require 'brakeman/checks/check_cross_site_scripting' #Checks for calls to link_to in versions of Ruby where link_to did not #escape the first argument. # #See class Brakeman::CheckLinkTo < Brakeman::CheckCrossSiteScripting Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Checks for XSS in link_to in versions before 3.0" def run_check return unless version_between?("2.0.0", "2.9.9") and not tracker.config[:escape_html] @ignore_methods = Set[:button_to, :check_box, :escapeHTML, :escape_once, :field_field, :fields_for, :h, :hidden_field, :hidden_field, :hidden_field_tag, :image_tag, :label, :mail_to, :radio_button, :select, :submit_tag, :text_area, :text_field, :text_field_tag, :url_encode, :url_for, :will_paginate].merge tracker.options[:safe_methods] @known_dangerous = [] #Ideally, I think this should also check to see if people are setting #:escape => false @models = tracker.models.keys @inspect_arguments = tracker.options[:check_arguments] tracker.find_call(:target => false, :method => :link_to).each {|call| process_result call} end def process_result result return if duplicate? result #Have to make a copy of this, otherwise it will be changed to #an ignored method call by the code above. call = result[:call] = result[:call].dup first_arg = call.first_arg second_arg = call.second_arg @matched = false #Skip if no arguments(?) or first argument is a hash return if first_arg.nil? or hash? first_arg if version_between? "2.0.0", "2.2.99" check_argument result, first_arg if second_arg and not hash? second_arg check_argument result, second_arg end elsif second_arg #Only check first argument if there is a second argument #in Rails 2.3.x check_argument result, first_arg end end # Check the argument for possible xss exploits def check_argument result, exp argument = process(exp) !check_user_input(result, argument) && !check_method(result, argument) && !check_matched(result, @matched) end # Check we should warn about the user input def check_user_input(result, argument) input = has_immediate_user_input?(argument) return false unless input message = "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of input} in link_to" warn_xss(result, message, input.match, CONFIDENCE[:high]) end # Check if we should warn about the specified method def check_method(result, argument) return false if tracker.options[:ignore_model_output] match = has_immediate_model?(argument) return false unless match method = match.method return false if IGNORE_MODEL_METHODS.include? method confidence = CONFIDENCE[:med] confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] if likely_model_attribute? match warn_xss(result, "Unescaped model attribute in link_to", match, confidence) end # Check if we should warn about the matched result def check_matched(result, matched = nil) return false unless matched return false if matched.type == :model and tracker.options[:ignore_model_output] message = "Unescaped #{friendly_type_of matched} in link_to" warn_xss(result, message, @matched.match, CONFIDENCE[:med]) end # Create a warn for this xss def warn_xss(result, message, user_input, confidence) add_result(result) warn :result => result, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :warning_code => :xss_link_to, :message => message, :user_input => user_input, :confidence => confidence, :link_path => "link_to" true end def process_call exp @mark = true actually_process_call exp exp end def actually_process_call exp return if @matched target = target = process target.dup if sexp? target #Bare records create links to the model resource, #not a string that could have injection #TODO: Needs test? I think this is broken? return exp if model_name? target and context == [:call, :arglist] super end end