# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' module Quby::Answers::Entities describe Answer do describe 'with injected questionnaire' do let(:questionnaire) do inject_questionnaire 'foo', <<-END flag key: :test, description_true: 'Test flag', description_false: 'Test flag uit', shows_questions: [:v_1] flag key: :test2, description_true: 'Test flag 2', description_false: 'Test flag 2 uit', hides_questions: [:v_2] panel do question :q1, type: :string, required: true end END end before do allow(Quby.questionnaires).to receive(:find).and_return(questionnaire) end describe 'initialization of hashes ' do it 'initializes value as an empty hash when given nothing' do expect(Answer.new.value).to eq({}) end it 'initializes value as an empty hash when given explicit nils' do expect(Answer.new(value: nil).value).to eq({}) end it 'initializes value as given' do expect(Answer.new(value: {a: 1, b: 2}).value).to eq({a: 1, b: 2}) end end describe '#value_by_values' do it 'returns an empty hash when value is nil' do expect(Answer.new.value_by_values).to eq({}) end end describe '#value_by_regular_values' do describe 'for empty answer' do it 'returns an empty hash' do expect(Answer.new.value_by_regular_values).to eq({}) end end describe 'for a filled in answer' do let(:questionnaire) do inject_questionnaire 'foo', <<-END panel do question :q1, type: :radio do option :a1, value: 0 option :a2, value: 1 end question :q2, type: :scale do option :a1, value: 2 option :a2, value: 3 end question :q3, type: :select do option :a1, value: 4 option :a2, value: 5 end question :q4, type: :float question :q5, type: :integer question :q6, type: :string end END end it 'converts value\'s to the option\'s value :radio, :scale & :select questions' do expect(Answer.new(questionnaire_key: 'foo', value: {q1: :a1, q2: :a2, q3: :a1}).value_by_regular_values) .to eq({q1: 0, q2: 3, q3: 4}) end it 'converts values of float and integer questions to floats and integers' do expect(Answer.new(questionnaire_key: 'foo', value: {q4: "1.2", q5: "3.4"}).value_by_regular_values) .to eq({q4: 1.2, q5: 3}) end it 'does not touch other question types values, such as of :open' do expect(Answer.new(questionnaire_key: 'foo', value: {q6: "antwoord"}).value_by_regular_values) .to eq({q6: "antwoord"}) end it 'does not touch values of questions that are not in the questionnaire anymore' do expect(Answer.new(questionnaire_key: 'foo', value: {q22: "val", q5: "3.4"}).value_by_regular_values) .to eq({q5: 3, q22: "val"}) end end end describe "#scores" do let(:answer) { Quby.answers.create!('foo') } it "should be initialized as an empty hash" do expect(answer.scores).to eq({}) end it 'can be accessed with indifferent access' do answer = Quby.answers.create!('foo', scores: {tot: {label: 'Totaal', value: 4}}) answer = Quby.answers.reload(answer) expect(answer.scores[:tot][:label]).to eq 'Totaal' expect(answer.scores["tot"]["value"]).to eq 4 end end describe '#actions' do it 'is initialized with empty hash' do answer = Quby.answers.create!('foo') expect(answer.actions).to eq({}) end it 'can be accessed with indifferent access' do answer = Quby.answers.create!('foo', actions: {alarm: [:v1, :v2]}) answer = Quby.answers.find('foo', answer.id) expect(answer.actions[:alarm]).to eq [:v1, :v2] expect(answer.actions["alarm"]).to eq [:v1, :v2] end end describe '#patient_id' do let(:answer) { Quby.answers.create!('foo') } it 'returns the patient[:id]' do answer.patient = {id: '123'} expect(answer.patient_id).to eq "123" end it 'returns the patient_id if set in attributes' do answer.patient_id = "123" expect(answer.patient_id).to eq "123" end end describe "#mark_completed" do let(:answer) { Quby.answers.create!('foo') } let(:time) { Time.gm(2011, 11, 5, 11, 24, 00) } it "should record the time when answer is completed" do Timecop.freeze(time) do answer.q1 = "Foo" answer.mark_completed(Time.now) end expect(answer.entered_at).to eq time expect(answer.observation_time).to eq time end it "should record the time when answer is aborted" do Timecop.freeze(time) do answer.aborted = true answer.mark_completed(Time.now) end expect(answer.entered_at).to eq time end it "should not set entered_at for incomplete answers, even if it is called" do answer.mark_completed(Time.now) expect(answer.entered_at).to_not be end it "should not change when answer was previously completed" do Timecop.freeze(time) do answer.q1 = "Foo" answer.mark_completed(Time.now) end answer.q1 = "Bar" answer.mark_completed(Time.now) expect(answer.entered_at).to eq time expect(answer.observation_time).to eq time end end end describe '#score_objects' do let(:answer) do # complicated way to get an answer answer = Quby.answers.create!('score_test') answer.value = {'v_1' => 'testvalue'} Quby.answers.update!(answer) Quby.answers.regenerate_outcome!(answer) Quby.answers.reload(answer) end it 'returns score objects for all scores in the answer as an array' do expect(answer.score_objects.first.last.key).to eq(:test) expect(answer.score_objects.to_a.last.last.key).to eq(:test2) end end end end