require 'maven/jetty/cli' require 'maven/tools/gem_project' require 'maven/gwt/layout' require 'fileutils' module Maven module Gwt class PomMagic < Maven::Jetty::PomMagic def generate_pom( dir = '.', *args ) proj = ensure_web_xml( dir, proj ) ensure_mavenfile( dir ) load_standard_files( dir, proj ) pom_xml( dir, proj, args ) end def gwt_module( layout ) gwt_module = layout.find_gwt_xml unless gwt_module path = layout.java_root.sub( /#{File.expand_path( '.' )}/, '').sub( /^\//, '' ) e = "no gwt module found in '#{path}'. try to run the command below to setup a minimal gwt application.\n\n\t\t#{File.basename( $0 )} setup JAVA_PACKAGE [APP_NAME]\n\n" def e.backtrace [] end raise e end gwt_module end def ensure_mavenfile( dir ) unless File.exists?( File.join( dir, 'Mavenfile' ) ) layout = dir ) file = File.expand_path( gwt_module( layout ) ) gwt_module = file.sub( /#{layout.java_root}\/?/, '' ).sub( /.gwt.xml$/, '' ).gsub( /\//, '.') app_name = gwt_module.sub( /.*\./, '' ) unless File.exists?( File.join( layout.public_dir, app_name + ".html" ) ) app_name = 'index' end super dir, File.dirname( __FILE__ ), 'GWT_MODULE' => gwt_module, 'APP_NAME' => app_name end end def ensure_web_xml( dir, proj ) super dir, proj, File.dirname( __FILE__ ), File.join( dir, 'public', 'WEB-INF', 'web.xml' ) end end end end