#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'ttytest' START_COL = 19 def assert_check_new_row(row) @tty.assert_row_starts_with(row, "#{ENV['USER']}:") @tty.assert_row_like(row, 'ncsh') @tty.assert_row_ends_with(row, '$') @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL, row) end @tty = TTYtest.new_terminal(%(PS1='$ ' ./bin/ncsh), width: 80, height: 24) row = 0 # # # # Basic Tests # # # # puts 'Starting basic tests' @tty.assert_row_starts_with(row, 'ncsh: startup time: ') row += 1 assert_check_new_row(row) @tty.send_keys(%(ls)) @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL + 2, 1) @tty.send_newline @tty.assert_row_ends_with(row, 'ls') row += 1 @tty.assert_row_starts_with(row, 'LICENSE') row = 9 assert_check_new_row(row) @tty.send_keys(%(echo hello)) @tty.send_newline row += 1 @tty.assert_row(row, 'hello') row += 1 assert_check_new_row(row) @tty.send_keys(%(lss)) # send a bad command @tty.send_newline row += 1 @tty.assert_row(row, 'ncsh: Could not find command or directory: No such file or directory') row += 1 puts 'Starting backspace tests' # end of line backspace assert_check_new_row(row) @tty.send_keys(%(l)) @tty.send_backspace assert_check_new_row(row) # multiple end of line backspaces @tty.send_keys(%(lsssss)) @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.assert_row_ends_with(row, '$ ls') @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_keys(%(echo hello)) # make sure buffer is properly formed after backspaces @tty.send_newline row += 1 @tty.assert_row(row, 'hello') row += 1 # midline backspace assert_check_new_row(row) @tty.send_keys(%(lsssss)) @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL + 6, row) @tty.send_keys(TTYtest::LEFT_ARROW) @tty.send_keys(TTYtest::LEFT_ARROW) @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL + 4, row) @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL, row) @tty.assert_row_ends_with(row, '$ ss') @tty.send_keys(TTYtest::RIGHT_ARROW) @tty.send_keys(TTYtest::RIGHT_ARROW) @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL + 2, row) @tty.send_backspace @tty.send_backspace @tty.assert_cursor_position(START_COL, row) @tty.send_keys(%(echo hello)) # make sure buffer is properly formed after backspaces @tty.send_newline row += 1 @tty.assert_row(row, 'hello')