module Octopress class Page def initialize(options) @config = Octopress.config(options) @options = options set_default_options @content = options['content'] || content end def write if File.exist?(path) && !@options['force'] abort "File #{relative_path} already exists" if File.exist?(path) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)), 'w') { |f| f.write(@content) } if STDOUT.tty? puts "New #{@options['type']}: #{relative_path}" else puts path end end def relative_path local = Dir.pwd + '/' path.sub(local, '') end def path file = @options['path'] # If path ends with a slash, make it an index file << "index" if file =~ /\/$/ # if path has no extension, add the default extension file << ".#{extension}" unless file =~ /\.\w+$/ File.join(@config['source'], file) end def extension @options['extension'].sub(/^\./, '') end def set_default_options @options['type'] ||= 'page' @options['layout'] = @config['octopress']['new_page_layout'] @options['date'] = convert_date @options['date'] @options['extension'] ||= @config['octopress']['new_page_extension'] end def convert_date(date) if date begin Time.parse(date.to_s).iso8601 rescue => error abort 'Could not parse date. Try formatting it like YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM' end end end # Load the user provide or default template for a new post. # def content file = @options['template'] file = File.join(, file) if file if file raise "No template found at #{file}" unless File.exist? file parse_template else parse_template default_content end end def parse_template(input) template = Liquid::Template.parse(input) template.render(@options) end def date_slug Time.parse(@options['date']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') end # Returns a string which is url compatible. # def title_slug value = @options['title'].gsub(/[^\x00-\x7F]/u, '') value.gsub!(/(&|&)+/, 'and') value.gsub!(/[']+/, '') value.gsub!(/\W+/, ' ') value.strip! value.downcase! value.gsub!(' ', '-') value end # Page template defaults # def default_content <<-TEMPLATE --- layout: {{ layout }} title: {{ title }} --- TEMPLATE end end end