module TheCity class SkilledUserListReader < ApiReader # Constructor. # # @param options A hash of options for requesting data from the server. # :: skill_id is required # @param [CacheAdapter] cacher (optional) The cacher to be used to cache data. def initialize(options = {}, cacher = nil) options[:page] ||= 1 skill_id = options.delete(:skill_id) #@class_key = "skilled_user_list_#{page}" @url_data_path = "/skills/#{skill_id}/users" @url_data_params = white_list_options(options) # The object to store and load the cache. @cacher = cacher unless cacher.nil? end def white_list_options white_list = [:page] options.clone.delete_if { |key, value| !white_list.include?(key) } end end end