14-08-2013 -- 0.4.0 + upload 0.4.0 branch to github 27-05-2013 -- 0.3.6 + update BSig engine with version 2 26-04-2013 -- 0.3.5 + SFP: replace class with schema 05-04-2013 -- 0.3.4 + enable standalone mode + enable master node to apply desired state specified in given configuration file 05-04-2013 -- 0.3.4(alpha) + add new modules: nginx and mariadb + replace nohup with forever in nurilabs + add v init script "bin/nuri-init" + modify "bin/install-client" to install v init script to enable start/stop nuri-client deamon through "service" 05-04-2013 -- 0.3.3 + add new modules "nurilabs" and "mongodb" 06-03-2013 -- 0.3.2 + set the state of an "offline" node with value 28-02-2013 -- 0.3.2 + rename files in bin directory + bin/nuri.rb => bin/nuri + bin/client => bin/nuri-client + bin/master => bin/nuri-master + bin/bsig-status.sh => bin/bsig-status + bin/install.sh => bin/install-client + Add a new module "rackspace" that manages Rackspace Compute V2 (Next-Gen) + Add a new module "aws" that manages Amazon Web Service EC2 (compute) 25-02-2013 -- 0.3.1 + Fix a bug on the planner when a variable's initial value equals . This is fixed by adding to domain of all non-static variables. 18-02-2013 -- 0.3.1 + send a BSig-goal to a node that supports the goal + the BSig-goal of uncreated VM will be sent to cloud-proxy, which will be sent to Nuri client-agent after the VM has been created + activate BSig model of a new-created VM after it received the BSig model + a node with "null" address means that it is a VM but not yet created + if a Nuri client-agent cannot be contacted, then all variables of that agent have values "" + a variable has value "" iff the node has been created, the Nuri client-agent can be contacted, and the variable is not exist in that node + BSig-goal is a collection of pairs of variable-value, where variable's final value is either not same with the initial state, or supported by an operator in the workflow 11-02-2013 -- 0.3.0a + add the cloud-proxy node as "trusted" node -- inside "create_vm" + enable system-information propagation between children nodes + planner optimization + run 1st with CG|CEA|FF to generate highly likely possible actions + remove actions which are not selected by previous step + run LMCUT with selected actions to get sub-optimal workflow 10-02-2013 -- 0.3.0a + enable machine's reference in members of Apachelb 08-02-2013 -- 0.3.0 + enable cloud-proxy as a component, but right now only support HP-Cloud + cloud-proxy is not integrated anymore with master-node + new configuration in nuri.sfp: "virtual_machine" (boolean) represents whether a node is a virtual machine or not; if it is, then use VM instead of Machine class + update "get_system_information" method in master.rb to adopt cloud-proxy + class VM is a subclass of class Machine in both SFP and Ruby codes 09-01-2013 -- 0.2.1 + set time limit for the solver (default 5mins) -- it can be set by specifying "solver_timeout" in "nuri.sfp" + prioritise repairing local-flaws than remote-flaws + rename method "get_self_state" => "update_state" in resource.rb and all modules' ruby files 07-01-2013 -- 0.2.1 + new module: cloud (only handle HPCloud) + create/delete Virtual Machine (VM) + allow "parent" to be used in reference of constraint or mutation + obligation to provide manifest file (main.mf) for non-abstract module + any module without manifest file is an abstract module (it will not loaded by Nuri when aggregating current state) 02-01-2013 -- 0.2.0 + fix bugs in 'lib/nuri/sfp/sas.rb' -- in remove_not_constraint method + enable multiple statements in conditional constraint + allow administrator to check BSig status + push trusted nodes from master to client + restrict request only from trusted nodes in client + allow client to expose its active BSig model 27-12-2012 -- 0.2.0 (beta1) + fix bugs on BSig reminder -- send start BSig request through localhost + provide HTTP PUT /bsig/start -- to accept request starting BSig executor + fix partial-order workflow generator (use TO2PO algorithm in Ambite & Knoblock, Planning by Rewriting (2001) to replace Veloso et.al.'s algorithm(1990)) + provide new console command: console start-bsig + fix bugs on repairing local-flaws: need to check post-conditions of every operator execution with the real current state + bin/nuri.rb can be called from any directory 24-12-2012 -- 0.2.0 (beta) + enable synchronous BSig execution (replacing the asynchronous version) + redirect webrick logs (all levels) to "log/http.log" 23-12-2012 + enable BSig executor to send request to itself (localhost) for satisfying an operator's precondition + fix bugs on start/stop nuri client 21-12-2012 -- 0.2.0 (alpha) + enable distributed execution, but only tested on a system with 3 nodes 19-12-2012 -- 0.1.4 + from master node, sending BSig model to each client nodes + on client node, saving the BSig model 18-12-2012 -- 0.1.3 + enable partial-order workflow + generate BSig model + modify CLI parameters in 'bin/nuri.rb' -c => console -p => planner 12-12-2012 -- 0.1.2 + replace mongrel with WEBrick + disable secure connection due to immature implementations (buggy) 18-11-2012 -- 0.1.1 + implement modules to manage TikiWiki; separated into two modules: - Tikiweb -- managing the frontend: installing PHP files, set PHP config - Tikidb -- managing the backend: executing SQL to create the database, grant/revoke permissions 12-11-2012 + implement module "Apachelb" -- Apache Load Balancer + allow Set as argument of procedure 06-11-2012 + first release + available modules - Apache - Mysql