# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013, SoundCloud Ltd., Rany Keddo, Tobias Bielohlawek, Tobias # Schmidt require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/integration_helper' require 'lhm/table' require 'lhm/migration' require 'lhm/id_set_chunk_finder' describe Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder do include IntegrationHelper before(:each) { connect_master! } describe 'copying' do before(:each) do @origin = table_create(:origin) @destination = table_create(:destination) @migration = Lhm::Migration.new(@origin, @destination) @logs = StringIO.new Lhm.logger = Logger.new(@logs) end def log_messages @logs.string.split("\n") end it 'should copy 1 row from origin to destination even if the id of the single row does not start at 1' do execute("insert into origin set id = 1001 ") Lhm::Chunker.new(@migration, connection, {throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(1) end end it 'should copy and ignore duplicate primary key' do execute("insert into origin set id = 1001 ") execute("insert into origin set id = 1002 ") execute("insert into destination set id = 1002 ") Lhm::Chunker.new(@migration, connection, {throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(2) end end it 'should copy and ignore duplicate composite primary key' do origin = table_create(:composite_primary_key) destination = table_create(:composite_primary_key_dest) migration = Lhm::Migration.new(origin, destination) execute("insert into composite_primary_key set id = 1001, shop_id = 1") execute("insert into composite_primary_key set id = 1002, shop_id = 1") execute("insert into composite_primary_key_dest set id = 1002, shop_id = 1") Lhm::Chunker.new(migration, connection, {throttler: throttler, printer: printer} ).run slave do value(count_all(destination.name)).must_equal(2) end end it 'should copy and raise on unexpected warnings' do origin = table_create(:custom_primary_key) destination = table_create(:custom_primary_key_dest) migration = Lhm::Migration.new(origin, destination) execute("insert into custom_primary_key set id = 1001, pk = 1") execute("insert into custom_primary_key_dest set id = 1001, pk = 2") exception = assert_raises(Lhm::Error) do Lhm::Chunker.new(migration, connection, {raise_on_warnings: true, throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run end assert_match "Unexpected warning found for inserted row: Duplicate entry '1001' for key 'index_custom_primary_key_on_id'", exception.message end it 'should copy and warn on unexpected warnings by default' do origin = table_create(:custom_primary_key) destination = table_create(:custom_primary_key_dest) migration = Lhm::Migration.new(origin, destination) execute("insert into custom_primary_key set id = 1001, pk = 1") execute("insert into custom_primary_key_dest set id = 1001, pk = 2") Lhm::Chunker.new(migration, connection, {throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run assert_equal 2, log_messages.length assert log_messages[1].include?("Unexpected warning found for inserted row: Duplicate entry '1001' for key 'index_custom_primary_key_on_id'"), log_messages end it 'should log two times for two unexpected warnings' do origin = table_create(:custom_primary_key) destination = table_create(:custom_primary_key_dest) migration = Lhm::Migration.new(origin, destination) execute("insert into custom_primary_key set id = 1001, pk = 1") execute("insert into custom_primary_key set id = 1002, pk = 2") execute("insert into custom_primary_key_dest set id = 1001, pk = 3") execute("insert into custom_primary_key_dest set id = 1002, pk = 4") Lhm::Chunker.new(migration, connection, {throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run assert_equal 3, log_messages.length assert log_messages[1].include?("Unexpected warning found for inserted row: Duplicate entry '1001' for key 'index_custom_primary_key_on_id'"), log_messages assert log_messages[2].include?("Unexpected warning found for inserted row: Duplicate entry '1002' for key 'index_custom_primary_key_on_id'"), log_messages end it 'should copy and warn on unexpected warnings' do origin = table_create(:custom_primary_key) destination = table_create(:custom_primary_key_dest) migration = Lhm::Migration.new(origin, destination) execute("insert into custom_primary_key set id = 1001, pk = 1") execute("insert into custom_primary_key_dest set id = 1001, pk = 2") Lhm::Chunker.new(migration, connection, {raise_on_warnings: false, throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run assert_equal 2, log_messages.length assert log_messages[1].include?("Unexpected warning found for inserted row: Duplicate entry '1001' for key 'index_custom_primary_key_on_id'"), log_messages end it 'should create the modified destination, even if the source is empty' do execute("truncate origin ") Lhm::Chunker.new(@migration, connection, {throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder} ).run slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(0) end end it 'should copy 23 rows from origin to destination in one shot, regardless of the value of the id' do 23.times { |n| execute("insert into origin set id = '#{ n * n + 23 }'") } printer = MiniTest::Mock.new printer.expect(:notify, :return_value, [Integer, Integer]) printer.expect(:end, :return_value, []) Lhm::Chunker.new( @migration, connection, { throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder } ).run slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(23) end printer.verify end it 'should copy all the records of a table, even if the last chunk starts with the last record of it.' do 11.times { |n| execute("insert into origin set id = '#{ n + 1 }'") } Lhm::Chunker.new( @migration, connection, { throttler: Lhm::Throttler::Time.new(stride: 10), printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder } ).run slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(11) end end it 'should copy 23 rows from origin to destination in one shot with slave lag based throttler, regardless of the value of the id' do 23.times { |n| execute("insert into origin set id = '#{ 100000 + n * n + 23 }'") } printer = MiniTest::Mock.new printer.expect(:notify, :return_value, [Integer, Integer]) printer.expect(:end, :return_value, []) Lhm::Throttler::Slave.any_instance.stubs(:slave_hosts).returns(['']) Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag.any_instance.stubs(:master_slave_hosts).returns(['']) Lhm::Chunker.new( @migration, connection, { throttler: Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag.new(stride: 100), printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder } ).run slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(23) end printer.verify end it 'should throttle work stride based on slave lag' do 15.times { |n| execute("insert into origin set id = '#{ (n * n) + 1 }'") } printer = mock() printer.expects(:notify).with(instance_of(Integer), instance_of(Integer)).twice printer.expects(:end) throttler = Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag.new(stride: 10, allowed_lag: 0) def throttler.max_current_slave_lag 1 end Lhm::Chunker.new( @migration, connection, { throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder } ).run assert_equal(Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag::INITIAL_TIMEOUT * 2 * 2, throttler.timeout_seconds) slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(15) end end it 'should detect a single slave with no lag in the default configuration' do 15.times { |n| execute("insert into origin set id = '#{ (n * n) + 1 }'") } printer = mock() printer.expects(:notify).with(instance_of(Integer), instance_of(Integer)).twice printer.expects(:verify) printer.expects(:end) Lhm::Throttler::Slave.any_instance.stubs(:slave_hosts).returns(['']) Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag.any_instance.stubs(:master_slave_hosts).returns(['']) throttler = Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag.new(stride: 10, allowed_lag: 0) if master_slave_mode? def throttler.slave_connection(slave) config = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.db_config.configuration_hash.dup config[:host] = slave config[:port] = 33007 ActiveRecord::Base.send('mysql2_connection', config) end end Lhm::Chunker.new( @migration, connection, { throttler: throttler, printer: printer, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder } ).run assert_equal(Lhm::Throttler::SlaveLag::INITIAL_TIMEOUT, throttler.timeout_seconds) assert_equal(0, throttler.send(:max_current_slave_lag)) slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(15) end printer.verify end it 'should abort early if the triggers are removed' do 15.times { |n| execute("insert into origin set id = '#{ (n * n) + 1 }'") } printer = mock() failer = Proc.new { false } exception = assert_raises do Lhm::Chunker.new( @migration, connection, { verifier: failer, printer: printer, throttler: throttler, chunk_finder: Lhm::IdSetChunkFinder } ).run end assert_match "Verification failed, aborting early", exception.message slave do value(count_all(@destination.name)).must_equal(0) end end end end