#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # backlog Startup script for the backlog application # # chkconfig: 345 88 12 # description: Backlog $VERBOSE=true require 'rubygems' require 'fileutils' require 'ftools' require 'yaml' require 'rbconfig' APPLICATION = 'backlog' STATUS_STOPPED = 0 STATUS_RUNNING = 1 STATUS_STALE = 2 STATUS_NOT_ROOT = 3 if gem = Gem::searcher.find(APPLICATION) INSTALL_DIR = "#{Gem.dir}/gems/#{APPLICATION}-#{gem.version}" else INSTALL_DIR = "/usr/local/#{APPLICATION}/current" end config_file = Config::CONFIG["sysconfdir"] + '/backlog.conf' config = File.open(config_file) {|f| YAML::load(f)} if File.exists? config_file config ||= {} LOG_DIR = "#{INSTALL_DIR}/log" PID_FILE = '/var/run/backlog.pid' def start(config) File.makedirs LOG_DIR unless File.exists? LOG_DIR File.makedirs File.dirname(PID_FILE) unless File.exists? File.dirname(PID_FILE) status = get_status case status when STATUS_RUNNING: puts "Process already running. Stopping." exit 1 when STATUS_STALE: puts "Deleting stale PID file." File.delete(PID_FILE) when STATUS_STOPPED: when STATUS_NOT_ROOT: puts "Permission denied. Please run as root/administrator." exit 6 else puts "Unknown status: #{status}. Stopping" exit 2 end Dir.chdir INSTALL_DIR ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production' if defined? JRUBY_VERSION # `glassfish -p #{config['port'] || 3000} -e production -d -P #{PID_FILE} 1>#{LOG_DIR}/stdout.log 2>#{LOG_DIR}/stderr.log` `jruby -S trinidad -t -p #{config['port'] || 3000} -e production -ldaemon -d #{PID_FILE} 1>#{LOG_DIR}/stdout.log 2>#{LOG_DIR}/stderr.log` else `mongrel_rails start -p #{config['port'] || 3000} -e production -c #{INSTALL_DIR} -d -m #{INSTALL_DIR}/config/mime_types.yaml -P #{PID_FILE} 1>#{LOG_DIR}/stdout.log 2>#{LOG_DIR}/stderr.log` end end def stop(config) if File.exists? PID_FILE # `mongrel_rails stop -c #{INSTALL_DIR} -P #{PID_FILE}` system "kill `cat #{PID_FILE}`" File.delete PID_FILE else puts "#{APPLICATION} not running." end end def get_pid if File.exists? PID_FILE return File.readlines(PID_FILE)[0].to_i else return nil end end def get_status pid = get_pid if pid begin Process.kill(0, pid) return STATUS_RUNNING rescue Errno::ESRCH return STATUS_STALE rescue Errno::EPERM return STATUS_NOT_ROOT end else return STATUS_STOPPED end end # See how we were called. case ARGV[0] when 'start': start(config) when 'stop': stop(config) when 'restart': stop(config) start(config) when 'reload': puts `mongrel_rails restart -c #{INSTALL_DIR} -P #{PID_FILE}` when 'status' case get_status when STATUS_RUNNING: puts "#{APPLICATION} is running as pid #{get_pid}." exit 0 when STATUS_STOPPED: puts "#{APPLICATION} is stopped." exit 5 when STATUS_STALE: puts "#{APPLICATION} is stopped but PID file exists with pid #{get_pid}." exit 4 when STATUS_NOT_ROOT: puts "Permission denied. Please run as root/administrator." exit 6 else puts "Unknown status #{get_status}." exit 3 end when 'setup_unix' puts "Starting setup on #{RUBY_PLATFORM}" bsd = ARGV[1..-1].include? 'bsd' debug = ARGV[1..-1].include? 'debug' pg_admin_user = bsd ? 'pgsql' : 'postgres' current_user = `whoami` users = `su - #{pg_admin_user} -c "echo '\\du' | psql template1"` raise "Could not list users: #{$? >> 8}:#{$? & 0xff}" unless ($? >> 8) == 0 unless users =~ /root/ puts users createuser_command = `which createuser`.chomp puts `su - #{pg_admin_user} -c "#{createuser_command} -dAR #{current_user}"` end dbs = `su - #{pg_admin_user} -c "echo '\\l' | psql template1"` unless dbs =~ /#{APPLICATION}_production/ puts dbs createdb_command = `which createdb`.chomp puts `su - #{pg_admin_user} -c "#{createdb_command} #{APPLICATION}_production"` raise "Could not create database: #{$? >> 8}:#{$? & 0xff}" unless ($? >> 8) == 0 end FileUtils.mkdir_p INSTALL_DIR Dir.chdir INSTALL_DIR Dir.mkdir LOG_DIR unless File.exists? LOG_DIR ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production' puts `#{'jruby -S' if RUBY_PLATFORM =='java'} bundle install` puts `#{'jruby -S' if RUBY_PLATFORM =='java'} rake db:migrate #{'--trace' if debug}` raise "Could not migrate database: #{$? >> 8}:#{$? & 0xff}" unless ($? >> 8) == 0 # TODO: provide startup information based on launchd in OS X versions >= 10.4 if File.directory? '/etc/init.d' startup_app = "/etc/init.d/#{APPLICATION}" File.delete startup_app if File.exists? startup_app `cp -p #{INSTALL_DIR}/bin/backlog_init.d #{startup_app}` unless File.exists? startup_app `chmod a+x #{startup_app}` if File.exists? startup_app (0..6).each do |run_level| link_name = "/etc/rc#{run_level}.d/S88#{APPLICATION}" kill_link_name = "/etc/rc#{run_level}.d/K12#{APPLICATION}" if [3,4,5].include? run_level unless File.exists? link_name puts "Creating startup link for run level #{run_level}." `su - -c "ln -s /etc/init.d/#{APPLICATION} #{link_name}"` end if File.exists? kill_link_name puts "Removing kill link for run level #{run_level}." `su - -c "rm #{kill_link_name}"` end else if File.exists? link_name puts "Removing startup link for run level #{run_level}." `su - -c "rm #{link_name}"` end unless File.exists? kill_link_name puts "Creating kill link for run level #{run_level}." `su - -c "ln -s /etc/init.d/#{APPLICATION} #{kill_link_name}"` end end end end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(config_file) FileUtils.cp "#{INSTALL_DIR}/etc/#{APPLICATION}.conf", config_file unless File.exists? config_file puts else puts "Usage: #$0 {start|stop|restart|status|setup_unix [bsd] [debug]}" exit 1 end exit 0