module ImageHelper # namify returns the first letters of first name and last name # @examples Basic usage # # >>> namify("Krishnaprasad Varma") # => "KV" def namify(name) name.split(" ").map{|x| x.first.capitalize}[0..1].join("") end # placeholdit is a helper method used to return urls with custom width, height and text # It is quite useful for POC Applications to get started with place holder images while developing views # # @example Without Any Arguments # # >>> placeholdit() # "" # # @example With width, height and custom text # # >>> placeholdit(width: 120, height: 80, text: "User") # "" def placeholdit(**options) options.reverse_merge!( width: 60, height: 60, text: "" ) "{options[:width]}x#{options[:height]}&text=#{options[:text]}" end # image_url is a helper method which can be used along with carrier_wave gem # Suppose, you have an object 'user' which has a profile_picture # image_url will return you the system default image url if profile_picture is not set else it will return you the carrier wave url # the convention is that the there is a folder named defaults in /assets which has user-small.png file # user-small => user is the class name and small is the size name # for e.g: if the class name is JackFruit, then: # the filename which it expect would be /assets/defaults/jackfruit-small.png # # @example Basic Usage without Image # # >>> image_url(user, "profile_picture.image.thumb.url") # "/assets/defaults/user-thumb.png" # # @example Basic Usage with Image # # >>> image_url(user_with_image, "profile_picture.image.thumb.url") # "uploads/profile_picture/image/1/thumb_test.jpg" # # @example Advance Usage with Arguments # # >>> image_url(user, "profile_picture.image.large.url", {width: 40, height: 10, text: "Pic"}) # "/assets/defaults/user-large.png" def image_url(object, method_name, **options) begin url = object.send :eval, method_name raise if url.blank? rescue options.reverse_merge!(size: "small") url = object.respond_to?(:default_image_url) ? object.default_image_url(options[:size]) : "/assets/kuppayam/defaults/default-#{options[:size]}.png" end return url end # This method will render the image with required width and height. # The image url will be set to the placeholder url if the object doesn't respond to the image method # # @example Basic Usage without Image # # >>> display_image(user, "profile_picture.image.thumb.url") # "\"100x60&text=<no" # # @example Basic Usage with image # # >>> display_image(user, "profile_picture.image.thumb.url", width: "100%", height:"100%") # "\"100x60&text=<no" # # @example Advanced Usage with width & height # # >>> display_image(user_with_image, 'profile_picture.image.large.url', width: "30px", height: "50px", size: "small") # "\"Large" def display_image(object, method_name, **options) options.reverse_merge!(size: "large") options.reverse_merge!( width: "100%", height: "auto", place_holder: {}, class: "" ) begin image_object_name = method_name.split(".").first image_object = object.send :eval, image_object_name image_object_id = image_object ? : nil rescue raise "Error with display_image method in kuppayam image_helper.rb" end options[:class] = options[:class] + (object.persisted? ? " #{image_object_id}-#{options[:size]}-image" : "") img_url = image_url(object, method_name, **options) return image_tag(img_url, class: options[:class], width: options[:width], height: options[:height]) end # Displays the image with a edit button below it # @example Basic Usage # >>> edit_image(@project, "logo.image.url", edit_url, width: "100px", height: "auto") # "" def edit_image(object, method_name, edit_url, delete_url, **options) options.reverse_merge!( image_options: {}, edit_options: {}, delete_options: {} ) # options[:image_options].reverse_merge!() options[:edit_options].reverse_merge!( remote: true, text: "Change", icon: "photo", class: "btn btn-primary btn-block btn-only-hover btn-xs", ) options[:delete_options].reverse_merge!( remote: true, text: "Remove", icon: "trash", class: "btn btn-danger btn-block btn-only-hover btn-xs" ) # Image HTML image_tag = display_image(object, method_name, **options[:image_options]) # Edit Button edit_btn_display = raw(theme_fa_icon(options[:edit_options][:icon]) + theme_button_text(options[:edit_options][:text])) edit_btn = link_to(edit_btn_display, edit_url, :class=>options[:edit_options][:class], :remote=>options[:edit_options][:remote]) # Remove Button (only if the object is persisted) assoc_name = options[:image_options][:assoc_name] image_object = nil image_object = object.send(assoc_name) if object.respond_to?(assoc_name) if image_object && image_object.persisted? remove_btn_display = raw(theme_fa_icon(options[:delete_options][:icon]) + theme_button_text(options[:delete_options][:text])) remove_btn = link_to(remove_btn_display, delete_url, :class=>options[:delete_options][:class], :remote=>options[:delete_options][:remote], method: :delete) end link_to(image_tag, edit_url, :remote => options[:remote]) + content_tag(:div, class: "btn-group btn-group-justified mt-30") do edit_btn + (object.persisted? ? remove_btn : "") end end # Returns new photo url or edit existing photo url based on object is associated with photo or not # @example Basic Usage - User without Image # >>> upload_image_link(@user, :profile_picture, :admin) # "/admin/images/new" # # @example Basic Usage - User with Iamge # # >>> upload_image_link(@user_with_image, :profile_picture, :admin) # "/admin/images/1/edit" # # @example Basic Usage - Custom Scope # # >>> upload_image_link(@project, :profile_picture, :customer) # "/customer/images/new" # >>> upload_image_link(@project_with_image, :profile_picture, :customer) # "/customer/images/1/edit" def upload_image_link(object, assoc_name=:photo, scope=:admin, **options) image_object = nil image_object = object.send(assoc_name) if object.respond_to?(assoc_name) if image_object.present? && image_object.persisted? main_app.url_for([:edit, scope, :image, id:, imageable_id:, imageable_type: object.class.to_s, image_type:]) else image_object = object.send("build_#{assoc_name}") main_app.url_for([:new, scope, :image, imageable_id:, imageable_type: object.class.to_s, image_type:]) end end def remove_image_link(object, assoc_name=:photo, scope=:admin, **options) image_object = nil image_object = object.send(assoc_name) if object.respond_to?(assoc_name) if image_object.persisted? main_app.url_for([scope, :image, id:, imageable_id:, imageable_type: object.class.to_s, image_type:]) else "#" end end end