require 'indemma/lib/record/restfulable.js' require 'indemma/lib/record/validatable.js' require 'indemma/lib/record/resource.js' 'use strict' root = exports ? window model = root.model # TODO model = require 'indemma/model' record = root.record # TODO model = require 'indemma/record' # Move to shared behaviour! should_behave_like_errorsable = -> describe '.errors', -> describe 'when server responds', -> beforeEach -> @xhr = status: 422 describe 'with errors', -> it 'should add messages for each attribute on the errors object' it 'should add messages for base attribute on the errors object', -> base_messages = ["arthur you should bring a towel!"] @xhr.responseText = JSON.stringify errors: base: base_messages @subject.failed @xhr, 'error' 'errors' @subject.errors[0].should.include 'base', 'server', server_message: base_messages[0] 'base', base_messages[0] describe 'with invalid error messages', -> it 'when inexistent attribute should throw exception', -> describe 'restfulable', -> describe 'when included', -> it 'sets te restufulable loaded flag on model', -> # it 'adds save methods to records' describe 'record', -> # TODO Convert to @arthur arthur = null describe '()', -> beforeEach -> @person = resource: 'person' # TODO Convert to @arthur @arthur = @person name: 'Arthur Philip Dent' # TODO put persistance check in other property @arthur.dirty = true describe '.json()', -> it 'should remove all non data properties', -> @arthur.json() 'before_initialize' describe '.save()', -> beforeEach -> sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax").returns(jQuery.Deferred()) afterEach -> jQuery.ajax.restore() it 'should be able to serialize record', -> JSON.stringify @arthur.json() it 'should ignore key in transient fields' it 'should send paramenters accordingly' # TODO erase this test and implement the above test (should # send paramenters accordingly) it 'should make ajax call', -> describe 'model' , -> describe '()', -> describe '.json()', -> beforeEach -> @personable = resource: 'person' has_many: 'friends' nested_attributes: ['friends'] name: String @friendable = resource: 'friend' belongs_to: 'person' describe '.assign_attributes()', -> beforeEach -> @personable = resource: 'person' has_many: 'friends' belongs_to: 'company' has_one: 'towel' name: String @friendable = resource: 'friend' belongs_to: 'person' name: String @companyable = resource: 'company' has_many: 'people' name: String @towelable = resource: 'towel' belongs_to: 'person' material: String @arthur = @personable name: 'Arthur Dent' @ford = @friendable name: 'Ford Perfect' @marvin = @friendable name: 'Marvin' @megadodo = @companyable name: 'Megadodo Publications' @towel = @towelable material: 'Microfiber' # TODO implement setter on has many association and move this code to there it 'should not assign attribute with the same value twice', -> object = {} @arthur = @personable name: object @arthur.assign_attributes name: {wearing: 'robe'} object it 'assigns associations properly', -> attributes = friends: [@ford, @marvin] @arthur.assign_attributes attributes search_record = (association, search) -> search = JSON.stringify search.json() for associated in association associated = JSON.stringify(associated.json()) return true if associated == search false search_record(@arthur.friends, @ford ) search_record(@arthur.friends, @arthur) describe 'when assigning has one', -> it 'should build new objects when associated not defined', -> @arthur.assign_attributes towel: {material: 'Copper'} 'towel' 'material', 'Copper' it 'should not build new objects when associated already defined', -> @arthur.towel = @towel @arthur.assign_attributes towel: {name: 'Copper'} 'towel', @towel 'name', 'Copper' 'name', 'Copper' describe 'when assigning belongs to', -> it 'should build new objects when associated not defined', -> @arthur.assign_attributes company: {name: 'Megado'} 'company' 'name', 'Megado' it 'should not build new objects when associated already defined', -> = @megadodo @arthur.assign_attributes company: {name: 'Megado'} 'company', @megadodo 'name', 'Megado' 'name', 'Megado' describe 'with singular resource', -> describe '.create()', -> it 'should return promises' it 'should return models when promise is resolved' describe 'with plural resource', -> describe '.create()', -> beforeEach -> @personable = resource: 'person' @deferred = jQuery.Deferred() @deferred.resolveWith @personable({_id: 1, name: 'Arthur'}), [{_id: 1, name: 'Arthur'}] sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax").returns @deferred @promise = @personable.create {name: 'Arthur'}, {name: 'Ford'} afterEach -> jQuery.ajax.restore() # TODO move this test to restful test it 'should return a promise', -> @promise.state() 'resolved' it 'should return models when promise is resolved', (done) -> # Will be called once for each saved record created = -> 'Arthur' done() @personable.create {name: 'Arthur'}, {name: 'Ford'}, created it 'should optionally accept create callback', (done) -> @promise = @personable.create {name: 'Arthur'}, {name: 'Ford'} @promise.done -> done() @promise.state() 'resolved' it 'should create record when only callback is passed', (done) -> @personable.create -> done() 3 # 2 are from the beforeEach it 'should throw exception when nothing is passed', () -> expect(@personable.create).to.throw TypeError it 'should make ajax calls', -> 2 describe '.destroy()', -> describe 'with plural resource', -> arthur = person = deferred = null beforeEach -> person = resource: 'person' deferred = jQuery.Deferred() deferred.resolveWith person(name: 'Arthur'), [id: 1] sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax").returns(deferred) arthur = person name: 'Arthur', id: 1 afterEach -> jQuery.ajax.restore() it "throw exception when record has no id", -> delete expect(arthur.destroy).to.throw Error it "should make ajax calls", -> arthur.destroy() 1