module Spina class Page < ApplicationRecord extend Mobility include Partable # Stores the old path when generating a new materialized_path attr_accessor :old_path # Page contains multiple parts called PageParts has_many :page_parts, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :page alias_attribute :parts, :page_parts accepts_nested_attributes_for :page_parts, allow_destroy: true # Orphaned pages are adopted by parent pages if available, otherwise become root has_ancestry orphan_strategy: :adopt # Pages can belong to navigations (optional) has_many :navigation_items, dependent: :destroy has_many :navigations, through: :navigation_items # Pages can belong to a resource belongs_to :resource, optional: true scope :regular_pages, -> { where(resource: nil) } scope :resource_pages, -> { where.not(resource: nil) } scope :active, -> { where(active: true) } scope :sorted, -> { order(:position) } scope :live, -> { active.where(draft: false) } scope :in_menu, -> { where(show_in_menu: true) } # Save children to update all materialized_paths after_save :save_children after_save :touch_navigations after_save -> { page_parts.each(&:save) } # Create a 301 redirect if materialized_path changed after_save :rewrite_rule before_validation :set_materialized_path validates :title, presence: true translates :title, :description, :materialized_path translates :menu_title, :seo_title, default: -> { title } def to_s name end def url_title title.try(:parameterize) end def custom_page? !deletable end def save_children self.children.each(&:save) end def live? !draft? && active? end def previous_sibling self.siblings.where('position < ?', self.position).sorted.last end def next_sibling self.siblings.where('position > ?', self.position).sorted.first end def set_materialized_path self.old_path = materialized_path self.materialized_path = localized_materialized_path self.materialized_path += "-#{self.class.i18n.where(materialized_path: materialized_path).count}" if self.class.i18n.where(materialized_path: materialized_path).where.not(id: id).count > 0 materialized_path end def cache_key super + "_" + Mobility.locale.to_s end def view_template_config(theme) view_template_name = view_template.presence || 'show' theme.view_templates.find { |template| template[:name] == view_template_name } end def view_template_page_parts(theme) { |page_part| page_part[:name].in? view_template_config(theme)[:page_parts] } end private def touch_navigations navigations.update_all(updated_at: end def rewrite_rule RewriteRule.where(old_path: old_path).first_or_create.update_attributes(new_path: materialized_path) if old_path != materialized_path end def localized_materialized_path if I18n.locale == I18n.default_locale generate_materialized_path.prepend('/') else generate_materialized_path.prepend("/#{I18n.locale}/").gsub(/\/\z/, "") end end def generate_materialized_path if root? name == 'homepage' ? '' : "#{url_title}" else ancestors.collect(&:url_title).append(url_title).join('/') end end end end