command 'export' do |c| c.syntax = 'brief export PATH [OPTIONS]' c.description = 'export the briefcase found in PATH' c.option '--presenter-format FORMAT', String, 'Which presenter to use?' c.option '--include-schema', 'Include schema information' c.option '--include-models', 'Include individual models as well' c.option '--include-data', 'Gets passed to the model renderers if present' c.option '--include-content', 'Gets passed to the model renderers if present' c.option '--include-rendered', 'Gets passed to the model renderers if present' c.option '--include-attachments', 'Gets passed to the model renderers if present' c.option '--include-urls', 'Gets passed to the model renderers if present' c.action do |args, options| options.default(presenter_format: "full_export") briefcase = briefcase.present(options.presenter_format, rendered: options.include_rendered, content: options.include_content, urls: options.include_urls, schema: options.include_schema, data: options.include_data, attachments: options.include_attachments, models: options.include_models) end end