module RubyOnAcid #The parent class for all other Factories. #Should not normally be instantiated directly. class Factory #An array of factories to be queried by get_unit and have their return values averaged. attr_accessor :source_factories #Takes a hash with these keys and defaults: # :source_factories => [] def initialize(options = {}) @minimums = {} @maximums = {} @source_factories = options[:source_factories] || [] end #Calls #get_unit(key) on each source factory and averages results. def get_unit(key) return nil if source_factories.empty? values ={|factory| factory.get_unit(key)} average = values.inject(0.0){|sum, value| sum += value} / source_factories.size end #Calls get_unit with key to get value between 0.0 and 1.0, then converts that value to be between given minimum and maximum. def within(key, minimum, maximum) get_unit(key) * (maximum - minimum) + minimum end #Calls get_unit with key to get value between 0.0 and 1.0, then converts that value to be between given minimum and maximum. def get(key, options = {}) @minimums[key] = (options[:min] || @minimums[key] || 0.0) @maximums[key] = (options[:max] || @maximums[key] || (@minimums[key] > 1.0 ? @minimums[key] + 1.0 : 1.0)) (get_unit(key) * (@maximums[key] - @minimums[key])) + @minimums[key] end #Returns true if get_unit(key) returns greater than 0.5. def boolean(key) get_unit(key) >= 0.5 end #Calls get_unit with key to get value between 0.0 and 1.0, then converts that value to an index within the given list of choices. #choices can be an array or an argument list of arbitrary size. def choose(key, *choices) all_choices = choices.flatten index = (get_unit(key) * all_choices.length).floor index = all_choices.length - 1 if index > all_choices.length - 1 all_choices[index] end end end