id:} ) end field :is_active, type: Boolean, default: true def where( is_active: true ) end has_and_belongs_to_many :shared_profiles, :class_name => 'Ish::UserProfile', :inverse_of => :shared_markers belongs_to :map, class_name: '::Gameui::Map', inverse_of: :markers belongs_to :destination, class_name: '::Gameui::Map', inverse_of: :from_markers, optional: true belongs_to :creator_profile, class_name: 'Ish::UserProfile', inverse_of: :my_markers # # @deprecated, don't use! # # _vp_ 2021-09-23 # field :img_path # # validates :img_path, presence: true # field :title_img_path # # validates :title_img_path, presence: true field :w, type: Integer validates :w, presence: true field :h, type: Integer validates :h, presence: true # @TODO: this is shared between map and marker, move to a concern. before_validation :compute_w_h def compute_w_h if !image # @TODO: think about this self.h = self.w = 0 return end begin geo = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(Paperclip.io_adapters.for(image.image)) self.w = geo.width self.h = geo.height rescue Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError => e puts! e, 'Could not #compute_w_h' # @TODO: do something with this end end field :centerOffsetX, type: Float, default: 0 field :centerOffsetY, type: Float, default: 0 def export_fields %w| centerOffsetX centerOffsetY creator_profile_id deleted_at description destination_id h is_active is_public item_type map_id name ordering url version w x y | end def collect export_object if image export_object[:image_assets][] = end if title_image export_object[:image_assets][] = end if !export_object[:maps][] destination.collect export_object end end end Marker = Gameui::Marker