require 'helper' RANDOM_DATA = ('A'..'Z').to_a class TestNotifier < Test::Unit::TestCase should "allow access to host, port, max_chunk_size and default_options" do Socket.expects(:gethostname).returns('default_hostname') n = assert_equal [[['localhost', 12201]], 1420], [n.addresses, n.max_chunk_size] assert_equal( { 'version' => '1.0', 'level' => GELF::UNKNOWN, 'protocol' => 0, 'host' => 'default_hostname', 'facility' => 'gelf-rb' }, n.default_options ) n.addresses, n.max_chunk_size, n.default_options = [['', 7777]], :lan, {:host => 'grayhost'} assert_equal [['', 7777]], n.addresses assert_equal 8154, n.max_chunk_size assert_equal({'host' => 'grayhost'}, n.default_options) n.max_chunk_size = 1337.1 assert_equal 1337, n.max_chunk_size end context "with notifier with mocked sender" do setup do Socket.stubs(:gethostname).returns('stubbed_hostname') @notifier ='host', 12345) @sender = mock @notifier.instance_variable_set('@sender', @sender) end context "extract_hash" do should "check arguments" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, 1, 2, 3) } end should "work with hash" do hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) assert_equal '1.0', hash['version'] assert_equal 'message', hash['short_message'] end should "work with any object which responds to #to_hash" do o = o.expects(:to_hash).returns({ 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, o) assert_equal '1.0', hash['version'] assert_equal 'message', hash['short_message'] end should "work with exception with backtrace" do e ='message') e.set_backtrace(caller) hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, e) assert_equal 'RuntimeError: message', hash['short_message'] assert_match(/Backtrace/, hash['full_message']) assert_equal GELF::ERROR, hash['level'] end should "work with exception without backtrace" do e ='message') hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, e) assert_match(/Backtrace is not available/, hash['full_message']) end should "work with exception and hash" do e, h ='message'), {'param' => 1, 'level' => GELF::FATAL, 'short_message' => 'will be hidden by exception'} hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, e, h) assert_equal 'RuntimeError: message', hash['short_message'] assert_equal GELF::FATAL, hash['level'] assert_equal 1, hash['param'] end should "work with plain text" do hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, 'message') assert_equal 'message', hash['short_message'] assert_equal GELF::INFO, hash['level'] end should "work with plain text and hash" do hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, 'message', 'level' => GELF::WARN) assert_equal 'message', hash['short_message'] assert_equal GELF::WARN, hash['level'] end should "covert hash keys to strings" do hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, :short_message => :message) assert hash.has_key?('short_message') assert !hash.has_key?(:short_message) end should "not overwrite keys on convert" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, :short_message => :message1, 'short_message' => 'message2') } end should "use default_options" do @notifier.default_options = {:foo => 'bar', 'short_message' => 'will be hidden by explicit argument', 'host' => 'some_host'} hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) assert_equal 'bar', hash['foo'] assert_equal 'message', hash['short_message'] end should "be compatible with HoptoadNotifier" do #, section Going beyond exceptions hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, :error_class => 'Class', :error_message => 'Message') assert_equal 'Class: Message', hash['short_message'] end should "set file and line" do line = __LINE__ hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) assert_match(/test_notifier.rb/, hash['file']) assert_equal line + 1, hash['line'] end should "set timestamp to current time if not set" do hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) assert_instance_of Float, hash['timestamp'] now = assert ((now - 1)..(now + 1)).include?(hash['timestamp']) end should "set timestamp to specified time" do timestamp = 1319799449.13765 hash = @notifier.__send__(:extract_hash, { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message', 'timestamp' => timestamp }) assert_equal timestamp, hash['timestamp'] end end context "serialize_hash" do setup do @notifier.level_mapping = :direct @notifier.instance_variable_set('@hash', { 'level' => GELF::WARN, 'field' => 'value' }) @data = @notifier.__send__(:serialize_hash) assert @data.respond_to?(:each) # Enumerable::Enumerator in 1.8, ::Enumerator in 1.9, so... @deserialized_hash = JSON.parse(Zlib::Inflate.inflate(@data.to_a.pack('C*'))) assert_instance_of Hash, @deserialized_hash end should "map level using mapping" do assert_not_equal GELF::WARN, @deserialized_hash['level'] assert_not_equal GELF::LOGGER_MAPPING[GELF::WARN], @deserialized_hash['level'] assert_equal GELF::DIRECT_MAPPING[GELF::WARN], @deserialized_hash['level'] end end context "datagrams_from_hash" do should "not split short data" do @notifier.instance_variable_set('@hash', { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) datagrams = @notifier.__send__(:datagrams_from_hash) assert_equal 1, datagrams.count assert_instance_of String, datagrams[0] asserted = "\x78\x9c" if RUBY_VERSION[0,1].to_i >= 2 puts "I'm a Ruby > 2.0.0. Enforcing ASCII-8BIT. (#{RUBY_VERSION}/#{RUBY_VERSION[0,1].to_i})" # lol well yeah, Rubby. # asserted = asserted.b end assert_equal asserted, datagrams[0][0..1] # zlib header end should "split long data" do srand(1) # for stable tests hash = { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' } hash.merge!('something' => (0..3000).map { RANDOM_DATA[rand(RANDOM_DATA.count)] }.join) # or it will be compressed too good @notifier.instance_variable_set('@hash', hash) datagrams = @notifier.__send__(:datagrams_from_hash) assert_equal 2, datagrams.count datagrams.each_index do |i| datagram = datagrams[i] assert_instance_of String, datagram assert datagram[0..1] == "\x1e\x0f" # chunked GELF magic number # datagram[2..9] is a message id assert_equal i, datagram[10].ord assert_equal datagrams.count, datagram[11].ord end end should "split long data when subclassed" do class MyNotifier < GELF::Notifier; end @notifier ='host', 1234) @sender = mock @notifier.instance_variable_set('@sender', @sender) srand(1) # for stable tests hash = { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' } hash.merge!('something' => (0..3000).map { RANDOM_DATA[rand(RANDOM_DATA.count)] }.join) # or it will be compressed too good @notifier.instance_variable_set('@hash', hash) datagrams = @notifier.__send__(:datagrams_from_hash) assert_equal 2, datagrams.count datagrams.each_index do |i| datagram = datagrams[i] assert_instance_of String, datagram assert datagram[0..1] == "\x1e\x0f" # chunked GELF magic number # datagram[2..9] is a message id assert_equal i, datagram[10].ord assert_equal datagrams.count, datagram[11].ord end end should "throw an error if more than MAX_CHUNKS will be created" do srand(1) # for stable tests hash = { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' } hash.merge!('something' => (0..3000).map { RANDOM_DATA[rand(RANDOM_DATA.count)] }.join) # or it will be compressed too good @notifier.max_chunk_size = 10 @notifier.instance_variable_set('@hash', hash) assert_raise(ArgumentError) do @notifier.__send__(:datagrams_from_hash) end end end context "level threshold" do setup do @notifier.level = GELF::WARN @hash = { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' } end ['debug', 'DEBUG', :debug].each do |l| should "allow to set threshold as #{l.inspect}" do @notifier.level = l assert_equal GELF::DEBUG, @notifier.level end end should "not send notifications with level below threshold" do @sender.expects(:send_datagrams).never @notifier.notify!(@hash.merge('level' => GELF::DEBUG)) end should "not notifications with level equal or above threshold" do @sender.expects(:send_datagrams).once @notifier.notify!(@hash.merge('level' => GELF::WARN)) end end context "close" do should "close sender" do @sender.expects(:close).once @notifier.close end end context "when disabled" do setup do @notifier.disable end should "not send datagrams" do @sender.expects(:send_datagrams).never @notifier.expects(:extract_hash).never @notifier.notify!({ 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) end context "and enabled again" do setup do @notifier.enable end should "send datagrams" do @sender.expects(:send_datagrams) @notifier.notify!({ 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) end end end should "pass valid data to sender" do @sender.expects(:send_datagrams).with do |datagrams| datagrams.is_a?(Array) && datagrams[0].is_a?(String) end @notifier.notify!({ 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) end GELF::Levels.constants.each do |const| should "call notify with level #{const} from method name" do @notifier.expects(:notify_with_level).with(GELF.const_get(const), { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) @notifier.__send__(const.downcase, { 'version' => '1.0', 'short_message' => 'message' }) end end should "not rescue from invalid invocation of #notify!" do assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @notifier.notify!(:no_short_message => 'too bad') } end should "rescue from invalid invocation of #notify" do @notifier.expects(:notify_with_level!).with(nil, instance_of(Hash)).raises(ArgumentError) @notifier.expects(:notify_with_level!).with(GELF::UNKNOWN, instance_of(ArgumentError)) assert_nothing_raised { @notifier.notify(:no_short_message => 'too bad') } end end context "with notifier with real sender" do setup do @notifier ='no_such_host_321') end should "raise exception" do assert_raise(SocketError) { @notifier.notify('Hello!') } end should "not raise exception if asked" do @notifier.rescue_network_errors = true assert_nothing_raised { @notifier.notify('Hello!') } end end end