require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/ssl/certificate_request' require 'puppet/ssl/key' describe Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest do let(:request) {"myname") } let(:key) { k ="myname") k.generate k } it "should be extended with the Indirector module" do expect(described_class.singleton_class).to be_include(Puppet::Indirector) end it "should indirect certificate_request" do expect( eq(:certificate_request) end it "should use any provided name as its name" do expect("myname").name).to eq("myname") end it "should only support the text format" do expect(described_class.supported_formats).to eq([:s]) end describe "when converting from a string" do it "should create a CSR instance with its name set to the CSR subject and its content set to the extracted CSR" do csr = double('csr', :subject => OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse("/"), :is_a? => true) expect(OpenSSL::X509::Request).to receive(:new).with("my csr").and_return(csr) mycsr = double('sslcsr') expect(mycsr).to receive(:content=).with(csr) expect(described_class).to receive(:new).with("").and_return(mycsr) described_class.from_s("my csr") end end describe "when managing instances" do it "should have a name attribute" do expect( eq("myname") end it "should downcase its name" do expect("MyName").name).to eq("myname") end it "should have a content attribute" do expect(request).to respond_to(:content) end it "should be able to read requests from disk" do path = "/my/path" expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:read).with(path, :encoding => Encoding::ASCII).and_return("my request") my_req = double('request') expect(OpenSSL::X509::Request).to receive(:new).with("my request").and_return(my_req) expect( equal(my_req) expect(request.content).to equal(my_req) end it "should return an empty string when converted to a string with no request" do expect(request.to_s).to eq("") end it "should convert the request to pem format when converted to a string", :unless => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do request.generate(key) expect(request.to_s).to eq(request.content.to_pem) end it "should have a :to_text method that it delegates to the actual key" do real_request = double('request') expect(real_request).to receive(:to_text).and_return("requesttext") request.content = real_request expect(request.to_text).to eq("requesttext") end end describe "when generating", :unless => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do it "should use the content of the provided key if the key is a Puppet::SSL::Key instance" do request.generate(key) expect(request.content.verify(key.content.public_key)).to be_truthy end it "should set the subject to [CN, name]" do request.generate(key) expect(request.content.subject).to eq[['CN',]]) end it "should set the version to 0" do request.generate(key) expect(request.content.version).to eq(0) end it "should set the public key to the provided key's public key" do request.generate(key) # The openssl bindings do not define equality on keys so we use to_s expect(request.content.public_key.to_s).to eq(key.content.public_key.to_s) end context "without subjectAltName / dns_alt_names" do before :each do Puppet[:dns_alt_names] = "" end ["extreq", "msExtReq"].each do |name| it "should not add any #{name} attribute" do request.generate(key) expect(request.content.attributes.find do |attr| attr.oid == name end).not_to be end it "should return no subjectAltNames" do request.generate(key) expect(request.subject_alt_names).to be_empty end end end context "with dns_alt_names" do before :each do Puppet[:dns_alt_names] = "one, two, three" end ["extreq", "msExtReq"].each do |name| it "should not add any #{name} attribute" do request.generate(key) expect(request.content.attributes.find do |attr| attr.oid == name end).not_to be end it "should return no subjectAltNames" do request.generate(key) expect(request.subject_alt_names).to be_empty end end end context "with subjectAltName to generate request" do before :each do Puppet[:dns_alt_names] = "" end it "should add an extreq attribute" do request.generate(key, :dns_alt_names => 'one, two') extReq = request.content.attributes.find do |attr| attr.oid == 'extReq' end expect(extReq).to be extReq.value.value.all? do |x| x.value.all? do |y| expect(y.value[0].value).to eq("subjectAltName") end end end it "should return the subjectAltName values" do request.generate(key, :dns_alt_names => 'one,two') expect(request.subject_alt_names).to match_array(["DNS:myname", "DNS:one", "DNS:two"]) end end context "with DNS and IP SAN specified" do before :each do Puppet[:dns_alt_names] = "" end it "should return the subjectAltName values" do request.generate(key, :dns_alt_names => 'DNS:foo, bar, IP:') expect(request.subject_alt_names).to match_array(["DNS:bar", "DNS:foo", "DNS:myname", "IP Address:"]) end end context "with custom CSR attributes" do it "adds attributes with single values" do csr_attributes = { '' => 'CSR specific info', '' => 'more CSR specific info', } request.generate(key, :csr_attributes => csr_attributes) attrs = request.custom_attributes expect(attrs).to include({'oid' => '', 'value' => 'CSR specific info'}) expect(attrs).to include({'oid' => '', 'value' => 'more CSR specific info'}) end ['extReq', '1.2.840.113549.1.9.14'].each do |oid| it "doesn't overwrite standard PKCS#9 CSR attribute '#{oid}'" do expect do request.generate(key, :csr_attributes => {oid => 'data'}) raise_error ArgumentError, /Cannot specify.*#{oid}/ end end ['msExtReq', ''].each do |oid| it "doesn't overwrite Microsoft extension request OID '#{oid}'" do expect do request.generate(key, :csr_attributes => {oid => 'data'}) raise_error ArgumentError, /Cannot specify.*#{oid}/ end end it "raises an error if an attribute cannot be created" do csr_attributes = { "" => "death star" } expect do request.generate(key, :csr_attributes => csr_attributes) raise_error Puppet::Error, /Cannot create CSR with attribute thats\.no\.moon: first num too large/ end it "should support old non-DER encoded extensions" do csr ="old-style-cert-request.pem"))) wrapped_csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.from_instance csr exts = wrapped_csr.request_extensions() expect(exts.find { |ext| ext['oid'] == 'pp_uuid' }['value']).to eq('I-AM-A-UUID') expect(exts.find { |ext| ext['oid'] == 'pp_instance_id' }['value']).to eq('i_am_an_id') expect(exts.find { |ext| ext['oid'] == 'pp_image_name' }['value']).to eq('i_am_an_image_name') end end context "with extension requests" do let(:extension_data) do { '' => 'pi', '' => 'e', } end it "adds an extreq attribute to the CSR" do request.generate(key, :extension_requests => extension_data) exts = { |attr| attr.oid = 'extReq' } expect(exts.length).to eq(1) end it "adds an extension for each entry in the extension request structure" do request.generate(key, :extension_requests => extension_data) exts = request.request_extensions expect(exts).to include('oid' => '', 'value' => 'pi') expect(exts).to include('oid' => '', 'value' => 'e') end it "defines the extensions as non-critical" do request.generate(key, :extension_requests => extension_data) request.request_extensions.each do |ext| expect(ext['critical']).to be_falsey end end it "rejects the subjectAltNames extension" do san_names = ['subjectAltName', ''] san_field = 'DNS:first.tld, DNS:second.tld' san_names.each do |name| expect do request.generate(key, :extension_requests => {name => san_field}) raise_error Puppet::Error, /conflicts with internally used extension/ end end it "merges the extReq attribute with the subjectAltNames extension" do request.generate(key, :dns_alt_names => 'first.tld, second.tld', :extension_requests => extension_data) exts = request.request_extensions expect(exts).to include('oid' => '', 'value' => 'pi') expect(exts).to include('oid' => '', 'value' => 'e') expect(exts).to include('oid' => 'subjectAltName', 'value' => 'DNS:first.tld, DNS:myname, DNS:second.tld') expect(request.subject_alt_names).to eq ['DNS:first.tld', 'DNS:myname', 'DNS:second.tld'] end it "raises an error if the OID could not be created" do exts = {"" => "death star"} expect do request.generate(key, :extension_requests => exts) raise_error Puppet::Error, /Cannot create CSR with extension request thats\.no\.moon.*: first num too large/ end end it "should sign the csr with the provided key" do request.generate(key) expect(request.content.verify(key.content.public_key)).to be_truthy end it "should verify the generated request using the public key" do # Stupid keys don't have a competent == method. expect_any_instance_of(OpenSSL::X509::Request).to receive(:verify) do |public_key| public_key.to_s == key.content.public_key.to_s end.and_return(true) request.generate(key) end it "should fail if verification fails" do expect_any_instance_of(OpenSSL::X509::Request).to receive(:verify) do |public_key| public_key.to_s == key.content.public_key.to_s end.and_return(false) expect do request.generate(key) raise_error(Puppet::Error, /CSR sign verification failed/) end it "should log the fingerprint" do allow_any_instance_of(Puppet::SSL::Digest).to receive(:to_hex).and_return("FINGERPRINT") allow(Puppet).to receive(:info) expect(Puppet).to receive(:info).with(/FINGERPRINT/) request.generate(key) end it "should return the generated request" do generated = request.generate(key) expect(generated).to be_a(OpenSSL::X509::Request) expect(generated).to be(request.content) end it "should use SHA1 to sign the csr when SHA256 isn't available" do csr = expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA256").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA1").and_return(true) signer = signer.sign(csr, key.content) expect(csr.verify(key.content)).to be_truthy end # Attempts to use SHA512 and SHA384 for signing certificates don't seem to work # So commenting it out till it is sorted out # The problem seems to be with the ability to sign a CSR when using either of # these hash algorithms pending "should use SHA512 to sign the csr when SHA256 and SHA1 aren't available" do csr = expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA256").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA1").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA512").and_return(true) signer = signer.sign(csr, key.content) expect(csr.verify(key.content)).to be_truthy end # Attempts to use SHA512 and SHA384 for signing certificates don't seem to work # So commenting it out till it is sorted out # The problem seems to be with the ability to sign a CSR when using either of # these hash algorithms pending "should use SHA384 to sign the csr when SHA256/SHA1/SHA512 aren't available" do csr = expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA256").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA1").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA512").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA384").and_return(true) signer = signer.sign(csr, key.content) expect(csr.verify(key.content)).to be_truthy end it "should use SHA224 to sign the csr when SHA256/SHA1/SHA512/SHA384 aren't available" do csr = expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA256").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA1").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA512").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA384").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA224").and_return(true) signer = signer.sign(csr, key.content) expect(csr.verify(key.content)).to be_truthy end it "should raise an error if neither SHA256/SHA1/SHA512/SHA384/SHA224 are available" do expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA256").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA1").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA512").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA384").and_return(false) expect(OpenSSL::Digest).to receive(:const_defined?).with("SHA224").and_return(false) expect { }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end it "should save the CSR" do csr ="me") terminus = double('terminus') allow(terminus).to receive(:validate) expect(Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.indirection).to receive(:prepare).and_return(terminus) expect(terminus).to receive(:save) do |request| expect(request.instance).to eq(csr) expect(request.key).to eq("me") end end end